新不伦瑞克省营养师协会-NB-NBAD(The New Brunswick Association of Dietitians)

关于新不伦瑞克省营养师协会 About NBAD 飞出国##


To use the title Registered Dietitian or Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist the person must be a member of the New Brunswick Association of Dietitians. This is to ensure that the public receives the best possible care by a competent professional dietitian.


资质Qualifications 飞出国##



  • 教育
  • 实习经验


  1. 成为饮食学家的第一步是获得食品和营养专业学士学位,且该大学有加拿大认证的饮食教育课程。
  2. 第二步是成功完成加拿大饮食学家认证,规定的实践经验课程。可以是毕业后的实习,综合习性/阶段性/合作的本科课程或结合的硕士实践课程。
  3. 最后一步是在有工作意向的省份的监管机构注册。要获得注册资格,大部分省份都会要求申请人成功完成加拿大饮食注册考试( CDRE)。

Becoming a dietitian requires 3 steps:

two preparatory phases:

  • Education
  • Practicum experience

followed by:

Registration with a provincial dietetic regulatory body in order to practice.

  1. The first step to becoming a dietitian is a Bachelor’s degree with major credits in Foods and Nutrition from a university offering a Dietitians of Canada accredited dietetic education program.
  2. Step 2 is successful completion of a program of supervised practical experience accredited by Dietitians of Canada. These programs can take the form of post-degree internships, integrated/stage/co-ordinated undergraduate programs or Combined Masters Practicum programs.
  3. The final step in becoming a Registered Dietitian (RD) is registration with the regulatory body (College or Association) in the province in which you intend to practice. Most provinces require successful completion of the Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE) for applicants to gain registration status.

Dietitians Association of New Brunswick

成为会员-新会员申请 Become a Member - NEW MEMBER APPLICATION 飞出国##



  1. 请确保寄出所有要求的资料。这些资料必须是原件复印件或公证复印件(由公证处,政府或领事官员进行公证)。协会收到所有资料后,申请程序才能进行。
  2. 来自教育机构的文件,例如成绩单,证书,实习或实践培训的证明信,必须由教育机构直接寄送出去,不能由申请人寄出。申请人要负责确保规定的资料全部寄送成功,材料先关的费用由申请人自行承担。
  3. 申请证书上的姓名和其他资料不一致,或由于结婚,离婚或其他情况引起的姓名变更,则必须提供姓名变更的正式证明文件(原件或公证的副本)。
  4. 请把信用卡信息和填完的表格一起提交,向New Brunswick Association of Dietitians支付申请费,并且把所有必需的文件寄往以下地址。
  5. 协会不会受理不完善的申请材料。
  6. 支付的费用不会因会员时长暂停而退还。
  7. 向NBAD支付的会费不可退还。


Registrar/ Executive Director

New Brunswick Association of Dietitians

471 Smythe street, Box 27002

Fredericton, N.B.


Thank you for requesting an application package for the New Brunswick Association of Dietitians. Please take the time to read through the application form carefully. All necessary documentation must be received before your application is processed.

Please read instructions and the application forms carefully before submitting. Complete and submit all applicable sections and mail all necessary documentation.

  1. Be sure to mail all documents requested. Documents must be original copies or be notarized copies (completed by a notary public, a government or consular official). Applications will be processed only when all documents are received.
  2. Documents from educational institutions such as academic transcripts and certificates or letters of verification of internship or practical training must be sent directly from the educational institution and not from the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the necessary documents are received. Any costs in association with these documents are also the responsibility of the applicant.
  3. Where the name(s) of the applicant are different on certificates and other documents, or names are changed due to marriage, divorce or other circumstance, official documentation of the name change (either original document or notarized copy) must be provided.
  4. Submit this completed form with your credit card information for dues payable to New Brunswick Association of Dietitians and all necessary documents to the address shown below.
  5. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
  6. Fees paid cannot be refunded for a partial membership year.
  7. Membership fees paid to the NBAD are non refundable

Documents can be sent to:
Registrar/ Executive Director

New Brunswick Association of Dietitians

471 Smythe street, Box 27002

Fredericton, N.B.


当前在加拿大其他饮食监管机构注册的申请人 Applicants who are currently registered with another Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Body

  • 请完成A,C和D部分
  • Complete Sections A, C and D

当前未在加拿大其他的营养监管机构注册的申请人 Applicants who are not currently registered with another Canadian Dietetic Regulatory Body

  • 请完成A,C和D部分

  • 要在考试6周前支付考试费。

  • 把安排实习和成绩单的证明资料直接从教育机构寄送给NBAD。

  • 注意:完成硕士学位但没有完成实习,或在加拿大境外完成了教育和学习,或完成的教育和工作经验是在申请前3年获得的,申请人需要接受注册协会的进一步检查,该过程需要额外支付费用。协会收到填完的申请表格后,会进一步通知申请人相关申请信息。

  • Complete Sections A, B and D
  • Payment for the Exam fee is due (6) weeks prior to the exam date.
  • Arrange for verification of completed internship and transcripts from university degrees to be sent to NBAD directly from the educational institution.
  • Note: Applicants who have completed a Master’s degree and have not completed an internship, or have completed their education and experience outside of Canada, or have completed their education and experience more than 3 years prior to application will be forwarded to the Registration Committee for further scrutiny. Additional fees will be required for this process. Further information will be sent to the applicant upon receipt of the completed application form.

申请表下载地址: http://www.adnb-nbad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/NBAD_New-Member2015-Final.pdf

官网: http://www.adnb-nbad.com/
