请问这个新系统Arrima中 单身和已有配偶的申请人是一样的邀请分数线吗?比如我单身可以有60+, 最后是和已有配偶的打分可以到70以上的申请人同时竞争吗,还是说分开来算?
飞出国:原则上魁北克 Arrima 系统不允许一个申请人同时有2个及以上 EOI 。
Can I have two expressions of interest simultaneously?
It is not possible to fill out or file more than one expression of interest at the same time.
飞出国:之前提交了 CSQ 申请,但没有进展的也可以继续提交新的 EOI 系统。但在新系统里要注明之前已经在申请,后期获得邀请后要撤销掉一个 CSQ 申请。
Can I file an expression of interest if I already have a pending Application for a Selection Certificate?
Yes, you can fill out an expression of interest if you have already submitted, before August 2, 2018, an Application for a Selection Certificate. If, following submission of your expression of interest, you are invited to submit an application for permanent selection and you accept the invitation, given that you are not authorized to submit two applications at the same time, you must withdraw your previous Application for a Selection Certificate before submitting a new one.
Note that if you have already filed an Application for a Selection Certificate, you must reply “Yes” to the question “Do you already have a file with the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion?” and provide your individual reference number. If you already have a file with Immigration, Refuges and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), also provide your identification number.
请问 我正确填写了个人基本信息,到了完整eoi信息环节我的生日就比我之前填的早了一天,还不能修改,有其他人遇到这个情况吗?
飞出国:配偶可以提交单独的EOI,无论配偶是否提交了单独的EOI,都要在主申请的 EOI 系统里说明。
Can my spouse fill out his/her own expression of interest?
All persons 18 years of age and over who want to immigrate to Québec under the Regular Skilled Worker Program can fill out an expression of interest. Your spouse can therefore fill out his/her own expression of interest, but you must state it on your form. If your spouse does not fill out his/her own expression of interest, you must declare certain information about him/her on your expression of interest form.
飞出国: 18 周岁之下的子女不能提交魁省 EOI ,只能包含在家庭成员信息里。
Can my child under the age of 18 fill out his/her own expression of interest?
A child under the age of 18 cannot fill out his/her own expression of interest. You must include your child on your expression of interest form in the Family Situation section.
飞出国:申请人可以使用也可以不使用代理,对使用代理的也可以随时撤销代理(representation mandate)。
Can I revoke a representation mandate?
Yes, you can do so at any time. You must then remove the existing representation link in the Arrima portal by clicking on Cancel the representation mandate. If you then want to change the representative, you can accept a new request for a representation mandate proposed by another representative.
飞出国:申请人可以随时撤销自己在 Arrima 系统里的 EOI
Can I withdraw my expression of interest?
The Arrima portal allows you to withdraw an expression of interest at any time. Note that by withdrawing your expression of interest, the representation mandate possibly linked to your Arrima account is automatically cancelled.
飞出国:所有 EOI 系统都是为了更方便筛选符合自己要求的申请人。为了更客观,更容易操作,大部分EOI系统都是按分数高低来筛选。
What are my chances of being invited to submit an application for permanent selection?
The new immigration system based on the expression of interest makes it possible to build a bank of persons who want to immigrate to Québec under the Regular Skilled Worker Program. On the basis of this bank, the Ministère will invite persons who best meet Québec’s needs.
What are the invitation criteria?
Invitations are established based on the criteria that define the employability profile of the person who wants to immigrate to Québec, and, if appropriate, his/her spouse or de facto spouse. In addition to general criteria such as age, French proficiency, level of education, area of training, work experience, etc., certain invitations are established based on targeted criteria, such as having a job offer validated by the Ministère.
Detailed invitation criteria are published by ministerial order in the Gazette officielle du Québec .
单身和已婚会分开来看,现在还不好判断哪种情况下更容易获得邀请,一个申请人要求只能有一个 EOI,要么一起随行,要么不随行,只能选一种。
魁北克技术移民最新 Arrima EOI 系统 profile Create 指南,飞出国法、英对照版。
对大部分申请人来说,早提交晚提交没多少区别,如果希望早申请,可以参考下面文档自己创建 profile。
Immigration-Quebec_Creer_profil-flyabroad-201809.pdf (4.8 MB)
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。
飞出国:魁北克最新 Arrima 系统对工作履历这块要求严格,近5年内的履历不能留任何空档,要无条件连续
In the “Career” section, you must enter your occupation for the last five (5) years.
Note that you must register your occupations without interruption.
For example, if you left a job on Friday and started a new job the following Monday, select “Unemployed” for Saturday and Sunday.
- Step 1: Identify the start date (five years ago) from which you must register your occupations.
- Step 2: Have all the documents that will allow you to complete the information required for each occupation (for example: start and end dates, employer, type of occupation).
An example
For ease of understanding, here is an example as of August 1, 2018.
All occupations from 1 August 2013 must be entered in the declaration of interest form:
- Part-time work → 2013-01-07 to 2013-09-06
- Unemployed (1) → 2013-09-07 to 2013-09-08
- Full time work → 2013-09-09 to 2015-03-11
- Time off work (2) → 2015-03-12 to 2015-05-03
- Work full time → 2015-05-04 to 2018-06-29
- Full-time work (3) → 2018-06-30 to this day
- No date has been omitted for the previous 5 years (including weekend days and statutory holidays).
- (1) For dates between two occupations, you must indicate “Unemployed” (even if it is a weekend or statutory holiday).
- (2) You must indicate “Stop work” if you still had the same occupation, but you were off work for more than one month (eg sick leave, temporary layoff).
- (3) You must indicate a new occupation if you have changed your professional title.
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/。
“Enter your city of birth in the “City of Birth” field as entered on your passport”