Act 堪培拉州担保申请要求,流程及注意事项

持462签证到Canberra 居住
申请ACT 190 需要找到提名职业相关的工作吗?

我看到 飞出国的ACT页面写的是:


如果申请人已经在ACT工作,只需要工作属于 ANZSCO 1-4开头的职业就可以。

Other temporary residence visas

o Living in Canberra for at least three months and working for an ACT employer in your
nominated or related occupation.

ACT 9月10日起关闭人力资源相关职业的担保。

Closure of Occupations: Unit Group 2231 HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS

Effective 10 September 2016, the following occupations will close as the demand for these occupations has been met:

  • Human Resource Adviser 223111;
  • Recruitment Consultant 223112;
  • Workplace Relations Adviser 223113.

满足在 canberra 工作条件的也可以申请 close 职业。

Canberra residents:

If you are living in Canberra you are eligible to apply for ACT nomination of a closed occupation if you
meet the nomination criteria.


但要求 你给雇主工作的职业与提名的职业相关,也就是职业评估提名的职业是销售那么也需要雇主。

  • If you are the holder, or the dependent of the holder of a temporary resident (subclass 400
    series excluding 457 and 485) visa, a diplomatic or a provisional spouse visa, and you have
    NOT lived in another Australian state or territory within the last two years, you must meet the
    following criteria before you are eligible to apply for ACT nomination:
    • Living in Canberra for at least three months and working for an ACT employer in your nominated or related occupation.
  • If you are the holder, or the dependent of the holder of a subclass temporary resident (subclass 400 series excluding 457 and 485) visa, a diplomatic or a provisional spouse visa,
    and you HAVE lived in another Australian state or territory within the last two years, you must
    meet the following criteria before you are eligible to apply for ACT nomination:
    • Living in Canberra for at least 12 months and working for an ACT employer in your
      nominated or related occupation.

open 职业可以直接按 open 类的申请,理论上只要满足居住要求,可以不要求雇主给你提供的offer与提名职业一致,如果满足分数(提名相关工作经验才加分)可以直接申请吧。


Open Occupations

You are eligible to apply for ACT nomination if your occupation is in demand and listed as open on the
current ACT Occupation List and you meet the nomination criteria.

close 职业也是的要求提名相关而且要与雇主给你的offer的职业相关。ACT 新近又增加了一些说明。

ACT residents working in a skilled occupation may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination, even if the occupation is listed as ‘closed’ on the ACT Occupation List.

The occupations identified do not relate to a specific job vacancy, nor represent a guarantee of a job in a specific occupation. Your success finding employment will depend on the employer requirements, relevant skills and experience and level of English ability. As a new resident you may not be eligible to apply for some Federal Government positions where citizenship or security clearance is required.

You must meet the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa criteria before you can apply for ACT nomination.


且已经在堪培拉居住了3个月以上(持462签证) + 提名的职业也是Open状态,

那我不需要找到 跟提名职业相关的工作

9月6号,ACT close 了 2335 工业和生产工程师类职业。

  • 233511 Industrial Engineer Closed 06/09
  • 233512 Mechanical Engineer Closed 06/09
  • 233513 Production or Plant Engineer Closed 06/09

9月10号,ACT close 了 2231 人力资源类职业。

  • 223111 Human Resource Adviser Closed 06/09
  • 223112 Recruitment Consultant Closed 06/09
  • 223113 Workplace Relations Adviser Closed 06/09

act-occupation-list-6-sept-16.pdf (231.7 KB)

ACT 担保清单会经常变化,下次调整的预期时间是 2017年2月份。调整的意思是当前清单上的职业可能被剔除,当前不在清单上的职业可能会添加进去。尽快完成职业评估,考出雅思,等待机会。

The ACT Occupation List will be updated on a regular basis to reflect the current demand in Canberra for
each occupation. Once it is determined that the demand for an occupation has been met, the occupation
will be closed without further notice. The demand for all occupations will be reassessed in
February 2017.

