189/190 体检

我和我太太,刚提交了 My Health Declaration,就是想在提交190签证前完成体检。我们已经下载了体检的referral letter并预约了体检。奇怪的是,在我们都没有体检的情况下,我的状态是等待体检,我太太的状态却是检查正在进行:

Examinations in progress
A panel clinic is currently processing this person’s health examination(s) in eMedical. This screen will be updated once this person’s case has been submitted to the department for processing. This may not occur until all results are finalised after the person has left the clinic. Ongoing delays should be followed up with the clinic in relation to the progress of your health examination results. Do not contact the department about this matter.



再次请教mongo,190申请 是否需要上传中国身份证?如果需要是否需要公证处公证还是可以直接找人翻译?谢谢!