EA MSA 指南 - Migration Skills Assessment Booklet

本贴介绍 EA 移民技术评估申请指南


第一部分 绪论

  1. 工程职业类别
  2. 英语语言要求
  3. 技术移民评估途经
  4. 在线申请
  5. 通过移民机构
  6. 评估费用与支付
  7. 评估流程
  8. 评估结果
  9. 申诉评审结果
  10. 驳回

第二部分 资格认证评估

  1. 澳大利亚资格证书
  2. 华盛顿协议
  3. 悉尼协议
  4. 都柏林协议

第三部分 非资格认证评估

  1. CDR准备步骤
  2. CDR组成部分


第四部分 其他评估服务

  1. 在线申请
  2. 附加服务的适用性
  3. 国外工程学博士评估
  4. 相关技能就业



  • 职业概述
  • 技能单元与技能要素


  • 职业概述
  • 技能单元与技能要素


  • 职业概述
  • 技能单元与技能要素


  • 职业概述
  • 技能要素

####移民职业清单指定的澳大利亚工程师职业类别 ####


SECTION A Introduction and Background

  1. Occupational Categories in Engineering
  2. English Language Requirements
  3. Pathways to Migration Skills Assessment
  4. Applying On Line
  5. Using a Migration Agent
  6. Assessment Fees and Payments
  7. The Assessment Process
  8. Assessment Outcome
  9. Appealing the Assessment Outcome
  10. Rejection

SECTION B Assessment of Accredited Qualifications

  1. Australian Qualifications
  2. The Washington Accord
  3. The Sydney Accord
  4. The Dublin Accord

SECTION C Assessment of Non-Accredited Qualifications]

  1. Steps in preparing a CDR
  2. Components of the CDR





SECTION D Additional Assessment Services

  1. Online Application
  2. Applicability of additional services
  3. Assessment of Overseas PhD in engineering
  4. Relevant Skilled Employment


Professional Engineer

  • General Descrition of Role
  • Units and Elements of Competency

Engineering Technologist

  • General Description of Role
  • Units and Elements of Competency

Engineering Associate

  • General Description of Role
  • Units and Elements of Competency

Engineering Manager

  • General Description of Role
  • Elements of Competency



第一部分 SECTION A - 飞出国##

绪论和引言 - Introduction and Background - FLYabroad


This booklet has been developed to assist you in submitting an application for migration skills assessment and provides an introduction to the application requirements. Read this booklet carefully before submitting your application.


Engineers Australia is the designated assessing authority for most engineering occupations. See the Appendix of this booklet for the list of occupations and categories.

首先,你需要登陆澳大利亚移民局官方网站www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/,查阅SOL文件 —— 包含各种职业及其官方指定评估机构的联系方式, 以确认澳大利亚工程师协会是否是个人职业的官方指定评估机构。

You should first check the Skilled Occupations Lists (SOL) to check that Engineers Australia is the relevant assessing authority for your occupation. The SOL documents, which list occupations and contact details of the designated assessing authorities, are available from the Department of Immigration website www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/

申请技术移民评估时,要想对澳大利亚一般技术移民有一定的了解,你一定要从澳大利亚移民局官方网站www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/下载General Skilled Migration Booklet (6) - Form 1119SkillSelect booklet (11) Form 1406

Applicants seeking assessment for migration purposes should first get a copy of the latest General Skilled Migration Booklet (6) - Form 1119 and the SkillSelect booklet (11) Form 1406 from the Department of Immigration (www.immi.gov.au). These booklets provide useful information for General Skilled Migration to Australia.


For further information on listed occupations, please refer to the Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) site at www.immi.gov.au/asri. For each occupation listed, this site provides the job description, the recognised skill level in Australia and details of where to get your qualifications and experience assessed. This site also contains information on state specific registration and licensing requirements.


Please also refer to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) at www.abs.gov.au. This reference provides the definition and broad duties for each occupation.

1. 工程职业类别 - fcgvisa


  • 专业工程师
  • 工程技师
  • 工程助理


1 Occupational Categories in Engineering

Engineers Australia recognises three occupational categories within the engineering team in Australia:

  • Professional Engineer
  • Engineering Technologist
  • Engineering Associate

For migration purposes, the additional category of Engineering Manager is also recognised.


The required academic qualification is an Australian 4 year bachelor degree in engineering following 12 years of schooling or equivalent.


  • 专注整体系统
  • 在把环境、社区和社会问题考虑在内的前提下,全面追求工程学事业机会
  • 运用系统的方法开展和管理工程项目
  • 采用系统的工程合成和设计流程
  • 使用已有的工程方法解决工程难题
  • 应用领导和管理才能

Professional Engineer

The required academic qualification is an Australian 4 year bachelor degree in engineering following 12 years of schooling or equivalent.

The Professional Engineer:

  • Focuses on overall systems
  • Pursues engineering opportunities in an holistic way, taking environmental, community & social issues into account
  • Applies systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering projects
  • Applies systematic engineering synthesis and design processes
  • Applies established engineering methods to complex engineering problems
  • Applies leadership & management skills




  • 专注系统内部互动作用
  • 运用技术领域内已有工程方法、技术、工具和资源
  • 进一步研究工程技术

Engineering Technologist

The required academic qualification is an Australian 3 year bachelor degree in engineering following 12 years of schooling or equivalent.