462 签证是不行的。ACT 院校留学生持有485或5XX签证的话可以不要求专业和职业相关。但457,462这类4XX签证是要求雇主提供的职位与提名职业相关的。

Other temporary residence visas

  • If you are the holder, or the dependent of the holder of a temporary resident (subclass 400 series excluding 457 and 485) visa, a diplomatic or a provisional spouse visa, and you have NOT lived in another Australian state or territory within the last two years, you must meet the following criteria before you are eligible to apply for ACT nomination:
    • Living in Canberra for at least three months and working for an ACT employer in your nominated or related occupation.
  • If you are the holder, or the dependent of the holder of a subclass temporary resident
    (subclass 400 series excluding 457 and 485) visa, a diplomatic or a provisional spouse visa,
    and you HAVE lived in another Australian state or territory within the last two years, you must
    meet the following criteria before you are eligible to apply for ACT nomination:
    • Living in Canberra for at least 12 months and working for an ACT employer in your nominated or related occupation.

如果放弃当前 ACT 工作,放弃 462 签证,在境外的话,在满足雅思、分数、职业这些要求是可以直接申请的,在 ACT 的话不仅要求有 ACT 雇主offer,而且大部分情况下都要求雇主offer提供岗位与题目职业相关。这确实感觉有些不合理,但 ACT 就是这么规定的。当前状态递交申请的拒签概率很高,不在乎300澳币的话可以争取一下(拒签后不影响以后符合条件再申请),其他建议就是再找提名相关雇主offer后再申请。

更多可以参考飞出国资讯网站: 澳洲境内申请 ACT 190 州担保条件解析

在 ACT 院校留学的硕士生或在ACT留学且近2年内没有在其他州生活过,同时已经在 ACT 生活 12 个月以上的持有学生签证或毕业生签证的申请人只需要在 ACT 找到属于 ANZSCO skill level 1-4 的职业的雇主offer的就符合 ACT 担保要求,不要求职业在 ACT 清单上,也不要求提名职业与找到的工作相关。

Student or temporary graduate visa – Canberra tertiary institution

  • If you are the holder, or the dependent of the holder of a student / graduate visa who has NOT lived in another Australian state or territory within the last two years, you must meet the following criteria before you are eligible to apply for ACT nomination:
    • You have lived in Canberra for the last 12 months and you are:
      • A graduate (or the dependent of a graduate) who has completed a CRICOS registered course/s (at least two consecutive academic semesters) at a Canberra institution; and
      • Working for an ACT employer in a skilled occupation (as defined by ANZSCO skill level 1 - 4). You do not have to be working in your nominated occupation. The employment does not have to be full time.

Postgraduate course – Canberra tertiary institution

  • If you are the holder or the dependent holder of a student / graduate student visa which is currently studying or has completed a postgraduate course at a Canberra institution, you must meet the following criteria before you are eligible t o apply for ACT nomination:
    • You have lived in Canberra for the last 12 months and you are:
      • In receipt of a stipend or living allowance (that covers your living expenses) that is ongoing for at least 3 months from ACT nomination application date; or
      • Working in a skilled occupation (as defined by ANZSCO - skill level 1 - 4).You don not have to be working in your nominated occupation. The employment does not have to be full time.

ANZSCO 技能级别学历要求 - FLYabroad:

  • Skill Level 1,学士学位或者更高学历;
  • Skill Level 2,副学士学位、高等大专学历或者大专学历;
  • Skill Level 3,四级证书、或者三级证书加上两年工作培训;
  • Skill Level 4,三级证书、或者二级证书;

更多参考 ANZSCO 网站:


啊 我现在就是持有462签证 马上要去澳洲了
为了满足居住要求 准备前往堪培拉
可是Onshore 申请Open职业的 ACT州担保 竟然还是要相关雇主Offer
好矛盾啊 (•̩̩̩̩_•̩̩̩̩)
这岂不是变相又变成了 雇主担保啊
文科生对口工作本来就不好找 ( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )

我462签证到期后 在堪培拉读Master课程,然后12个月后
在堪培拉找到1-4级的任何工作 就能申请到ACT 190咯?

