卑诗省省提名留学生快速通道类别 EEBC Express Entry British Columbia-International Graduate

飞出国:BCPNP 留学生类别不要求必须是在 BC 省院校毕业的留学生,符合学位授予条件的本硕毕业生(远程教育和没有在加拿大授课的课程都不符合条件)或加拿大公立院校的专科及证书学历毕业生都符合条件(语言课程不认可,私立院校的 Diploma 和 Certificate 课程都不认可,这点打算通过留学移民BC的申请人需要注意),课程要求最少8个月(一学年),毕业不超过2年,带薪实习或实习不超过课程时间的四分之一。

BCPNP 留学生类别不要求申请人有工作经验,只要申请人已经获得BC省雇主offer,且学历和专业符合雇主offer提供的职位要求,然后就是按分数高低筛选了。

a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible post-secondary institution in Canada

You must submit your registration to the BC PNP within two years of the date shown on your official transcript indicating that you have completed all requirements of the degree or diploma program.


Your undergraduate or graduate degree must be from a Canadian post-secondary institution authorized to grant degrees. Your education is not eligible if it is a distance education learning program either from abroad or from within Canada.

Diploma and Certificates

If you have a diploma or certificate, it must be from a public post-secondary institution in Canada. Diplomas and Certificates from private institutions are not eligible. Language training (an ESL program, for example) does not qualify.

Your education is not eligible if it is a distance education learning program either from abroad or from within Canada.

Your program must have been at least 8 months (two semesters) of full-time equivalent study. You may be requested to provide a letter from your educational institution that confirms your program meets this requirement.

Your program of study is not eligible if you spent more than one-quarter of the program time in a co-op work term or internship.