


Ref: 20XX/XX3-XXX Mr XXX


XXX China

Dear Mr XXX

Applicant Name (d.o.b. XXX) Occupation Assessed: Engineering Manager

The application you forwarded to this office for an assessment of senior managerial experience and qualifications for migration purposes have now been completed. From the information you have supplied, I am pleased to advise that your application has been successful and is valid for two years from the above date of issue.

The managerial experience which you have submitted is as follows:

  • From July 2008 to presently employed, Engineering Manager for XXXX in China;

  • From June 2006 to July 2008, Progject Manager for XXX in China;

  • From October 2004 to June 2006, Technical Engineer for XXX in China.

    Your managerial experience as Engineering Manager, XXX, China (2008/Current), shows that you have a record of proven achievement over a period of three years or more in a senior management position such as chief executive, general manager or senior functional manager.

    This opinion is based on the following evidence of the managerial experience the applicant provided in the Application Form for Assessment of Management Skills for Migration dated XXX which you submitted to the Australian Institute of Management.

  • Description of tasks listed for the occupation under the ANZSCO description for Engineering Manager [133211] *corresponds with the tasks performed by the applicant;

  • Certified evidence of positions held during the relevant period including organisation chart/s, position descriptions, and work references.

The following qualifications which you confirmed in your application are assessed by the Australian Educational International - National office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) at the Australian equivalent qualifications at the level of Bachelor.

  • Bachelor of XXX, XXX University China, 19XX as witnessed by XXX, Beijing XXX Notary Public Office, China.

The above qualifications are recognised by the Australian Institute of Management for the purpose of awarding points under the General Skilled Migration points test. However the final decision on the awarding of points is at the discretion of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

We wish you well in your future endeavours. Yours sincerely

Dr James Kable FAIM

Senior Assessor

Management Skills Assessment Unit.

(This statement is valid for two years from the date of issue)

看了如上关于Engineering Manager的评估报告样本,中间有两点信息提及申请评估的职业的工作时长,一个是“…you have submitted as follows: From July 2008 to presently employed. Engineering manager…" ;另一处是“…shows that you have a record of proven achievement over a period of three years or more…"
1)、不知这个报告的生成时间,如果评估条件都符合,2008年到现在2016年,是否会提及更长的工作时长,如“…show that you have a record of proven achievement over a period of eight years or more…",还是依然是“…three years or more…"这样的表述;
2)、移民局在EOI评估阶段,以哪个工作时长为准为候选人加工作经验的分数?比如以现在这个时间点为报告生成时间,是上面那个“…July 2008 to presently enployed…"这个8年多时长为准还是下面的“…over a period of XXXyears…”为准;
3)AIM会像VET那样减少申请人的工作时长么,比如claim 8年,减少到5年?如果是8年,是按5-8年加分,还是8-10年加分?报告里现在的报告是否有像VET那样的工作经验参考加分?
