2017-2018年度澳洲移民配额计划 2017-18 Migration Programme planning levels

飞出国:2017-2018年澳洲移民配额与2016-2017年配额一样,总移民配额还是 19 万人,技术类别(包括企业家移民和商业移民)128,550人,家庭类别5.74万人。

Fact Sheet: 2017-18 Migration Programme planning levels

Migration Programme planning levels

The Migration Programme is designed to achieve a range of economic and social outcomes. The programme is set annually, with the total places available capped at 190,000 for 2017-18, unchanged from 2016-17. The total programme is broken down into the following streams:

  • Skilled – designed to improve the productive capacity of the economy and fill skill shortages in the labour market, including those in regional Australia. This represents the majority of places offered (128,550 places in 2017-18).
  • Family – is predominately made up of Partner visas, enabling Australians to reunite with family members from overseas, and provide them with pathways to citizenship (57,400 places in 2017-18).
  • Fact Sheet - Overview of family stream migration has more information.
  • Special Eligibility – this covers visas for those in special circumstances that do not fit into the other streams. This can include permanent residents returning to the country after a period away, and is the smallest stream (565 places in 2017-18).

More information is available in Fact Sheet - Special Eligibility Stream.

At least 3,485 Child places will be available outside the managed Migration Programme in 2017-18.

Stream and Category 2016-17 2017-18
Skill stream - flyabroad
Employer Sponsored 48,250 48,250
Skilled Independent 43,990 43,990
State & Territory & Regional Sponsored 28,850 28,850
Business Innovation & Investment Programme 7,260 7,260
Distinguished Talent 200 200
Skill Total 128,550 128,550
Skill % of Programme 68.9%* 68.9%*
Family Stream - flyabroad
Partner 47,825 47,825
Parent 8,675 8,675
Other Family 900 900
Family Total 57,400 57,400
Family % of Programme 30.8%* 30.8%*
Special Eligibility 565 565
Total Migration Programme 186,515 186,515
Child (outside the Migration Programme) 3,485 3,485

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcg-flyabroad): http://flyabroad.me


2017-18 年度的移民配额与 2016-17 年度的移民配额几乎完全一样,但2018-2019年可能会有变化,澳洲移民部对移民配额计划的征集意见已经在昨天关闭,征集的意见会体现在以后年度的移民计划里。

The Department of Home Affairs has developed a discussion paper titled Managing Australia’s Migrant Intake (PDF) about Australia’s 2018-19 permanent Migration Program.

Managing Australia’s Migrant Intake

Over the last few decades, the Program has fluctuated from a low of 52,600 places in 1983-84, increasing
over time to 148,200 in 2006-07 and then continuing to trend upward to a high of 190,000 since 2012-13.