

  1. 如果孩子出生在澳洲,父母中有一方是澳洲公民或者永居,孩子的身份一般是澳洲公民身份,同时,孩子的祖国如果承认双国籍,那么孩子就是双国籍身份。

A baby born in Australia is automatically an Australian citizen if at least one parent was an Australian citizen or permanent resident at the time of birth.

  1. 如果孩子出生在澳洲境外,父母中有一方是澳洲公民,则孩子可以通过继承方式申请澳洲国籍。

Your baby might be eligible for Australian citizenship by descent.

A baby who may be eligible for Australian citizenship (but has not yet acquired Australian citizenship by descent) can travel on a visa to Australia on a passport issued by another country. This may be done as long as the baby is not confirmed by us to be an Australian citizen. You could consider bringing the baby to Australia on a visitor visa, for example.

  1. 如果孩子出生在澳洲境外,父母中有一方是澳洲永居(父母都不是澳洲公民),则孩子需要通过对应的签证申请获得澳洲永居身份。比如,对于我们中国申请人来说,孩子在中国出生,父母是澳洲永居,父母可以选择在中国境内递交101签证或者在澳洲境内递交802签证申请,孩子获签后是澳洲永居身份。

If you wish to bring your baby to Australia as a permanent resident, you may want to consider:

  • applying for a Child (subclass 101) visa for your baby. Your baby must be outside Australia when:
    • you apply for the Child visa
    • we make a decision on your baby’s Child visa application
  1. 如果孩子出生在澳洲,父母仅持有临时签证(比如学生签500,489签证等),那么孩子最多可以申请和父母一样的签证类别,即孩子和父母一样只有临时身份。

Your baby will be considered to hold any visa(s) that you and the other parent held when the baby was born.

Your baby will also be added to any unfinalised visa applications you may have before the Department at the time of your baby’s birth.

Your baby is not an Australian citizen or a permanent resident.

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