The Engineering Technologist:

  • Focuses on interactions within the system
  • Applies established engineering methods, techniques, tools and resources within the technology domain
  • Advances engineering technology




  • 专注系统的具体部分
  • 进行规范操作和应用既定操作和流程
  • 从技术上帮助施工经理和工程专业人员研究、设计、制造、安装、建设、运转和维护机器和设备、设施、分配系统和装备
  • 协助资源评估和现场勘测
  • 准备、解读、检查和修正图纸、计划、图解、设计图、地图和图表

Engineering Associate

The required academic qualification is an Australian 2 year Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree in engineering following 12 years of schooling or equivalent.

The Engineering Associate:

  • Focuses on specific elements of the system
  • Operates within codes and applies established practices and procedures
  • Provides technical support to construction managers and engineering professionals in research, design, >manufacture, assembly, construction, operation and maintenance of machines and equipment, facilities, distribution systems and installations
  • Assists in resource estimation and site inspection
  • Prepares, interprets, inspects and revises drawings, plans, diagrams, designs, maps and charts




  • 是一个高级行政职位,主要负责制定工程策略、政策和计划以及指导、管理和审查机构工程操作
  • 必须具备不少于3年的高级管理工作记录;必须提供推荐信和组织图表
  • 必须听取其他管理层人员的报告

Engineering Manager

The required academic qualification is generally a bachelor degree or higher in engineering or in an engineering related field following 12 years of schooling or equivalent.

The Engineering Manager:

  • is a high level executive position involving the formulation of engineering strategies, policies and plans and the direction, administration and review of engineering operations for an organization
  • must have a record of senior management over a period of three years or more. Letters of reference and organisational charts must be provided
  • must have persons reporting to him/her who are also at a management level.

2. 英语语言要求 - fcgvisa


> 递交申请时,雅思成绩不能超过2年。


> 所有具备豁免资格的申请者都必须提供结业证明。

更多相关内容请访问the IELTS website www.ielts.org

2 English Language Requirements

All applicants applying to have their skills assessed by Engineers Australia are required to provide evidence of their English language competency.

IELTS results must not be more than 2 years old at the time your application is submitted.

Applicants are required to provide IELTS test results with a minimum score of 6.0 in each of the four modules of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Engineers Australia accepts both the General and Academic versions of the test.

IELTS results must not be more than 2 years old at the time your application is submitted.

The following applicants may be exempt from the requirement to provide an IELTS assessment result:

  • Applicants who are native English speakers;
  • Applicants who have completed an Australian undergraduate engineering qualification or a 2 year Masters degree or PhD program at an Australian university. Documentary evidence of successful completion of the Australian qualification is required for exemption on this basis.

Please note that the above IELTS exemptions are determined on a case by case basis and Engineers Australia reserves the right to request an IELTS assessment result at any stage of the assessment.

Further information refer to the IELTS website www.ielts.org

3. 技术移民评估途经 - fcgvisa


  1. 申请资格认证评估(参见第二部分)
  2. 申请非资格认证评估(参见第三部分)


3. Pathways to Migration Skills Assessment

There are two application pathways for migration skills assessment:

  1. Apply for assessment of Accredited qualifications (refer to Section B) or
  2. Apply for assessment of Non-Accredited qualifications (refer to Section C).

The pathways to recognition are shown in the diagram below.

4. 在线申请 - fcgvisa

所有申请者都必须在网上递交申请;网上申请时,你必须知道自己的EA身份证号、CID编号或会员编号,否则,你需要通过myPortal(https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/home)注册一个EA身份证号;获得EA身份证号、CID编号或会员编号之后,你必须在myPortal注册密码;然后,登陆Engineers Australia’s myPortal进入网上服务,选择技术移民评估,开始申请、保存申请、创建个人简历最后递交申请;成功递交申请之后,你将会收到一个包含EA身份证号和申请编号的通知邮件;只有付费成功,你的申请才会被处理;如果你使用信用卡支付,费用将会即时受理,你也将收到支付收据邮件;如果你使用发票支付,支付受理之后你才会收到收据。

所有文件均须原始的彩色扫描件,且分辨率不低于300 dpi。


4 Applying Online

Applicants are required to submit an online application. If you are unable to apply online, please contact us.

To initiate an online application you must have an individual EA ID number. Note that your EA ID number is the same as your CID number or your membership number.

If you do not have an EA ID, CID or Membership number, you will need to register for an EA ID number through myPortal. If you already have an EA ID, CID or Membership number you will need to register for a password in myPortal. Welcome to Engineers Australia Portal

Please log on to Engineers Australia’s myPortal to access the online services, select Migration Skills Assessment from themenu. You will then be able to start, save, resume and submit your application.

An email notification including your EA ID number and application number will be sent confirming successful submission of your application. Your application will be placed in the processing queue upon payment of the fee. If you are using a credit card, the fee will be processed immediately and a receipt will be sent to you by email. If you are paying an invoice, a receipt will be sent to you once the payment has been processed.

All required documents must be colour scans of original documents and must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi

Where documents are not in the English language, you must upload scans of the documents in the original language as well as English language translations. All translations must be carried out by an authorised translator. The signature, name, status and contact details of the translator must be provided on the English language version.

Please follow the steps as shown in the diagram below.

5. 通过移民机构



5 Using a Migration Agent

If you are using an agent, you must provide your agent with your EA ID, your CID or membership number. If you do not yet have a number, your agent will be able to create one for you. Your agent will then initiate an application on your behalf.

Note that your agent does not need to register for a password on your behalf and you do not need to provide details of your password to them.

