
夫妻俩不能同时做主申提交申请,只能选一个人做主申。通过 waiting room 排队挂号方式下注册多个账号没有意义。

飞出国:对魁北克抢配额真正有意义的是你能够在 waiting room 里占上比较靠前的位置,这个位置具体留给哪个账号登录都一样。所以不需要注册多个账号,不需要主副申请都注册账号,建议两人或多人同时去 waiting room 里排队。

Can I be the principal applicant in one application and the spouse in a second application?

No, this is not permitted if the applications are submitted under the same immigration category, whether they are submitted as the principal applicant or the spouse. Depending on the case, you must decide whether you or your spouse will be submitting the immigration application using the online Preliminary Evaluation for Immigration on the Immigration-Québec website.