新西兰留学生配偶工签和子女读书政策 - support visas for partners and dependent children





  • 读硕士博士或读紧缺专业的本科或研究生文凭都可以给配偶申请开放工签
  • 其他 level 6及以下课程或非紧缺专业的 level 7,8 课程都无法给配偶申请开放工作签证


比配偶工签政策还要严格,只有新西兰认可的学生交换项目,入读新西兰大学的Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),及新西兰政府资助的奖学金项目学生的子女才能在新西兰按当地居民身份免费入读中小学公立教育。

留学生在新西兰学习的课程类型决定配偶和子女权利-飞出国 配偶和子女陪读 配偶工签 子女读书
博士 a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Yes Yes Yes
新西兰资助奖学金 as a New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarship student Yes Yes Yes
硕博 a level 9 or 10 qualification Yes Yes No
紧缺专业的本科及研究生 a level 7 or 8 qualificationin an area on our Long Term Skill Shortage List Yes Yes No
留学交换生 in an approved student exchange scheme Yes No Yes
其他学历 any other qualification Yes No No

If you are a student, your children will only be eligible for this visa (Dependent Child Student Visa), if one of the following apply to you:

  • you’re in New Zealand for a New Zealand Government-approved student exchange scheme
  • you’re enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in a New Zealand university
  • you have a New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarship.

Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD/DPhil)

A thesis constitutes the entire body of work on which the award of the qualification will be judged. Coursework may also be prescribed for the individual, but this will only contribute to the preparation for research and acceptance into the doctoral programme. Where appropriate, individuals may present a creative work as part of the thesis requirement.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