6. 评估费用与支付 - fcgvisa



支付方式:网上信用卡支付(Visa、MasterCard或American Express)



  • 目前在澳大利亚居留的申请者须额外支付10%的商品服务税
  • 境外申请者在境外递交申请时不需要支付任何商品服务税
  • 境外申请者通过境内移民机构或在澳大利亚居留的亲戚或朋友递交申请时不需要支付任何商品服务税

6 Assessment fees and payments

Current Assessment fees are available on our website.

Note that extra fees apply for the additional services. A discount is applicable when standard assessment and additional service applications are submitted at the same time. If an application for additional services is submitted after the standard assessment application, the full fee of each additional service applies.

The following methods of payment are acceptable

  • Online credit Card payment (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)

The assessment fee is not refundable and may be subject to change without notice.

Goods and Service Tax (GST)

  • Applicants who are living in Australia MUST pay 10% GST on the application fee
  • Applicants living overseas, who lodge their application from overseas, are NOT required to pay the GST
  • Applicants living overseas, who lodge an application for assessment through an agent in Australia (Migration >Agent, relative or friend living in Australia) are NOT required to pay the GST.

7. 评估流程 - fcgvisa

登陆Engineers Australia’s myPortal可随时查看申请状态。

评估周转时间随申请者人数而变,将会在 www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills上定期更新

如果评审员需要更多信息,你将会收到通知邮件,然后你可以登录Engineers Australia’s myPortal查看具体要求是什么,并递交额外文件。


7 The Assessment Process

You will be able to check the status of your application online by logging into Engineers Australia’s myPortal.

Assessment Turnaround Time
The turnaround time for processing assessments can vary, depending on numbers of incoming applications. Regular updates are provided at : www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills
Please DO NOT contact Engineers Australia within this time frame as this will delay processing time for all applications.

Should your assessor require further information, a notification will be sent to you by email informing you that you have a task to complete in the system. You will need to log into Engineers Australia’s myPortal for details of the request and to submit any additional documentation.

Your response to any request from this office must be actioned within the specified time frame to avoid cancellation of your application.

8. 评估结果 - fcgvisa

评估申请成功之后,你可能会收到评估结果通知信邮件,然后你可以登录Welcome to Engineers Australia Portal


8 Assessment Outcome

If the assessment is successful, an assessment outcome letter suitable for migration purposes will be sent to you by email.
The outcome letter can be verified online by entering the application details at Assessment Outcome Verification | www.engineersaustralia.org.au

Assessment outcome letters that cannot be issued electronically will be sent by ordinary post. You may be charged a fee for this service.

Please note that from the perspective of Engineers Australia, the assessment letter has no expiry date. However, we are aware that the Department of Immigration validity policy may vary from this. As such, if the Department of Immigration requests an updated letter, please contact Engineers Australia for instructions.

9. 申诉评估结果 - fcgvisa

如果你对评估结果不满意,你应该首先联系你的案件负责人,同他讨论你的问题。负责人很可能会把你的案件上报National Manager Migration Skills Assessment审核。

  • 申诉或评审仅限在收到评估结果通知信后12个月内进行
  • 一旦你使用评估结果通知信申请移民,整个评估流程就结束了,你将不能进行任何申诉




递交正式申诉时,你必须登陆 www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills下载申请表格,填写完成之后再递交。



所有材料文件都将被影印后交给工程师外务委员会,然后由他们重新评估;根据Australian Privacy Legislation你必须向委员会递交所有原文件的复件;文件上的本人签字将表明你本人同意该文件被传播。


9 Appealing the Assessment Outcome

If you are not satisfied with the assessment outcome you should first contact your case officer and discuss your concerns. The case officer may refer your case to the National Manager Migration Skills Assessment for consideration.

  • A Review or Appeal can only be made within 12 months of the date of the original assessment outcome letter
  • If you have already used the assessment outcome letter for Migration purposes, then the assessment process is regarded as finished and no Appeal can be made.

Preliminary (Informal) Review
The Manager will refer your file to another assessor for an independent assessment. Preliminary Reviews are free of charge. You will be advised of the outcome by email. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you may apply for a formal Appeal.

Formal Appeal
To lodge a formal appeal you must submit the form Application for Formal Appeal of Assessment Outcome, downloadable from www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills

You may include a cover letter explaining your reasons for appealing the assessment outcome. However, no new information can be presented as the formal appeal must be conducted according to the same information that was presented to your original case officer. If you wish to add new material to your submission you must make a new application.

You must include the current formal Appeal Fee. This fee is refundable if you receive the outcome you are seeking. It is not refundable if the original assessment outcome is upheld.

All documents on your file will be photocopied and forwarded to an external committee of engineers for reassessment. Under Australian Privacy Legislation your permission will be required to forward copies of documents to the Committee. When requesting an Appeal, your signature denotes consent to appropriate dissemination of the file documents.

Appeals take about three months to process. The outcome of a formal appeal is FINAL.

10. 驳回 - fcgvisa



10 Rejection

Applications will be rejected where there is evidence of fraud, plagiarism, forged or misleading documents. We refer applicants to the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, in particular the demonstration of integrity. The Code is available on the website www.engineersaustralia.org.au

The sanctions regarding fraudulent applications include notification to the Department of Immigration and a minimum 12 month ban from applying for migration skills assessment with Engineers Australia.


第二部分 SECTION B - 飞出国

认证资格评估 Assessment of Accredited Qualifications - FLYabroad

引言 Introduction - FLYabroad



澳大利亚协议资格认证评估主要以本科学历证书为基础;然而,有些研究生学历证书是一些获得独立认可的资格证书。如果你既没有获得独立认可的研究生学历证书,也没有认可的本科学历证书,那么,你必须递交CDR(Competency Demonstration Report)。






Accredited qualifications are Australian and overseas engineering qualifications which are recognised through formal international agreements.

