阿卡迪亚大学教育学士课程介绍及申请要求 Apply to the Bachelor of Education (BEd) Program of Acadia University




  • 1)学生须获得本专业数学课的30学分(数学专业上计算机科技课程学分除外);
    1. 其他专业的数学课所得学分应不超过6学分,具体遵照入学要求依情况决定是否符合要求。


  • 1)学生须获得本专业数学课的18学分(数学专业上计算机科技课程学分除外);
    1. 其他专业的数学课所得学分应不超过6学分,具体遵照入学要求依情况决定是否符合要求。


  • 1)要有广泛的数学经验。 在统计学(特别是社会科学应用)、基础(特别是集合理论、逻辑和历史)、代数(特别是矩阵和图论)、数值技术和几何的课程要较为优秀。

  • 2)以下加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学课程可供未经过本科教育的学生选择:

    • 统计和计算:215统计数据(3);

    • 基础:209有限数学(3),309离散数学(3);

    • 代数:270线性代数I(3),271线性代数II(3).





  • 1)优先考虑阿卡迪亚大学数学1533和/或数学1543或其他学校的同等数学课程;
  • 2)非阿卡迪亚大学学生可咨询本校是否开设小学数学教学对口课程;
  • 3)学生也可选择加拿大圣文森大学数学2243在线课程。

2、 想要成为小学数学教师的学生必须要有数学学分才可以申请阿卡迪亚大学数学教育学士课程吗?




  • 1)数学215和数学209优先考虑,其他符合小学数学教育的课程也可;
  • 2)另外,学生也可选择同时学习加拿大圣文森大学数学2243在线课程和阿卡迪亚大学数学1533和1543在线课程。



  • 1)其他学校的涵盖数学专业的学生是否录取由教学主任决定;
  • 2)教师资格认证要求学生获得6学分的本科数学课程学分,具体请咨询教师资格评审办公室



  • 1)其他学校的涵盖数学专业的学生是否录取由教学主任决定;
  • 2)教师资格认证要求学生获得6学分的本科数学课程学分,具体请咨询教师资格评审办公室





  • 1)其他学校的涵盖数学专业的学生是否录取由教学主任决定;
  • 2)教师资格认证要求学生获得6学分的本科数学课程学分,具体请咨询教师资格评审办公室












B.Ed. Secondary Mathematics Requirements FAQs

1. What are the requirements to have Mathematics as a first teachable?

You need to have at least 30 credit hours in Mathematics. Courses taught in a mathematics department are obviously acceptable (except in cases where computer science courses are taught in a mathematics department). Courses with significant mathematical content taught in other departments might be acceptable, but no more than 6 credit hours can be from such “cognate” courses and the acceptability of the courses will be determined at the time of admissions.

2. What are the requirements to have Mathematics as a second teachable?

You need to have at least 18 credit hours in Mathematics. Courses taught in a mathematics department are obviously acceptable (except in cases where computer science courses are taught in a mathematics department). Courses with significant mathematical content taught in other departments might be acceptable, but no more that 6 credit hours can be from such “cognate” courses and the acceptability of the courses will be determined at the time of admissions.

3. What Math courses would be acceptable to fulfill the Math requirement for entering the Secondary B.Ed. program with Math as a second teachable?

Future mathematics teachers should have a wide range of mathematical experiences. Courses in Statistics (especially applications to the social sciences), Foundations (especially set theory, logic, and history), Algebra (especially matrices and graph theory), Numerical techniques, and Geometry are advised. Consult your Mathematics department for specific recommendations in these areas.

If you are not presently attending a university, you may be considering taking some courses by correspondence. The following Athabasca University courses are suitable:

Stats & Prob: MATH 215 Introduction to Statistics (3)

Foundations: MATH 209 Finite Mathematics (3), 309 Discrete Mathematics (3)

Algebra: MATH 270 Linear Algebra I (3), MATH 271 Linear Algebra II (3)

4. I am in high school and want to be a math teacher. Is the only way to do this a four year mathematics degree followed by a two year B.Ed.?

No. At Acadia you can do a five year combined B.Sc./B.Ed or a 4 year B.Sc. followed by a 16 month B.Ed.

B.Ed. Elementary Mathematics Requirements FAQs

1. What Math courses would be acceptable to fulfill the Math requirement for entering the Elementary B.Ed. program?

Acadia’s Math 1533 and/or Math 1543 or equivalent courses from another institution would be the best choices. If you are not at Acadia contact the Mathematics Department at your institution and ask if they have a course specifically intended for future Elementary school teachers. If not, ask what courses they would recommend from what they do offer. Another option you have is to take MSVU’s course Math 2243 which is often offered on-line.

