ACS 已经为所有评估的职业列举了该职业的课程要求,申请人需要先提名要评估的职业,ACS 会根据该职业判断所学内容是否高度相关,职业和专业是否相关比较容易判断。
是否合格及扣减年限的标准关键看是否是 ICT Major,如果有累计一学年的 ICT 课程单元就算 Major。
The ICT Major and Minor assessment is based on the percentage of ICT units and the percentage of ICT
units that are closely related to the nominated occupation.
ICT Major Criteria:
A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate degree must have at least 50% ICT content.
A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree with ICT content less than 50% is assessed as a
Non-ICT qualification.
A Bachelor degree must have:
- 33% ICT content for a 3 year course
- 25% ICT content for a 4 year course
- 20% ICT content for a 5 year course
The ICT content must progress through all years of the program with the final year being at an advanced
A post graduate qualification (Graduate Diploma or Masters) that do not require a Bachelor with an ICT
major for entry into the course, must have:
- A minimum of 3 semesters or at least 1.5 years of full-time study
- At least 2 semesters or 1 year of full-time equivalent ICT content
- A minimum of 12 units or subjects (overseas degrees may contain less units or subjects)
- 50% ICT content for a 2 year Graduate Diploma or Masters qualification
- 33% ICT content for a 3 year Graduate Diploma or Masters qualification
出现你说的一门所学课程包含多个条目的情况时经验不同的 Case Officer 处理可能有差别,但出入不会太大,万一你感觉 CO 处理不合适也可以上诉。
下面是 ACS 对 261313 软件工程师职业要求的相关专业课程:
261313 软件工程师ACS评估专业相关性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units - FLYabroad
- 算法设计和开发 Algorithm design and development
- 编译工具 Compilers
- 数据结构 Data structures
- 形式语言 Formal languages
- 操作系统 Operating systems
- 计算机编程(应用程序或系统)Computer Programming (application or system)
- 软件工程 Software Engineering
- 测试策略和方法 Testing strategies and methods
261313 软件工程师ACS评估附加的专业相关性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units - FLYabroad
- 人工智能 Artificial intelligence
- 自动控制原理 Automata theory
- 企业信息系统 Business Information Systems
- 业务流程再造 Business Process Reengineering
- 计算机科学 Computer Science
- 数据库设计 Database design
- 数据库实现 Database implementation
- 电子商务 e-Commerce
- 人机交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 商业信息系统入门 Introduction to BIS
- 信息通信技术入门 Introduction to ICT
- 管理信息系统 Management Information Systems
- 面向对象技术 Object oriented technologies
- 项目管理 Project Management
- 质量管理 Quality management
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 软件确认 Software validation
- 系统设计 System Design
- 系统分析 Systems Analysis
- 网页工程 Web engineering