Nt 北领地州担保申请要求,流程及注意事项


  • 职业在北领地移民职业清单上 NT’s Migration Occupation List,简称 NT MOL
  • 已经在 NT 找到与提名职业相关意向雇主,该职业只需要在 CSOL 上
  • 在 NT 辖区内的学院和大学完成了2年的全日制学习
  • 在 NT 有很强的家庭联系,这时职业在 CSOL 上就有机会申请
  • 当前在 NT 并满足相关居住和工作要求

如果你曾经在北领地接受过2年全日制高等教育 或者 在北领地有联系很强的直系亲属 或者 已经在北领地找到雇主 offer,那么只有在 CSOL 上也可以申请。


境外没有雇主offer申请NT 190州担保的要么拒签,要么只给 489,直接或190机会不是没有,但是十分小。


当前状态-flyabroad 申请NT州担保的核心要求-飞出国
其他州留学生 一般只给489
其他州社区、福利类留学生 NT全职工作6个月
没有在NT完成两年课程的其他留学生 NT全职工作3个月
完成两年NT院校课程的留学生 已经完成两年全日制课程
417或462持有者 持有工签6个月,在NT全职工作3个月
457签证持有者 已经工作6个月且当前雇主同意
402签证持有者 工作3个月且当前雇主同意



NT 基本把留学生分为在 NT 完成2年全日制课程的留学生(职业在CSOL上就可以申请)和没有在 NT 完成两年全日制课程的留学生两类(很多时候只给489),其他州毕业的福利工人类别学生需要在NT工作6个月,其他的需要在 NT 工作3个月才比较容易获得 NT 担保。

更多NT走担保申请细节参考这里: http://www.flyabroadnews.com/nt-2016/

我去年結束兩年的working holiday visa(417和462),兩年一直待在NT,但工作的職務跟我申請489的職務不相同,不曉得是不是有符合NT州擔保要求?

417或462持有者 持有工签6个月,在NT全职工作3个月。申请 The Northern Territory (NT) Migration 州担保时,只要职业评估的职业在 CSOL 上就有机会申请的。具体可以提交在线评估获得更详细建议:

飞出国:The Northern Territory (NT) Migration 州担保要求或放宽?

21 November 2016 北领地官方细化了与 NT 联系及在NT就业的预期的说明,将 independent evidence 修改为了 strong evidence。

飞出国:NT 州担保官方说明增加了下面列表里列举的证明方式,例如陈述你的技能和经验满足NT雇主要求,证明这个职业当地不容易找到合适雇员(已经多次在求职网站打广告)同时你符合该职业要求,已经获得 NT 当地雇主的应聘反馈,已经获得雇佣 offer,也就是证明你的职业在 NT 是当前紧缺的并且你满足该职业的要求。与 ACT 类似吧。另外,这里说的职业不要求是 NT Migration Occupation List 上的,CSOL 上的职业满足这些要求就有机会申请。

Updated date: 21 November 2016

The Northern Territory (NT) Migration Occupation List includes occupations in demand across the NT.

If your skilled occupation is not on the NT Migration Occupation List but is on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) you may still apply for NT Government nomination however, you must provide strong evidence of positive employment prospects in the NT either in your skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation. This can be demonstrated in a number of ways by providing:

  • a statement describing how your skills and experience are in line with NT employer needs
  • evidence of this occupation being advertised in the NT multiple times (provide screen dumps of the job adverts, webpage links are not sufficient) and clarify how your qualifications and experience matches the job opening
  • feedback from potential Northern Territory employers
  • a letter of offer of employment from a Northern Territory employer.

You can also demonstrate strong, well established family connections in the NT.

飞出国:对某些职业的境外申请人申请 Northern Territory 州担保明确需要 job offer:

Due to the high number of applicants already residing and working in the Northern Territory, offshore applicants, for a number of occupations indicated on the NT Migration Occupation List, must provide evidence of having received an offer of employment in your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation.