2. I am planning on eventually becoming an Elementary School teacher, is it absolutely necessary to have math credits to gain entry into your Education Program?

Yes. All Elementary school teachers teach mathematics, and 6 credit hours in mathematics is a requirement for teacher certification.

3a. Does a correspondence math course at Athabasca University cover the Mathematics requirement for enrolment into the elementary program?

Yes, MATH 215 and MATH 209 are probably the best options. However a course specifically intended for future Elementary school teachers would be better. One option you have is to take MSVU’s course Math 2243 which is often offered on-line. As well, Open Acadia offers MATH 1533 and MATH 1543 online.

3b. Does Sociology Introduction to Statistics cover the Mathematics requirement for enrolment into the elementary program?

Maybe. There are two issues here: admission to Acadia and teacher certification.

Courses with mathematical content in departments other than Mathematics may or may not be accepted for admission to Acadia. They fall into a grey area. The Director of the School makes the final decision on acceptability at the time of application, and while such courses have sometimes been accepted in the past, this does not happen in every case.

The second issue is teacher certification. A requirement for teacher certification is 6 credit hours of undergraduate mathematics. The Registrar of Teacher Certification decides what is acceptable under this heading. You should contact the registrar directly to get a ruling on these courses.

3c. Does a statistics courses for Psychology cover the Mathematics requirement for enrolment into the elementary program?

Maybe. There are two issues here: admission to Acadia and teacher certification.

Courses with mathematical content in departments other than Mathematics may or may not be accepted for admission to Acadia. They fall into a grey area. The Director of the School makes the final decision on acceptability at the time of application, and while such courses have sometimes been accepted in the past, this does not happen in every case.

The second issue is teacher certification. A requirement for teacher certification is 6 credit hours of undergraduate mathematics. The Registrar of Teacher Certification decides what is acceptable under this heading. You should contact the registrar directly to get a ruling on these courses.

3d. Does calculus at CEGEP cover the Mathematics requirement for enrolment into the elementary program?

Yes, as it would count as a transfer credit. However, a course specifically intended for future Elementary school teachers would be better. You should also confirm with the Registrar of Teacher Certification that the course meets the requirement for teacher certification.

3e. Does Business Accounting cover the Mathematics requirement for enrolment into the elementary program?

Probably not. There are two issues here: admission to Acadia and teacher certification. Accounting courses might be considered for admission in combination with other mathematics related courses, but the Director of the School makes the final decision on acceptability at the time of application.

The second issue is teacher certification. A requirement for teacher certification is 6 credit hours of undergraduate mathematics. The Registrar of Teacher Certification decides what is acceptable under this heading. In the past such courses have not been accepted. If you feel your case is unusual, you should contact the registrar directly to get a ruling on these courses.

3f. Does Ontario grade 13 calculus, algebra and finite, cover the Mathematics requirement for enrolment into the elementary program?

Probably not, unless you can establish that they would be accepted as university transfer credits. Even so, a course specifically intended for future Elementary school teachers would be better. You should also confirm with the Registrar of Teacher Certification that the course meets the requirement for teacher certification.

4a. Can I take Math 1533/Math 1543 concurrently with my studies in the education program?

Not on the full-time timetable. Scheduling conflicts between B. Ed. courses and Math 1533/Math 1543 makes this impossible. However, both Math 1533 and Math 1543 are offered online through Open Acadia.

4b. When are Math 1533 and Math 1543 offered?

Consult the Mathematics Department.

4c. Are Math 1533 and Math 1543 offered online?

Yes. Please consult with Open Acadia. MSVU’s course Math 2243 is offered online.

4d. I cannot take Math 1533/Math 1543 (or an equivalent course elsewhere). What should I do?

These course are available online through Open Acadia. Or you could contact the Mathematics Department at your institution and ask what courses they would recommend from what they do offer. If you are not presently attending a university, you may want to consider taking some courses by correspondence. Athabasca University’s courses MATH 215 and MATH 209 are probably the best options. Another option you have is to take MSVU’s course Math 2243 which is often offered online.

5. Without any university math and without grade 12 math can I still be eligible for your B.Ed. program as a mature student?

No, and you also would not qualify for teacher certification. If you can find an institution that will recognize some of your life experience as equivalent to a university mathematics course, that would be the only way to avoid taking a university mathematics course.
