萨省企业家移民最低申请要求:50万加币净资产,近10年3年管理经验,里贾纳和萨斯卡通区域投资30万刀或其他地区投资20万刀,创建的企业需要创造2个就业,购买的老企业要维持原有员工数,申请人企业所有权不能低于30%,。申请费 2500 加币。需要提交第三方评估报告(Third Party Verification Report)。
SINP Entrepreneur Category Minimum entry criteria:
- have $500,000 (CAD) at minimum in Net Business and Personal Assets;
- have a minimum of three years of relevant business management or entrepreneurial experience gained in the past ten years; and,
- intend to invest a minimum of $300,000 (CAD) in Regina and Saskatoon or a minimum of $200,000 (CAD) in all other Saskatchewan communities.
同时需要进入 EOI 按分数高低筛选,2017年3月3日邀请分数是 95 分,历次最低:
EOI Selection Results on March 3, 2017
Number of Invitations Issued | 107 |
Average EOI Score | 110 |
Highest EOI Score | 135 |
Lowest EOI Score | 95 |
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact/。