Engineers Australia is a signatory to three international agreements – the Washington Accord, the Sydney Accord and the Dublin Accord.

The assessment of Australian and Accord accredited qualifications is primarily based upon undergraduate qualifications. However, some postgraduate qualifications have been accredited as standalone qualifications. If your postgraduate qualification is not independently accredited and you do not have an accredited undergraduate qualification, you will need to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for assessment.

The minimum academic requirement for assessment with Engineers Australia is an Australian Advanced Diploma or equivalent.

Occupational Outcome

The occupational outcome of your assessment generally reflects the title and/or content of your degree. If you have completed a double major, the outcome will reflect the dominant major. Only one outcome is given per assessment. If you have a double major and you have a preference as to which one is recognised, please upload a cover letter to explain your nomination. Please note that this does not guarantee assessment in the occupation requested but rather alerts us to your preference. If you are seeking assessment in an occupation that is not the same as the title of your degree, you will need to submit a CDR for assessment.

Recognition of Prior Learning

If you have received credit/recognition of prior learning (RPL) for prior studies towards your qualification, you will also need to upload your original academic documents from the tertiary institution where those subjects were originally completed.

1.澳大利亚资格证书 - fcgvisa


专业工程师、工程技师和工程助理最新认证项目列表请参见http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/about- us/program-accreditation

列表中每个项目所附时间是该项目首次获得澳大利亚工程师协会认证的具体年份。认证项目处于不断更新中,只有你开始学业的时间在完全认证项目提供的时间段内,你才会被认为是认证项目毕业生。网站上公布的项目列表中,所有起始日期之后标有**(P)** 字样的项目都是临时认证项目,代表有望但不能保证肯定会成为完全认证项目。具备临时认证项目资格证书的申请者必须提供CDR。


1.Australian Qualifications

Graduates of accredited Australian engineering programs are eligible for migration skills assessment via the Australian Engineering Qualifications application pathway.

Current listings of accredited programs at the level of Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist and Engineering Associate are available at http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/about- us/program-accreditation

The year shown after each program is the year in which that program was first accredited by Engineers Australia. Students are deemed to have graduated from an accredited program provided that they have commenced their studies within the period that full, ongoing accreditation applies. On the published web listing, provisional accreditation is denoted by a (P) after the commencement date and indicates that full accreditation is expected but not guaranteed. Applicants with provisionally accredited qualifications will be required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report for assessment.

Engineers Australia has accredited several engineering programs delivered by Australian universities offshore. Please refer to our published list of accredited Australian qualifications for information on the accreditation of offshore programs. Applicants with accredited Australian qualifications obtained offshore are required to provide IELTS results (see Section A).

####2.《华盛顿协议》 - fcgvisa




更多相关日期和签署具体内容请参见http://www.ieagreements.org/Washington- Accord/signatories.cfm。更多相关签署国家公布的认证项目清单请点击该签署国网页链接。






当申请人不具备更高学历,但是具备荣誉学位时,可参考双重认证条款 (see http://www.engc.org.uk/courses, under the heading Honours degrees and IEng (dual accreditation).


2.The Washington Accord


Only qualifications publicly listed as accredited by the relevant signatory will be considered for recognition via

the Washington Accord. The title of your qualification must be the same as the title on the published list of accredited qualifications for the relevant signatory.

Accreditation applies for qualifications completed in or after the year in which the relevant organisation gained full signatory status to the Washington Accord.

Please refer to http://www.ieagreements.org/Washington- Accord/signatories.cfm for the relevant dates and signatory details. Click on the relevant signatory web link for the published list of accredited programs for that country.

The minimum academic requirements for an assessment via the Washington Accord are qualifications which are broadly comparable to an Australian 4 year bachelor degree in engineering.

The Washington Accord applies only to engineering degrees accredited and delivered within the signatory countries.

Applicants with qualifications from the UK

Please pay attention to the Public Notes on the accredited course list.

Some qualifications are listed with a Further Learning Requirement for recognition as a Professional Engineer via the Washington Accord. Where further learning is required and has not been obtained, the qualification is not accredited via the Washington Accord.

For applicants who have not undertaken further learning but have completed an Honours degree, there is a dual Accreditation provision (see http://www.engc.org.uk/courses, under the heading Honours degrees and IEng (dual accreditation).

All Honours degrees accredited from the intake year of 1999 are eligible for recognition via the Sydney Accord. Applicants with ordinary bachelor degrees and no further learning will be required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report for assessment.

####3.《悉尼协议》 - fcgvisa







3.The Sydney Accord


Only qualifications publicly listed as accredited by the relevant signatory will be considered for recognition via the Sydney Accord. The title of your qualification must be the same as the title appearing on the published list of accredited qualifications for the relevant signatory.

Accreditation applies for qualifications completed in or after the year in which the relevant organisation gained full signatory status to the Sydney Accord.

Please refer to http://www.ieagreements.org/Sydney/signatories.cfm for the relevant dates and signatory details. Click on the relevant signatory web link for published lists of accredited programs for that country.

The minimum academic requirements for an assessment via the Sydney Accord are qualifications which are broadly comparable to an Australian 3 year bachelor degree in engineering.

The Sydney Accord applies only to engineering degrees accredited and delivered within the signatory countries.