例如 NT 清单里的 261312 ​Developer Programmer 职业要求是:

​Offshore applicants must provide evidence of having received an offer of employment by a NT employer in their nominated occupation or a closely related occupation

没有明确要求雇主 offer 的按上面要求准备资料是是否有可能获得通过?

更多北领地担保要求请参考 飞出国资讯网站http://www.flyabroadnews.com/nt-2016/




已经持 462 半年并且在NT全职工作3个月以上同时满足澳洲移民部 190 60 分打分要求和雅思4个6最低标准的就可以申请 NT 州担保了。

持462半年 在北领地工作满三个月就行?然后符合190打分 意思是必须已经过了职评 然后慢了60分的才可以是么? 这个三个月的工作有过期时间限制么?

看下面 NT Nomination 对 417 和 462 签证的官方要求,递交 NT 州担保前3个月都在NT工作。

Working Holiday (Subclass 417) and Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) visa holders

Nomination / sponsorship applications will not be approved until they have all of the following:

  • held their visa for no less than six (6) months, and
  • lived and worked full time in the NT in the nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation for a period of three (3) months immediately prior to applying for NT nomination and been paid at the market rate for that occupation in the NT, and
  • can show ongoing employment prospects, and
  • demonstrate a genuine intention to live and work in the NT for no less than two (2) years after their visa is granted.​

Evidence of financial capacity and research on the NT are not required as you are already residing in the NT.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me



北领地最新州担保清单是 Updated date: 21 November 2016 发布执行的,与之前变化不大。与之前一样申请人与北领地联系不紧密的话直接申请北领地 190 的可能性较小,要么给 489 要么拒签。如果没有其他州担保机会且只有在 NT 清单上申请人可以尝试,NT 不通过不影响后续申请,最新 NT 州担保清单: NT 北领地担保 - 飞出国技术移民

飞出国:有三类人符合 NT 190 州担保申请要求:

  1. 职业在北领地州担保职业清单上的 NT Migration Occupation List
  2. 职业在 CSOL 上并打算去北领地定居而且或者可以证明可以在北领地就业(一般是 job offer)或者有在北领地的直系亲属,或者曾经在北领地读书2年
  3. 当前在北领地且已经在北领地工作3个月,某些情况下需要工作6个月才符合条件,具体见下面
  • your skilled occupation is listed on the NT Migration Occupation List, or
  • you have a skilled occupation that is on the DIBP CSOL but not on the NT Migration Occupation List where you are able to provide strong evidence of positive employment prospects in the NT either in your skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation, or
  • you have successfully completed your enrolled course - the eligible study period must be full time and no less than two years at a college or university campus in the NT, or
  • you have a skilled occupation on the CSOL and you can demonstrate strong, well established family connections in the NT, or
  • you meet the NT residency and work requirements if you are living in Australia.


当前状态-flyabroad 申请NT州担保的核心要求-飞出国
其他州留学生 一般只给489
其他州社区、福利类留学生 NT全职工作6个月
没有在NT完成两年课程的其他留学生 NT全职工作3个月
完成两年NT院校课程的留学生 已经完成两年全日制课程
417或462持有者 持有工签6个月,在NT全职工作3个月
457签证持有者 已经工作6个月且当前雇主同意
402签证持有者 工作3个月且当前雇主同意

Important information for applicants already residing in Australia

Landscape view of Cullen Bay marina and tall buildings of Darwin City in the backgroundAll applicants already residing in Australia are required to be living and working in their skilled occupation or closely related field in the Northern Territory for a minimum of three (3) months (unless otherwise specified below) prior to submitting an application for NT Government nomination. Exceptions may be considered.

International student graduates and holders of Skilled Graduate visas

International student graduates and holders of Skilled Graduate (Subclass 485) visas, who have studied elsewhere in Australia and have not completed at least two (2) years of study at a college or university in the Northern Territory, will generally only be considered for Subclass 489 visa nomination. However applications for Subclass 190 visa nominations are decided on a case by case basis. Exceptional circumstances may be considered.

