加拿大移民2012年各类移民类别完成的配额数 Canada New Permanent Residents Admitted in 2012

2016年加拿大移民配额计划 Canada Immigration Levels Plan 继续讨论:


Table 2: New Permanent Residents Admitted in 2012

移民类别 Immigrant Category - 飞出国 2012计划 2012实际接收数
Low High
Federal-selected 74,500 79,300 81,030
FederalSkilled Workers 55,000 57,000 57,213
FederalBusiness 5,500 6,000 5,446
CanadianExperience Class 6,000 7,000 9,359
Live-inCaregivers 8,000 9,300 9,012
Quebec-selectedSkilled Workers 31,000 34,000 34,256
Quebec-selectedBusiness 2,500 2,700 4,634
Provincialand Territorial Nominees 42,000 45,000 40,899
SubtotalEconomic Class: Principal Applicants     68,266
Subtotal Economic Class: Spouses and Dependants     92,553
Total Economic Class 150,000 161,000 160,819
Spouses,Partners and Children 38,000 44,000 43,193
Parentsand Grandparents 21,800 25,000 21,815
Total Family Class 59,800 69,000 65,008
Government-assisted Refugees 7,500 8,000 5,430
PrivatelySponsored Refugees 4,000 6,000 4,220
Protected Persons in Canada (PPiC) 7,000 8,500 8,586
Dependants Abroad 4,000 4,500 4,858
Total Protected Persons 22,500 27,000 23,094
Humanitarianand Compassionate Grounds/Public Policy 7,600 7,800 8,894
PermitHolders 100 200 67
Total Other 7,700 8,000 8,961
CategoryNot Stated 5
TOTAL 240,000 265,000 257,887