####4.《都柏林协议》 - fcgvisa







4.The Dublin Accord


Only qualifications publicly listed as accredited by the relevant signatory body will be considered for recognition via the Dublin Accord. The title of your qualification must be the same as the title appearing on the published list of accredited qualifications for the relevant signatory body.

Accreditation applies for qualifications completed in or after the year in which the relevant body gained full signatory status to the Dublin Accord.

Please refer to http://www.ieagreements.org/dublin/signatories.cfm

for the relevant dates and signatory details. Click on the relevant signatory web link for the published list of accredited programs for that country.

The minimum academic requirements for an assessment via the Dublin Accord are qualifications which are broadly comparable to an Australian 2 year Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree in engineering.

The Dublin Accord applies only to engineering degrees accredited and delivered within the signatory countries.


所有文件均须原始的彩色扫描件,且分辨率不低于300 dpi。

  • 当前护照照片
  • 当前护照的履历表页以及英文翻译文件(或出生证明和/或国民身份证复件)
  • 学术资格证书 (学历证书或获奖证书)
  • 完整的正式学术成绩单;如果资格认证包括其他高等教育的之前学习或免修认证,你必须提供所有相关成绩单证明
  • 个人简历
  • 雅思考试成绩报告单
  • 更名证明
  • 上述所有材料文件的英语正式翻译文件


All required documents must be colour scans of original documents and must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi

  • Current Passport style photograph
  • Current passport bio-data page (not the entire passport) and English translation where applicable. Where this is not available, a copy of your Birth Certificate and/or National Identity Card may be acceptable in lieu
  • Academic testamur (degree certificate/award)
  • Complete and official academic transcript. If your accredited qualification has been granted with recognition of prior learning/advanced standing from another tertiary institution, you will need to provide evidence of all relevant transcripts.
  • Brief Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • IELTS Test Report Form
  • Official Change of Name documents where applicable
  • Official English translations of above documents where applicable


第三部分 SECTION C - 飞出国

非资格认证评估(Assessment of Non-Accredited Qualifications) - 飞出国

引言 - 飞出国




This section provides instructions for compiling a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The CDR assessment is based primarily upon the undergraduate qualification and demonstrated graduate competencies (refer to Appendix). Please follow these instructions carefully when compiling your CDR application for migration skills assessment.

Applicants need to provide documentary evidence of BOTH:

  • The core technical engineering knowledge supporting the nominated occupation AND;
  • The demonstrated application of that knowledge in the nominated occupation.

The CDR must be all your own work. All typed components of the CDR must be done using a word processor and you are strongly advised to keep a copy.

Your CDR will be assessed against the graduate competency standards and the ANZSCO definition of the occupational category nominated by you.

1.CDR准备步骤 - FLYabroad


1.Steps in Preparing a CDR

The flow chart below shows the steps you need to take in preparing your CDR.

2. CDR组成部分 - fcgvisa


2.Components of the CDR - fcgvisa

You must first select the CDR as your application pathway. Also select any additional service required such as assessment of an overseas PhD or assessment of relevant skilled employment. Refer to Section D for detailed instructions on requirements for these additional assessment services.

2.1 个人资料 - FLYabroad


2.1Personal Details

You are required to provide your current passport bio-data page (not the entire passport) and English language translation where applicable. Where this is not available a scan of your Birth Certificate and/or National Identify Card may be acceptable in lieu.

If your name in the academic documents is different to the name printed in your passport, you are required to provide official name change documents (see Section A)

2.2 个人简历 - FLYabroad



2.2.1 英语语言能力 - FLYabroad


2.2.2 申请信息 - FLYabroad


2.2Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ Résumé

A full summary of your engineering education and work experience is required. Your CV must be a complete record of your activities and must not contain significant periods where no activity is recorded. The CV is to be a chronological listing of employment, not projects. Your CV should be no more than three A4 pages

For each workplace provide:

  • organisation name and location, including contact details
  • dates and duration of employment
  • title of position occupied by you
  • your defined role (provide a duty or appointment statement where

2.2.1 English Language Competency

Applicants applying to have their skills assessed by Engineers Australia are required to provide evidence of their English language competency. See Item 6 of Section A for full details of the English competency requirements.

2.2.2 Application Information

You must select the engineering occupation in which you are seeking assessment and provide colour scans of original documents.

Where applicable, a Registration Certificate must be provided. You can upload more than one if you have multiple relevant Registration Certificates.

2.3 教育信息


2.3Education Details

If you have more than one engineering qualification, all relevant additional qualifications must be provided. If you are currently enrolled in any formal educational program, please upload your enrolment letter and current transcript if available.

2.4 工作 - FLYabroad


2.4 Employment

Any claimed work experience over 12 months must be supported by documentary evidence. However, documentary evidence of employment for career episodes based upon engineering experience must be also provided regardless of the duration of employment.

If the documentary evidence of your work experience is not in the English language, you will be required to provide a translation. All translations must be carried out by an authorised translator (see Section A)

Documentary evidence in support of work experience claims must be on company letterhead (including name and location details) and include the date of document, name and status of author, dates and duration of employment and the title of position occupied.

2.5 报告 - FLYabroad


2.5The Report

This section includes the Continuing Professional Development, three Career Episodes and Summary Statement.

2.5.1 持续专业发展识别 - fcgvisa



2.5.1Identification of Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which you keep up-to-date with developments in your field of engineering after you have gained your undergraduate qualification.

All relevant CPD must be included in your CDR application. This CPD must be provided in list format (title, date, duration, and venue) and may include details of:

  • formal post-graduate study;
  • conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended;
  • short courses, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, technical inspections and technical meetings you have attended;
  • preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia;
  • services to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteering, mentoring, etc.);
  • private study (includes books, journals, manuals, etc.).