另外新南威尔士州 也可以担保CSOL清单上的职业,我可以在堪培拉先递交NSW的州担保 然后等着吗


回到国内 再申请ACT州担保?
offshore申请 还要做 就业情况分析 吧

哎 ACT州担保的政策真的是太绕了

比较明显的是 对在ACT上学的国际学生更加利好。。

ACT 境外申请人,需要提供工作机会(sufficient ACT employment opportunities),定居计划(Settlement statement)和定居承诺(Commitment to Canberra statement)。比境内申请复杂。

飞出国:重工业,制造,生产,国际航线,采矿,航运,石油,银行总部及铁路行业不适合申请 ACT 州担保。

Experience in heavy industry, manufacturing, production, international airlines, mining; shipping, oil, head office banking and railways are not generally considered relevant industries.


提供 5-8 个近期网上发布的 ACT 地区与你专业,工作经验相关的招聘广告的pdf版格式,不能只提供链接。同时说明自己为什么符合这个岗位的招聘要求。Federal Government 工作职位不符合要求。

Settlement statement:

ACT 境内申请人不需要,境外委托代理的需要单独提供,个人申请的只需要在线提供即可。

Commitment to Canberra statement


  • 为什么堪培拉的生活方式比澳洲其他城市更适合你,提供相关调查的证明
  • 配偶打算找工作的也需要说明其对ACT劳动力市场就业机会的了解


ACT 境内申请人,近2年在其他州呆过的:

  • 没有在ACT完成1年以上课程的,需要提供近6个月在ACT工作的证明,合同和工资单。
  • 有在ACT完成2学期课程的,需提供与提名职业相关职业的 ACT 雇主offer及最近2份工资单。

境内申请人需要提供银行账单证明你在 ACT 购物,消费,取款,工资收入等内容。其他证明资料还包括ACT驾照或年龄卡。

462签证持有者,在已经有职业评估的情况下,分数也够60了,转学生签,在ACT读新的专业的Master 满12个月,申请州担保 还需要做新专业的职业评估吗,还是说按照之前的(职业评估、学历)材料申请呢?

PS:我的职业是TV Journalist,我看ACT地区的高校 都没开Journalism的硕士,所以我要读的话 只能换专业了?


申请移民时,职业评估和雅思都是三年有效,按照当前政策,在act读完master只要找到 anzsco skill level 1-4 的雇主offer就符合申请州担保条件,不要求该offer与专业和提名职业相关,因此不需要再额外做职业评估。按照之前的学历和职业评估申请就可以。澳洲学历本身不需要评估,澳州一年课程也不额外加分。

签证或当前状态 没有在澳洲其他州生活过-飞出国 有在其他州生活过-flyabroad
工签,外交,配偶临时签证 在ACT居住3个月,ACT工作岗位与提名职业相关 在ACT居住12个月,ACT工作岗位与提名职业相关
访问签证 有提名职业相关雇主 offer 有提名职业相关雇主 offer
堪培拉学生/毕业生签证 在ACT生活12个月,在ACT院校完成一学年注册课程,找到skill level 1-4 的工作(可以是兼职,不要求与提名职业相关) 在ACT生活12个月。在ACT完成1年以上注册课程且找到提名职业相关雇主offer 或者已经在提名相关职业为ACT雇主全职工作6个月
在堪培拉读硕士 在ACT生活12个月。接受全额奖学金或覆盖全部生活开销的生活津贴。或者已经在 skill level 1-4的职业上工作,不要求提名职业相关,不要求全职。 不做额外要求,同没有在其他州生活过的情况

好的 明白了 谢谢!

9月13号起,堪培拉将不再担保境外 190 申请,只担保当前已经在 ACT 的申请人,境外申请人直到 2017 年才会重新开放。看看堪培拉居民申请 ACT 需要什么条件:

Applicants living overseas

Effective immediately (13 September 2016 at 4pm AEST) applications for ACT nomination from overseas residents will not be accepted. If you are living overseas you will not be able to commence an application for ACT nomination of a Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa until the program reopens in 2017.

Canberra residents

This action does not affect Canberra based applicants. If you are still able to apply for ACT nomination if you meet the nomination criteria.

昨天递交 ACT 的还会被处理。

Applications lodged on or before 13 September 2016 will be processed in queue order.

Applications ‘in progress’ but not completed before 13 September 2016 will not be accepted.