2017 年澳大利亚技术评分标准 Australia General Skilled Migration (GSM) Points test

澳洲技术移民职业年(专业年)加分 - 飞出国

澳大利亚 ICT,工程师和会计专业毕业的留学生有机会通过读 12 个月及以上的一个专业你那课程获得额外5分加分。需要额外注意的是该职业年需要与提供的职业高度相关,例如评估会计读计算机专业年是不加分的。另外该职业年(PYear)需要是在获得 ITA 签证邀请时没有超过4年。

也就是意味着获得专业年(Professional year in Australia)加分的申请人工作经验加分都不会太高。

Professional year in Australia

You can receive five points for having completed a professional year in Australia in the four years before you were invited to apply.

Your professional year course must have been in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation. The course must have lasted for at least 12 months.
