萨省技术移民无雇主offer类别处理周期 - 飞出国 2019
萨省技术移民省提名阶段周期7个月,联邦阶段EE 6个月之内,OID 15个月左右,其他时间就是职业认证时间和获邀等待时间。飞出国下面就 SINP 无雇主offer各阶段周期及当前申请条件做详细说明。
飞出国:截止到2019年1月18日,萨省技术移民政策还没有调整,无雇主 offer 类别依然是分为传统紧缺职业(OID Occupation In-Demand)和快速通道类别(EE)。
- International Skilled Worker: Occupation In-Demand
- International Skilled Worker: Express Entry
萨省无雇主offer的这两个类别紧缺职业列表,萨省评分标准,申请流程都一样,区别是 Express Entry 类别需要满足加拿大类别 EE 的入池要求(简单说是雅思4个6,够FSW联邦技术移民的67分),另外一个区别是联邦移民签证阶段EE类别比传统类别快接近一年。
萨省技术移民2019年处理周期 - 飞出国
飞出国:SINP 萨省技术移民处理分为三个阶段:
- 准备阶段,这个里面的不确定因素包含什么时候获得邀请(2018年7月16日萨省实施了 SINP EOI),需要有雅思,完成学历认证,提交职业认证后才有机会获邀。对需要职业认证的认证什么时候完成会影响后面省提名周期;
- s萨省省提名阶段,2019年1月萨省省提名阶段官方处理周期是 27-29周,大概 7 个月;
- 联邦签证阶段,如果是 EE,周期是6个月内,如果是传统 OID,周期是 15 个月左右,这个可以参考 BC 雇主担保传统和EE两个类别的移民签证处理周期;
飞出国:如果顺利获得 SINP 邀请且有了职业认证结果,省提名阶段需要7个月左右,如果是 EE 那么全程就是一年左右。如果是传统 OID 全程就是2年左右(一般是2年内)。而职业认证需要时间,什么时候获邀(有没有申请人的职业,邀请分数都有不确定性),申请人能做的只有提前准备,把握机会。
附:萨省技术移民 2018 年邀请记录 - 飞出国
飞出国:因为 2019年萨省还没有发邀请,这里记录一下 2018 年萨省邀请情况。2018年开放记录情况参考这里:2018年萨省技术移民开放记录 SINP EE-OID Application Intake Thresholds 。
从 2018 年的邀请历史来看,分数呈现由比较高到比较低的趋势,原因是,申请人多的话分数就高,申请人少分数就低,萨省申请人多少由紧缺职业的范围决定,当前萨省技术移民紧缺职业列表上的大众职业少,且认证也需要时间,导致当前萨省要求分数很低。
Please find the results from the EOI Selection on December 6, 2018 at the bottom of the page.
EOI Selection Results - 20181206 flyabroad
Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.
Date of Invitations to Apply | Category | Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate to Apply | Total Candidates Invited to Apply | Other Considerations |
August 21, 2018 | Express Entry | 68 | 466 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
September 20, 2018 | Occupations In-Demand | 75 | 140 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
September 27, 2018 | Express Entry | 65 | 225 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
September 27, 2018 | Occupations In-Demand | 66 | 213 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
October 10, 2018 | Express Entry | 60 | 359 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
October 10, 2018 | Occupations In-Demand | 63 | 494 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
November 1, 2018 | Express Entry | 60 | 255 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
November 1, 2018 | Occupations In-Demand | 61 | 671 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
November 23, 2018 | Express Entry | 63 | 247 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
November 23, 2018 | Occupations In-Demand | 64 | 267 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
December 6, 2018 | Express Entry | 61 | 211 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
December 6, 2018 | Occupations In-Demand | 61 | 532 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
附:萨省技术移民 2019 年紧缺职业清单及认证要求 - 飞出国
SINP In-Demand Occupation List - flyabroad 2019
SINP applicants for the International Skilled Worker sub-categories of Occupations in Demand and Express Entry are required to provide documentation related to professional status or licensure. Please see the list below for these requirements. If this proof is required for your intended NOC code, your application will be held for processing until such proof is provided – all other required documents must be included in your application or your application will be returned as incomplete and your application fee will not be refunded.
These occupations are forecasted to be in-demand in Saskatchewan over the next five years. For more information regarding Saskatchewan’s employment demand forecast, please visit our Labour Market Information page.
National Occupation Classification (NOC) | Occupations & Descriptions | SINP Requirements Related to Professional Status or Licensure (for regulated occupations or those with professional certification standards in Canada and/or Saskatchewan) |
2154 | Land surveyors | Provide documentation from the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS) showing your “Candidate status” and eligibility to write the CBEPS candidate examinations. |
3111 | Psychiatrists | Provide a copy of your valid licensure (regular, provisional, or ministerial) from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS); or Provide a copy of the correspondence from Saskdocs including acknowledgement of your eligibility letter for examination or certification with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Psychiatry (eligibility for examinations must have two or more years of eligibility remaining) and next steps to obtain licensure to work in Saskatchewan from the CPSS. |
3215 | Medical Radiation Technologists | Provide a copy of your valid licensure (restricted or full) from the Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists(SAMRT); or Provide a copy of the email from the SAMRT Registrar outlining your eligibility to apply to the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) to have your credentials assessed; AND a copy of the letter from the CAMRT notifying you of your assessment result and access to the national certification exam. |
3234 | Paramedics | Provide a copy of your valid licensure from the Saskatchewan College of Paramedics (SCoP); or Provide a copy of the correspondence from SCoP outlining your eligibility to apply to write the national certification examrelated to your practice level. |
4151 | Psychologists | Provide documentation from the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists showing your eligibility for provisional licensure. |
4212 | Social and community service workers | Provide your assessment of equivalency letter from the Canadian Association of Social Workers showing your foreign credential is equivalent to a Canadian Bachelor or Masters of Social Work. |
4214 | Early childhood educators and assistants | Provide copies of your assessment letter, the Early Learning and Child Care Assessment Sheet, and your Certificate of Qualification in Early Childhood Education from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. |
3211 | Medical laboratory technologists | Provide a copy of your valid licensure (temporary or provisional) from the Saskatchewan Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (SSMLT). NOTE: To determine eligibility for a SSMLT licence (temporary or provisional), SSMLT first requires a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) report from the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS). |
6331 | Meat cutters | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7201 | Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7204 | Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7311 | Industrial mechanics | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7312 | Heavy-duty equipment mechanics | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7321 | Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7322 | Motor vehicle body repairers | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7237 | Welders | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
7384 | Recreation Vehicle Service | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
0822 | Managers in horticulture | For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. If you hold a certificate of qualification from another Canadian province or hold a Red Seal certification, provide a copy of your certificate. |
8252 | Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers | None |
0821 | Managers in agriculture | None |
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