PEI PNP 爱德华王子岛境内技术工人移民类别2018年申请要求-飞出国
2年0,A,B技能级别雇主 offer 是 PEI 境内工签持有人申请的核心。
- 最少2年0,A,B 雇主 job offer
- 当前持有有效加拿大工作许可
- 可以参加面试
- 21-59 周岁
- 近5年有2年全职工作经验
- 英语 CLB 4
- 充足的定居资金及真实的去 PEI 定居的意愿
然后提交 PEI EOI,按照评分标准择优: 爱德华王子岛省提名技术移民劳动力影响类别评分标准 2018 PEI PNP Labour Impact Category EOI Selection system points grid 。
Skilled Workers in PEI - Labour Impact Category - flyabroad
You can apply for a nomination for permanent residency through the Skilled Worker stream of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP), if you are currently employed by an Island employer. The Skilled Worker stream is employer-driven, allowing Island employers to fill high-skilled positions that they are unable to fill through the local job market.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible to apply for the PEI Skilled Worker stream you must:
- have a full-time long-term (i.e. permanent or minimum of two years) job offer from a PEI employer in National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill level 0, A, or B(link is external);
- have a valid work permit to be working in Canada;
- have legal status in country of residence;
- be able to attend an interview with staff from the Office, if required;
- have successfully completed a post-secondary degree or diploma (minimum two year program);
- be between the ages of 21 and 59;
- have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years;
- possess sufficient English and/or French language ability to perform the job offered. Language ability can be verified by one of the following:
- a language test from an IRCC approved testing institute within the past two years with a minimum score of CLB/NCLC 4; or
- Employer signed PEI PNP-L06 Employer Language Declaration; or
- documents from an internationally recognized institution indicating that the principal language studied was in English or French.
- have sufficient financial resources for the applicant and family to pay all immigration costs (including travel expenses) to be able to establish in PEI; and
- demonstrate a genuine intention to settle in PEI.