QLD 昆士兰州担保qld申请要求,申请流程及常见问题


谢谢。请问这个洲担保的职业和要去多久会变化一次? 是一个财政年变一次吗? 下次会变化的是什么时间?

55分可以拿州担保。。 不知道你了解 我职业评估的这个职业现在热门吗? 是否55分就容易拿到担保还是像热门职业一样可能需要60 或者65分比较稳妥。。 谢谢



BSMQ(Business & Skilled Migratiion Queensland) 2016-12-24 到 2017-01-03 期间放假,2016-12-22 之前递交的还会处理,之后递交的要等到 2017-01-03 后处理。


12 December 2016

At the close of another year, we’d like to take the time to thank you for your support and collaboration. It has been a pleasure working with you to consistently provide the quality service that we offer.

The BSMQ office will close from Saturday 24 December 2016 will reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2017.

Please note that we will not review any new EOIs or process any nominations during these dates. Please ensure you lodge your applications before Thursday 22 December 2016 or after Tuesday 3 January 2017.

On behalf of the team at Business and Skilled Migration Queensland, we hope that 2017 brings you happiness and success and we look forward to our continued cooperation.



7月27日:726 收到第一批昆士兰州担保邀请,QLD 成果总结


8月1日:725 新政变化,昆州州担保开放一周后暂停


8月15日:昆士兰州担保施行职业配额制,ICT 职业又挂了



你好 我想请问下,我通过了职业认证 architectural draftperson 312111 这个职业认证, 工作年限被扣了一年。 但是现在昆州的这个职业担保关闭了。 所以我现在想要再从新做一个职业认证312199: Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec 这个职业。 想请问下 因为这两个职业都在同个unit group的(3121), 所以我拿我原来architectural draftperson 这个职业认证的资料去申请是否得到的结果和工作年限也会是一样的? 这个职业也是比较冷门 自身55分就可以拿州担保吗? ( 我雅思4个6 工作年限5年) 谢谢


请问这个职业现在在昆州担保是否属于冷门职业 自身55分可以拿州担保吗? 现在昆州的州担保大概等待时间会是多久? 谢谢 BTW 请问下配偶的语言成绩要求, 有在国外读过3年的diploma是不是就可以免除雅思成绩?


谢谢你的回复。architectural draftperson 312111 这个职业也是很冷门没什么人申请的 但是却在月头提早关闭了 我好伤心刚刚做的职业认证, 好怕312199: Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec 这个职业也会突然关闭。 国外英语授课有diploma或者degree的至少两年制学历可以免除雅思 这个没有规定时间限制是3年或者5年内的吧?


2017年1月昆州州担保境外无雇主offer职业清单里删除了 232112 景观设计师职业,暂时不接受没有雇主昆州雇主offer的申请人申请。 VIC 维多利亚州担保职业(190州担保,489地区担保) - FLYabroad 签证工作室(飞出国)


刚刚查看了昆州移民局的网站并没看到这条消息, 而且在anzscosearch上依然可以查询到 景观设计师是有昆州担保的,麻烦确认下 谢谢

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category.

DIBP criteria requires you to:

  1. have a points test result of 60 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points
  2. have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation
  3. meet the minimum English language requirement of COMPETENT, unless a higher level is required by your assessing authority
  4. submit additional documents if invited to lodge an application for a subclass 190 or subclass 489 visa

BSMQ criteria requires you to:

  1. have an occupation on the QSOL ‘Offshore or Interstate’ list.
  2. provide evidence that you have a minimum of 2 years’ work experience. More experience may be required for certain occupations.
  3. **show evidence of  a minimum 12 month job offer in Queensland, related to your occupation, and acceptance of the offer (interstate applicants only).**

232112 Landscape Architect is on the Offshore Occupations List.


Financial Support

Applicants that are under 23 years of age, or applicants seeking nomination through the Queensland University Alumni stream can declare financial assistance where they cannot meet the settlement funds requirements in their own right from an eligible relative. An eligible relative constitutes:

  • Parent or step-parent
  • Brother/ sister (including step brother/sister)
  • Mother/father in-law
  • Grandparent




BSMQ Temporarily Suspends QUEENSLAND SKILLED VISA NOMINATION for Subclass 190 & 489

April 10, 2017

By Official BSMQ

Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) has temporarily suspended the acceptance of all applications for Queensland Skilled Visa Nominations under the State Nominated scheme Subclass 190 & 489, due to having reached our DIBP allocated ceiling. BSMQ will advise shortly as to when the nomination process will reopen.

If you currently have a paid application with BSMQ that has not been finalised, you can either choose to:

  • stay in the queue to be processed once applications have been reopened OR
  • request a refund and your application will be withdrawn.

If you have submitted an EOI with Skillselect that has not been considered, your EOI is no longer valid and you will be required to resubmit an EOI once the application process has been reopened. Please note that there may be changes made to the Queensland Skilled Occupation list. Only EOIs meeting new criteria will be considered.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact
