2019-2020WA西澳留学毕业生州担保职业清单 WA Graduate Occupation List

飞出国: 从2020年4月24日起,零售药剂师/Retail Pharmacist ( ANZSCO 251513) 这个职业取消了“Regional WA only”限制。即如果此职业的申请人想通过西澳毕业生类别申请西澳州担保,现在可以提供西澳的任何地方的6个月的全职永久或固定期限的雇佣合同,或者可以提供六个月的澳洲工作经验的证明。

Retail Pharmacist no longer ‘Regional WA Only’

From 24 April 2020, the occupation Retail Pharmacist (ANZSCO 251513) which is currently available on the Graduate Occupation list is no longer considered a ‘Regional WA only’ occupation.

If you wish to be considered for Western Australian State Nomination under the occupation ‘Retail Pharmacist’ (ANZSCO 251513) through the Graduate stream, you will now be able to provide a six month full time permanent or fixed-term employment contract from any location within Western Australian. Alternatively, you can provide evidence of six months Australian work experience.

All evidence must meet the Graduate Stream requirements.

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