新西兰随行子女学生签证按本地学生免费入读新西兰公立基础教育 Dependent Child Student Visa

父母持工签或学生签证时子女可以申请新西兰学生签证 - 飞出国

Dependent children of certain kinds of work and student visa holders can apply for a student visa to allow them to go school while their parents work or study in New Zealand. The children can be treated as domestic students, which means they don’t have to pay tuition fees to go to a primary or secondary school.

飞出国 新西兰子女学生签证基本条件 - 飞出国
期限 与父母留学或工作签证等长 A dependent child can stay for the same length of time as their parent’s visa.
年龄 19岁及以下随行子女才能申请 19 and under

对父母持留学签证的,只有就读交换生,新西兰大学 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme 及新西兰资助奖学金项目的留学生才能担保子女申请学生签证按新西兰当地学生读书。

对父母持工签的,船员,季节性工签,银蕨,技术移民工作search签证,打工度假签证,保姆签证(佣人)和低技术的基本技能工签类别不能担保子女申请学生签证按当地学生入读公立基础教育。对基本技能工签类别(Essential Skills Work Visa)中的中高技术工收入要达到 4.3 万税前年薪才有资格担保子女学生签证(Dependent Child Student Visa)。

  • Dependent children of Student Visa holders are only eligible for this visa if one of their parents is in New Zealand for an approved student exchange scheme, is enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in a New Zealand university, or has a New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarship.

With this visa (Dependent Child Student Visa) you can:

  • A dependent child can join their parent in New Zealand.
  • A dependent child can study at a primary or secondary school in New Zealand.
  • A dependent child can be treated as a domestic student, which means you don’t have to pay tuition fees for them to go to school.

Dependent children of certain kinds of work and student visa holders can apply for a student visa to allow them to go school while their parents work or study in New Zealand. The children can be treated as domestic students, which means they don’t have to pay tuition fees to go to a primary or secondary school.

If you are a student, your children will only be eligible for this visa, if one of the following apply to you:

  • you’re in New Zealand for a New Zealand Government-approved student exchange scheme
  • you’re enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in a New Zealand university
  • you have a New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarship.

If you have a work visa, your children will be eligible for this visa unless you have one of the following kinds of visa:

  • a Foreign Crew on Fishing Vessels Work Visa
  • a Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa
  • a Supplementary Seasonal Employment Work Visa
  • a Silver Fern Job Search Work Visa
  • a Skilled Migrant Job Search Visa
  • a Working Holiday Visa
  • a Domestic Staff of Diplomatic, Consular and Official Staff Work Visa.
  • an Essential Skills Work Visa and you are undertaking lower-skilled work.

Minimum income

If you hold an Essential Skills Work Visa or Religious Workers Visa, you must earn at least NZ $42,944.20 a year before tax