
NSDEE Category B 无雇主 offer 类别将在当地时间4.28上午9点,北京时间28号晚上8点(20点)开放350个配额。同时调整了紧缺职业清单: NSNP 2018年4月紧缺清单调整为11个职业,IT 职业悉数被删

Category B (for applicants with experience in an opportunity occupation) is expected to open and close throughout the year. Controlling intake will allow us to process applications more efficiently.

Please continue to check this webpage for updates.

Category B will open on Saturday, April 28, at approximately 9 a.m. ADT to accept up to 350 applications. Refer to the Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry guide for the list of accepted occupations, which has been revised.

ADT – Atlantic Daylight Time / Atlantic Daylight Saving Time (Daylight Saving Time)

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国: http://flyabroad.me/contact/
