
据CIC NEWS 消息称,魁北克政府新的预算对移民方面的投入大幅度增加。魁北克承诺在未来3年将投入 2.46亿 加币来帮助本省吸引和融合移民!


Quebec Finance Minister, Eric Girard, tabled the 2021-2022 provincial budget on March 25. This new budget provides an additional $246 million over the next three years to help the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) increase its efforts to better recognize the skills of immigrants and encourage regional immigration based on labour market needs.

With this funding, the government will also be able to enhance support for new immigrants taking French language courses and to promote the attraction and retention of international students, according to a press release (in French) issued by the MIFI.

“The budget presented by the Government of Quebec demonstrates the importance of immigration in government priorities,” Nadine Girault, Quebec’s Immigration Minister, said in the French media release.

首先,在未来2年,会有 1.3亿加币 将用来 促进对移民技能的认可 ,其中包括调查和确定劳动力市场优先考虑的职业、对临时外籍工人从事的受管制的职业加强培训和实习、提供财政支持以减少或者减免培训收费等。

其次,由于大多数移民都倾向于定居在大都市,魁省政府鼓励移民到不同的地区定居。因此,在未来两年,魁省政府将投入 5700万加币 用来实施各项措施 促进区域移民 ,解决部分地区的劳动力短缺问题。

除此之外,在未来2年魁省政府将拨出 5000万加币 的资金用来增加和改善教育资源 以支持移民学习法语

最后,魁省政府将拿出 900多万加币 用于 吸引和留住国际学生 ,加拿大政府已经认识到国际留学生对本省知识网络构建和经济发展的重要作用。


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