Your CPD listing must not be more than one A4 page. It is not necessary to include certificates from each course.

2.5.2 三个职业片段介绍 - fcgvisa



所有职业片段都必须由本人用英语完成,必须能证明你所具备的沟通技能,不得包含过多技术信息,字数1000 —— 2500。




1) 引言 (不超过100字)


2)背景 (200 – 500 字)


3) 个人工程活动(500 – 1000 字)


4)综述 (50 – 100 字)


2.5.2 Writing your Three Career Episodes

A career episode is an account of your engineering education and/or work experience. Each career episode focuses upon a specific period or distinct aspect of your engineering activity. Each career episode must focus on a different period or aspect of your engineering activity. Each episode should focus on how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation.

You may base your career episode upon:

  • an engineering task undertaken as part of your educational program;
  • a project you have worked on or are currently working on;
  • a specific position that you occupied or currently occupy (in this case, the career episode must comprise more than a mere duty statement);
  • a particular engineering problem that you were required to solve.

Each career episode must be in your own words and must be written in English.

Do not present large amounts of technical material. It is recommended that each narrative be a minimum of 1000 and maximum of 2500 words.

The career episode will also provide evidence to the assessor of your communication skills.

Each career episode must clearly demonstrate the application of engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation. That is, state what you did and describe how you did it, emphasising your own personal role in episode (for example I designed, I investigated etc.) Please do not include excessive technical details (photos, calculations, tables).

Each career episode should emphasise any engineering problems identified by you and any particular problem solving techniques you applied. The purpose of this is to assess your personal contribution in meeting project and task objectives.

Please note that it is not sufficient to merely describe work in which you were involved. Your own personal role in the work must be clearly identifiable.

Please Note:
Career Episodes must be written in the first person singular clearly indicating your own personal role in the work described. Remember, it is what I did, not what we did or what ‘I was involved in’ and describe how you did it.

You must number each paragraph in each of your career episodes. This is necessary to construct the Summary Statement. The following system is recommended:

Career episode 1 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc.)
Career episode 2 (paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc.)
Career episode 3 (paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 etc.)

Career episode format
Each career episode should follow the format below:

a) Introduction (approx. 100 words)

This introduces the reader to the career episode and should include such things as:

  • the chronology - the dates and duration of the career episode;
  • the geographical location where the experience was gained;
  • the name of the organisation;
  • the title of the position occupied by you.

b)Background (200 – 500 words)

This sets the scene and provides the context in which you have been studying/working. It should include such things as:

  • the nature of the overall engineering project;
  • the objectives of the project;
  • the nature of your particular work area;
  • a chart of the organisational structure highlighting your position, in relation to the career episode;
  • a statement of your duties (provide an official duty statement where available).

c) Personal Engineering Activity (500 – 1000 words)

This is the body of the narrative and the key assessable component. In this section you must describe in detail the actual work performed by you. You should state what you did and then describe how you did it. It is not sufficient to describe the activities performed by a team or group - your own role must be clearly identified. Remember it is your own personal engineering competencies that are being assessed. This section should include such things as:

  • how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills;
  • the tasks delegated to you and how you went about accomplishing them;
  • any particular technical difficulties/problems you encountered and how you solved them;
  • strategies devised by you including any original or creative design work;
  • how you worked with other team members.

d)Summary (50 – 100 words)

This section sums up your impressions of the engineering activity and your role in it. It should include such things as:

  • your view of the overall project;
  • how the project fared in meeting the goals / requirements;
  • how your personal role contributed to the project.

2.5.3 准备汇总 - fcgvisa



被提名职业类别汇总模板下载地址: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills


2.5.3 Preparation of the Summary Statement

The elements for each occupational category are listed in the following pages. The Appendix gives a detailed description of each competency element for each category.

Once you have completed your career episodes you must analyse them to ensure you have addressed all the competency elements for the nominated occupational category.

The results of your analysis will be demonstrated in your Summary Statement. The Summary Statement cross- references the competency elements with the particular paragraph in your Career Episode where each element occurs. To do this, you will need to number the paragraphs in your career episodes.

The process is represented schematically below:

You must download and complete the appropriate summary statement for your nominated occupational category.

The summary statement templates are available at >>www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills

These are guides only. Do not attempt to restrict your Summary Statement to one page only.

You do not need to cover all the indicators within each competency element.

Please note that only one Summary Statement is required for all three episodes.

清单 - fcgvisa

所有文件均须原始的彩色扫描件,且分辨率不低于300 dpi。

  • 申请费用
  • 当前护照照片
  • 当前护照的履历表页以及英文翻译文件(或出生证明和/或国民身份证复件)
  • 更名证明
  • 雅思考试成绩报告单
  • 个人简历
  • 学术资格证书 (学历证书或获奖证书)
  • 完整的正式学术成绩单;如果资格认证包括其他高等教育的之前学习或免修认证,你必须提供所有相关成绩单证明
  • 相关许可证发放机关(如Philippine Regulations Commission)签发的注册证书
  • 就业证明(有不少于12个月的相关工作经验或工作经验可以提供基本的职业片段)
  • CPD(Continuing Professional Development)清单
  • 3个职业片段
  • 资格要素证明概述
  • 上述所有材料文件的英语正式翻译文件


