菲尔莱狄更斯大学学费 Tuition and Fees of Fairleigh Dickinson University

菲尔莱狄更斯大学 Fairleigh Dickinson University(卑诗省温哥华市) 继续讨论:

菲尔莱狄更斯大学学费 Tuition and Fees of Fairleigh Dickinson University

2015年8月-2016年5月学费预算 Estimated Cost for the Academic Year (August 2015 - May 2016):

学生类型 Type of Student 校区 Campus 学费 Tuition & Fees 食宿费 Room, Board Expenses 总计 Total
本科生 Undergraduate Metropolitan $37,874 $13,193 $51,067
本科生 Undergraduate Florham $40,230 $13,193 $53,423
研究生 Graduate (tier 1) Both $22,879 $13,193 $36,072
研究生 Graduate (tier 2) Both $23,455 $13,193 $36,648

2016年5月-2016年8月夏季学期学费预算 Estimated Cost for the Summer Term (May 2016-August 2016):

学生类型 Type of Student 校区 Campus 学费 Tuition & Fees 食宿费 Room, Board Expenses 总计 Total
本科生 Undergraduate Both $12,503
(12 credits
$5508 $18,011
研究生 Graduate Both $11,831
(9 credits)
$5508 $17,339



  • 成年人-$7,500 加币/人
  • 孩子-$4,000 加币/人

Dependent Cost (spouse and/or children):
The cost for a dependent is calculated for a twelve (12) month year.

  • Adult - $7,500 per dependent
  • Child - $4,000 per dependent

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