飞出国:萨省省提名企业家移民 EOI 提交流程,满足最低申请条件的申请人在线提交 EOI 申请,与萨省技术移民在线申请类似,提交后系统会自动计算申请人得分,然后按分数高低进行邀请。
萨省 EOI 申请都是免费的,EOI 申请阶段不需要提供支撑文件,EOI 有效期 12 个月,提交之前可以随时修改 EOI(submit 后的就不能再修改了),获得萨省邀请后该 EOI 会从 EOI 系统里删除。
Expression of Interest (EOI) Submission to the SINP
Please follow these steps to submit your EOI to the program:
- Only those who meet the minimum eligibility criteria can submit an EOI.
- If you are eligible to apply under the Entrepreneur category review the Points Grid.
- Complete your EOI online. Instructions are provided during the online application. The system will calculate your score based upon the information you enter and your EOI will be placed in a pool for potential selection. Only EOIs with all sections completed can be submitted.
- If selected, your EOI will form part of your application. You must be sure your EOI is up to date at the time of submission, and that all answers are accurate and truthful. If your EOI is not up to date and it’s found that you or any person associated with your application omitted relevant information or provided misleading or fraudulent information at the time of assessment, your application will be rejected and you’ll be unable to apply to the SINP for a period of two years.
- Be sure you understand the questions before you provide an answer. If you’re unsure, use the help icons or review this page again.
- There’s no fee for submitting an EOI.
- You won’t need to attach any documents to your EOI. However, you will be required to attach documents, including translations if necessary, if you’re invited by the SINP to submit an electronic application.
- Your EOI is ranked based upon your points assessment score, after which it’s placed in an EOI pool.
- EOI’s can remain in the pool for 12 months from the date of receipt.
- If your EOI is not selected during this time it will be removed from the pool and you will be able to reapply if you want to.
- If you’re able to acquire additional points after starting your EOI, you can update your pending EOI with current information before it’s submitted.
- Once your EOI has been submitted you’ll not be able to update it. If your EOI is selected it will be removed from the pool and you’ll no longer be able to update it. Points for age are awarded based on your age on the date you submit your EOI.