   All required documents must be colour scans of original documents and must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi
  • Application fee
  • Current Passport-style photo
  • Current passport bio-data page only (not the entire passport) and English language translation where applicable. Where this is not available a scan of your Birth Certificate and/or National Identify Card may be acceptable in lieu
  • Official Change of Name document where applicable
  • IELTS Test Report Form where applicable
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Résumé
  • Academic testamur/s (degree certificate/s)
  • Complete and official academic transcript/s. If your qualification has been granted with recognition of prior learning/advanced standing from another tertiary institution, you will need to provide evidence of all relevant transcripts.
  • Registration certificate under the relevant licensing authority where applicable (e.g. Philippine Regulations Commission)
  • Documentary evidence of employment (must be provided if you have relevant work experience of 12 months or more, or if the work experience provides a basis of career episode/s)
  • Listing of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Three Career Episodes
  • Summary Statement of evidence for the competency elements
  • Official English language translations of above where applicable

专业工程师总括(PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERSummary Statement) - 飞出国



PE1 知识与技能基础

  • PE1.1 在理论的基础上对基础自然与物理科学和适用于工程学科的工程基础知识的全面理解
  • PE1.2 对支撑工程学科的数学、数值分析、统计和计算机与信息科学概念层次上的理解
  • PE1.3 对工程学科专业知识体系的深入了解
  • PE1.4 对工程学科的知识发展和研究方向的识别
  • PE1.5 对影响工程学科的情境因素的了解
  • PE1.6 对具体学科内现代工程实践的范围、原则、规范、职责和范围的理解

PE2 工程应用能力

  • PE2.1 对已制定的解决复杂工程难题的工程知识的应用能力
  • PE2.2 对工程方法、工具和资源的灵活应用能力
  • PE2.3 对系统工程合成和设计流程的应用能力
  • PE2.4 对工程项目系统进行和管理办法的应用能力

PE3 职业属性与个人属性

  • PE3.1 道德操守和专业责任
  • PE3.2 专业领域和非专业领域有效的口头和书面沟通技巧
  • PE3.3 创造、创新、积极
  • PE3.4 专业使用和管理信息
  • PE3.5 有序管理个人行为和专业行为
  • PE3.6 有效参与和领导团队

These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C). If you are applying for assessment as a Professional Engineer, you will need to download this page from our website, complete it and lodge it with your application. For details, refer to the Appendix, Pages 24-27.

Competency Element - A brief summary of how you have applied the element - Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed


  • PE1.1 Comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline.
  • PE1.2 Conceptual understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the engineering discipline.
  • PE1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.
  • PE1.4 Discernment of knowledge development and research directions within the engineering discipline.
  • PE1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline.
  • PE1.6 Understanding of the scope, principles,norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the specific discipline.


  • PE2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.
  • PE2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources
  • PE2.3 Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes.
  • PE2.4 Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering projects.


  • PE3.1 Ethical conduct and professional Accountability.
  • PE3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
  • PE3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.
  • PE3.4 Professional use and management of information.
  • PE3.5 Orderly management of self and professional conduct.
  • PE3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership.

工程技师总括(ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST Summary Statement) - 飞出国



ET1 知识与技能基础

  • ET1.1 在理论的基础上对基础自然与物理科学和适用于技术领域的工程基础知识的系统理解
  • ET1.2 对支撑技术领域的数学、数值分析、统计和计算机与信息科学概念层次上的理解
  • ET1.3 对技术领域专业知识体系的深入了解
  • ET1.4 对技术领域的知识发展的识别
  • ET1.5 对影响技术领域的情境因素的了解
  • ET1.6 对技术领域内现代工程实践的范围、原则、规范、职责和范围的理解

ET2 工程应用能力

  • ET2.1 对已制定的解决技术领域内广义问题的工程方法的应用能力
  • ET2.2 对技术领域内工程方法、工具和资源的应用能力
  • ET2.3 对技术领域内系统的合成和设计流程的应用能力
  • ET2.4 对技术领域内工程项目系统进行和管理方法的应用能力

ET3 职业素质与个人素质

  • ET3.1 道德操守和专业责任
  • ET3.2 专业领域和非专业领域有效的口头和书面沟通技巧
  • ET3.3 创造、创新、积极
  • ET3.4 专业使用和管理信息
  • ET3.5 有序管理个人行为和专业行为
  • ET3.6 有效参与和领导团队

These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C). If you are applying for assessment as an Engineering Technologist, you will need to download this page from our website, complete it, and lodge it with your application. For details, refer to the Appendix, Pages 28-32.

Competency Element - A brief summary of how you have applied the element - Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed


  • ET1.1 Systematic, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the technology domain。
  • ET1.2 Conceptual understanding of the, mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the technology domain.
  • ET1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the technology domain.
  • ET1.4 Discernment of knowledge development within the technology domain.
  • ET1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the technology domain.
  • ET1.6 Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the technology domain.


  • ET2.1 Application of established engineering methods to broadly-defined problem solving within the technology domain.
  • ET2.2 Application of engineering techniques, tools and resources within the technology domain.
  • ET2.3 Application of systematic synthesis and design processes within the technology domain.
  • ET2.4 Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of projects within the technology domain.


  • ET3.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability.
  • ET3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
  • ET3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.
  • ET3.4 Professional use and management of information.
  • ET3.5 Orderly management of self and professional conduct.
  • ET3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership.