International students must have completed the course of study for which their student visa was granted prior to applying for NT Government nomination.

International student graduate welfare workers (effective 29 January 2014)


  • Welfare Worker - 272613
  • Community Worker - 411711
  • Disabilities Services Officer - 411712
  • Family Support Worker - 411713
  • Residential Care Officer - 411715
  • Youth Worker - 411716.

Nomination applications from:

  • International student graduates, former international student graduates on bridging visas, or holders of Graduate Skilled visas who have completed their eligible studies at a college or university that are not in the Northern Territory (NT) will not be approved until they have all of the following:
    • must have completed the course of study for which their student visa was granted, and
    • applicant must be living and working in the NT for not less than six (6) months prior to submitting an application, and
    • worked within a community based organisation in the nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation for a period of six (6) months immediately prior to applying for NT nomination. The position must be full time and paid at the market rate for that occupation in the NT, and
    • demonstrated a genuine intention to live and work in the NT for no less than two (2) years after their visa is granted.

Applications currently with the department which do not meet the above requirements will be assessed on a case by case basis. You will be advised in writing once your application has been assessed and a decision has been made. Please do not contact the department for status updates.

Other international student graduates and holders of Skilled Graduate (Subclass 485) visas who have not completed at least two (2) years of study at a college or university in the Northern Territory

Nomination applications from:

  • international student graduates, or
  • former international student graduates on bridging visas, or
  • holders of Graduate Skilled visas who have completed their eligible studies at a college or university that is not in the NT will not be approved until they have all of the following:
    • must have completed the course of study for which their student visa was granted, and
    • lived in the NT for not less than three (3) months, and
    • worked full time in the nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation for a period of three (3) months immediately prior to applying for NT nomination and been paid at the market rate for that occupation in the NT, and
    • demonstrated a genuine intention to live and work in the NT for no less than two (2) years after their visa is granted.

NT graduates who have completed at least two (2) years of study at a college or university in the Northern Territory

  • NT graduates must have successfully completed their enrolled course for which their student visa was granted. The eligible study period must be full time and no less than two years at any college or university in the NT.
  • Evidence of financial capacity and research on the NT are not required as you are already residing in the NT, however you must provide a letter showing your commitment to the NT and three months of bank statements showing transactions as evidence of residing in the NT.

Working Holiday (Subclass 417) and Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) visa holders

Nomination / sponsorship applications will not be approved until they have all of the following:

  • held their visa for no less than six (6) months, and
  • lived and worked full time in the NT in the nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation for a period of three (3) months immediately prior to applying for NT nomination and been paid at the market rate for that occupation in the NT, and
  • can show ongoing employment prospects, and
  • demonstrate a genuine intention to live and work in the NT for no less than two (2) years after their visa is granted.​

Evidence of financial capacity and research on the NT are not required as you are already residing in the NT.

Temporary Work (Skilled) (Subclass 457) visa holders

Will not be eligible to apply for NT Government nomination until they can show the following evidence with their application:

  • Must be living and working for a Subclass 457 sponsoring business in the NT for at least six (6) months prior to applying for nomination. Exceptional consideration may apply.
  • Must have a letter of support from the current Subclass 457 sponsoring business stating that they support their employee’s visa application and they understand that the nominee will not be tied to the business once the Subclass 489 / Subclass 190 visa is granted. Please note the employer will also be contacted by the department.

Training and Research (Subclass 402) visa

Will not be eligible to apply for NT Government nomination until they can show the following evidence with their application:

  • Must be living in the Northern Territory and working in your nominated skilled occupation for a minimum of three (3) months immediately prior to applying for nomination.
  • Must have a letter of support from the current Subclass 402 sponsoring business stating that they support their employee’s visa application and they understand that the nominee will not be tied to the business once the Subclass 489 / Subclass 190 visa is granted. Please note the employer will also be contacted by the department.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact




请问持462签证 在NT待满了6个月的 申请489 需要做职业评估吗 急