飞出国:萨省技术移民2018年11月1日再次发出邀请,EE 60分255人,OID 61分671人,职业还是2018年10月11日更新的 SINP 技术移民 2018年10月10日 最新紧缺职业清单 。
Please find the results from the EOI Selection on November 1, 2018 at the bottom of the page.
Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments.
Date of Invitations to Apply | Category | Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate to Apply | Total Candidates Invited to Apply | Other Considerations |
21-Aug-18 | Express Entry | 68 | 466 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
20-Sep-18 | Occupations In-Demand | 75 | 140 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
27-Sep-18 | Express Entry | 65 | 225 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
27-Sep-18 | Occupations In-Demand | 66 | 213 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
10-Oct-18 | Express Entry | 60 | 359 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
10-Oct-18 | Occupations In-Demand | 63 | 494 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
1-Nov-18 | Express Entry | 60 | 255 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
1-Nov-18 | Occupations In-Demand | 61 | 671 | Invited Candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. |
需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/。