AINP 省提名移民配额及在处理申请数据记录 - 飞出国 2019
飞出国: 2018年加拿大阿尔伯塔省提名发出了 5600 AINP 移民提名。当前,阿省2019年移民配额数据还没有最终确定,飞出国会密切关注。
截止到 2019年2月11日,AINP 有大概 1600 份申请等待邀请。下面是 AINP 在处理数据。
- 超过 625 份新的阿省机遇类别 AOS 申请已经处理到2018年10月31日,
- 之前的雇主驱动类别(EDS)还有 730 份待处理申请,国际留学生类别刚处理到2018年3月21日。
- 之前的战略招聘类别(SRS)还有 150 份待处理申请,已经处理到2018年5月24日
从这些数据看老 AINP 处理速度还是比较慢的,新的 AOS 处理速度较快,同时阿省 EE 类别2019年还没有发出过邀请,2018年 AINP EE 共发出了 596 份邀请。
Nomination certificate limits - AINP 2019 flyabroad
The following numbers are accurate as of Februrary 11, 2019 .
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) sets the number of nominations the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) can issue each year.
The AINP has issued all 5,600 certificates for 2018.
The number of nominations the AINP can issue for 2019 is not yet available. The AINP will continue to assess applications in the queue and issue nominations in January 2019.
Approximately 1,600 applications await assessment for eligibility.
Information on application volumes and processing is available to help you determine the status of your application.
The AINP does not provide status updates.
Application volumes and processing - AINP 2019 flyabroad
Approximate volumes and assessment dates for each AINP stream/category are provided below.
“Assessing” means an AINP officer has been assigned a file to make an assessment and decision on eligibility.
Applications received after the date stated below have not yet been assigned to an officer for assessment.
The most common factors considered in AINP application processing include:
- application quality (completeness, eligibility, outdated application information/documents)
- labour market information
- volume of applications received
- the date the application was received
Read the AINP terms and conditions for more information on AINP application processing.
Alberta Opportunity Stream - AINP 2019 flyabroad
AINP Stream/Category/Industry Number of Applications in the queue (approximate) The AINP is assessing applications received before (approximate) Alberta Opportunity Stream Over 625 October 31, 2018 Employer-Driven Stream - AINP 2019 flyabroad
The AINP is no longer accepting applications under this stream.
Category/Industry Number of applications in the queue (approximate) The AINP is assessing applications before (approximate) Food and beverage processing industry Less than 10 May 2, 2018 Food services industry (Pilot project) All applications under this category have been assessed and received a decision Hotel and lodging industry All applications under this category have been assessed and received a decision International graduate category Over 650 March 21, 2018 Long-haul trucking industry All applications under this category have been assessed and received a decision Manufacturing industry All applications under this category have been assessed and received a decision Skilled worker category Over 70 June 14, 2018 Strategic Recruitment Stream - AINP 2019 flyabroad
The AINP is no longer accepting application under this stream.
Category/Industry Number of applications in the queue (approximate) The AINP is assessing applications received between (approximate) Compulsory and optional trades category All applications under this category have been assessed and received a decision Engineering occupations category All applications under this category have been assessed and received a decision Post-graduate worker category Over 150 May 24, 2018 Self-Employed Farmer Stream - AINP 2019 flyabroad
The AINP works closely with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AAF) to assess the eligibility of applicants under this stream. Processing times are not available.
Application volumes by occupation - AINP 2019 flyabroad
If you applied to the AINP under the International Graduate Category or Skilled Worker Category under one of the following occupations, your application will take longer to process as these applications make up over half of the AINP’s application inventory:
6311 - Food service supervisors
7511 - Transport truck drivers
6211 - Retail sales supervisors
6322 - Cooks
1241 - Administrative assistants
6315 - Cleaning supervisors
0631 – Restaurant and food service managers
6421 - Retail salespersons
0621 – Retail and wholesale trade managers
1311 – Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
Alberta Express Entry Stream Selection Draws - AINP 2019 flyabroad
The AINP regularly reviews available candidates in the federal Express Entry pool. Based on available profile information in the portal, the AINP draws to select candidates from the pool, inviting them to submit a completed application to the AINP. Information on Alberta Express Entry Stream Notification of Interest factors is included on the AINP - Selection Criteria page.
Past Draws - AINP EE 2019 flyabroad
Information on draws will typically be posted approximately one month after the date of draw.
Date of draw Number of Notification of Interest (NOI) Letters sent CRS score of lowest ranked candidate who received a NOI letter July 6, 2018 155 302 July 26, 2018 67 302 August 23, 2018 24 312 September 14, 2018 152 301 October 10, 2018 47 319 October 16, 2018 94 304 November 6, 2018 57 302 Future Draws - AINP EE 2019 flyabroad
Information on selection draws for 2019 will be updated once the number of nominations the AINP can issue for 2019 is available.
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