魁北克留学生项目变化(Changes to the International Student Program)

魁北克留学生项目变化(Changes to the International Student Program) - 飞出国


  • 登陆后寻找学校的学习许可持有者的要求有变化;
  • 已经申请了学校的学习许可持有者的要求有变化;
  • 未持有工作许可,每周最多可以参加校外工作20小时;
  • 注册的印第安人申请学习许可的要求有所变化。

The main amendments announced by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) that will enter into effect on June 1, 2014 are as follows:

  • The requirement, for study permit holders, to actively pursue their studies after their arrival in the country;
  • The requirement, for study permit holders, to attend a designated learning institution for international students and to remain enrolled in such an institution;
  • The right to work off campus, up to 20 hours a week, without a work permit;
  • The omission of the requirement for foreign nationals who are registered Indian under the Indian Act to obtain a study permit to study in Canada.

关注登陆后的学习许可持有者的状态 - 飞出国


Tracking the status of study permit holders admitted into the country

The requirement, for study permit holders, to actively pursue their studies after their arrival in the country includes the implementation of a mechanism, by federal authorities, to track the status of study permit holders admitted into the country. This system engages the responsibility of the learning institutions.

Québec plans instead to require the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport and the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de la Science to provide information on international student enrolment based on their official data bases.

Consequently, the CIC must not solicit Québec learning institutions to register for the Designated Learning Institution Portal or to participate in the production of compliance reports on international students.

Furthermore, discussions on how this information will be processed and transmitted are ongoing between the representatives of the government departments concerned and the CIC in order to prevent any difficulties or errors regarding the interpretation of Québec data

**指定学习机构:**指的是根据魁省法律或者魁省政府授权成立的学校。大部分学校可以在这个网站查到: https://prod.mels.gouv.qc.ca/gdunojrecherche/listesPredefinies.do;jsessionid=yq0hTDLdFhXG5WWFWphGlnrwQ1sy2vBZHw6nsQhBJ08w15drcDfw!1108040342?methode=consulterListePredefinie


魁北克留学生项目变化 : http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/informations/notice-changes-students.html

魁北克留学生项目处理周期: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/obtaining-authorizations/certificat-acceptation/processing-times.html
