飞出国:BCPNP 传统技术移民技术工类别(SI - Skilled Worker)要求申请人有 BC 省全职雇主offer,该 offer 需要是 NOC 0,A,B 类别的(The position you have been offered must be classified as Skill Level 0, A or B in the National Occupational Classification (NOC).)。
另外,申请人需要有2年与提名职业相关的全职工作经验,该经验不要求是在 BC 或在加拿大取得。
对传统技术移民类别,BC 要求雇主offer职业是 B 类的需要提供最低 CLB 4 级别的语言证明(见飞出国下表)。NOC 0,A 类别的工作offer申请人可以不提供语言证明。出于实际工作需要,飞出国建议申请人提供最少 CLB 5 级别的语言成绩(也就是大概5.0的雅思成绩)。
飞出国BC语言最低要求 | 听 Listening | 读 Reading | 写 Writing | 说 Speaking |
IELTS,飞出国 | 4.5 | 3.5 | 4.0 | 4.0 |
CELPIP | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
TEF, flyabroad | 145 | 233 | 349 | 181 |
BC PNP - Skills Immigration - Skilled Worker
If you are a skilled worker, with post-secondary education or training and a minimum of two years of directly related employment experience in a professional, management, technical, trade, or other skilled occupation, you may be eligible for this category.
The following are mandatory requirements of BC PNP’s Skilled Worker category. You must:
- have accepted a full-time, indeterminate job offer from a B.C. employer in a skilled occupation as outlined in the National Occupational Classification Matrix
- be qualified to perform the duties of the job offered to you
- have a minimum of two (2) years of directly related work experience in the job offered to you
- demonstrate that you are able to support yourself (and your dependents)
- have, or be eligible for, legal immigration status in Canada
- for NOC B occupations, meet minimum language requirements
- have been offered a wage that is competitive with B.C. wage rates for the occupation