工程助理总括(ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE Summary Statement) - 飞出国



EA1 知识与技能基础

  • EA1.1 在公式的基础上对基础自然与物理科学和适用于实践领域的工程基础知识的叙述理解
  • EA1.2 对支撑实践领域的数学、数值分析、统计和计算机与信息科学程序层次上的理解
  • EA1.3 对实践领域专业学科分支实际知识的深入了解和实际技能的掌握
  • EA1.4 对技术领域的工程发展的识别
  • EA1.5 对影响实践领域的情境因素的了解
  • EA1.6 对实践领域内内现代工程实践的范围、原则、规范、职责和范围的理解

EA2 工程应用能力

  • EA2.1 对已制定的解决明确工程问题的技术和实际方法的应用能力
  • EA2.2 对已制定的解决明确工程问题的技术和实际方法、工具和资源的应用能力
  • EA2.3 对解决明确工程问题的系统设计流程的应用能力
  • EA2.4 对工程项目系统管理流程的应用能力

EA3 职业素质与个人素质

  • EA3.1 道德操守和专业责任
  • EA3.2 专业领域和非专业领域有效的口头和书面沟通技巧
  • EA3.3 创造、创新、积极
  • EA3.4 专业使用和管理信息
  • EA3.5 有序管理个人行为和专业行为
  • EA3.6 有效参与和领导团队

These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C).

If you are applying for assessment as an Engineering Associate, you will need to download this page from our website, complete it, and lodge it with your application. For details, refer to the Appendix, Pages 33-36.

Competency Element - A brief summary of how you have applied the element - Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed


  • EA1.1 Descriptive, formula-based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the practice area.
  • EA1.2 Procedural-level understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the practice area.
  • EA1.3 In-depth practical knowledge and skills within specialist sub-disciplines of the practice area.
  • EA1.4 Discernment of engineering developments within the practice area.
  • EA1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the practice area.
  • EA1.6 Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the area of practice.


  • EA2.1Application of established technical and practical methods to the solution of well-defined engineering problems.
  • EA2.2 Application of technical and practical techniques, tools and resources to well-defined engineering problems.
  • EA2.3 Application of systematic design processes to well-defined engineering problems.
  • EA2.4 Application of systematic project management processes.


  • EA3.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability.
  • EA3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.
  • EA3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.
  • EA3.4 Professional use and management of information.
  • EA3.5 Orderly management of self and professional conduct.
  • EA3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership.

工程经理总括(ENGINEERING MANAGER Summary Statement) - 飞出国



  • EM 1.1 参与制定工程业务策略
  • EM 1.2 发展客户关系
  • EM 1.3 管理业务内工程计划的实施
  • EM 1.4 管理资源
  • EM 1.5 管理员工
  • EM 1.6 管理供应商
  • EM 1.7 管理业务信息
  • EM 1.8 监控工程业务操作

These are the competency Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C).

If you are applying for assessment as an Engineering Manager, you will need to download this page from our website, complete it, and lodge it with your application. For details, refer to the Appendix, Pages 37-38.

Competency Element - A brief summary of how you have applied the element - Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed

  • EM 1.1 Contributes to engineering business strategies
  • EM 1.2 Develops client relationships
  • EM 1.3 Manages the implementation of engineering plans within the business
  • EM 1.4 Manages resources
  • EM 1.5 Manages people
  • EM 1.6 Manages suppliers
  • EM 1.7 Manages business information
  • EM 1.8 Monitors engineering business performance


第四部分 SECTION D - 飞出国

附加评估服务 Additional Assessment Services - 飞出国

引言 Introduction - 飞出国


  • 拥有国外博士学位和/或;
  • 在澳大利亚有至少一年的工作经验,和/或在国外有至少3年的工作经验,从事被提名职业或与被提名职业密切相关的职业。



The additional assessment services are generally ONLY of interest to the following clients:

  • those who hold an overseas PhD and/or;
  • those who have at least 1 year Australian work experience, and/or at least 3 years Overseas work experience in their nominated occupation or a closely related occupation.

Applicants can apply for one or both of these services as required.

       Please Note:
       Engineers Australia does **NOT** issue the points for migration. Points are issued by the Department of Immigration in relation to your application for skilled migration NOT by Engineers Australia as part of your migration skills assessment.

1.网上申请流程 - FLYabroad


  1. Online Application Process

Please upload colour scans of original documents pertaining to the relevant skilled employment and/or PhD online. We will not accept documents with poor resolution (should be at least 300dpi). Certified documents are not accepted for online applications.

2. 境外工程学博士学位评估 - FLYabroad



  • 支付相关费用;
  • 能证明已获得资格证书的所有学术文件(包括考试资格证书和成绩单)的彩色扫描件;
  • 博士在读阶段所有考试的明细;
  • 博士在读阶段和博士毕业之后所有发表过的东西的明细;
  • 论文摘要。
  1. Assessment of Overseas PhD in Engineering

The standard assessment WILL INCLUDE an opinion on the comparable relevant Australian level qualification to the client’s overseas qualification used in support of the assessed outcome. However, where a client holds a PhD degree which may not be required for the nominated outcome, then this additional assessing service may be employed to identify the overseas PhD as comparable to an Australian PhD.

Applicants who require this service will need to provide:

  • relevant fee payment;
  • colour scans of all original academic documentation (testamurs and transcripts, as applicable) demonstrating that the qualification has been awarded.
  • a listing of doctoral examiners and details;
  • a listing of publications made during and after the doctoral program;
  • a thesis abstract.

3. 相关技能工作 - FLYabroad






  1. Relevant Skilled Employment

Engineers Australia has been authorised by the Department of Immigration to provide an opinion about an applicant’s skilled employment claims as part of the skills assessment. However, the decision to award points for skilled employment remains with the Department of Immigration case officer, who may also need to review claims of relevant employment gained subsequent to the formal assessment.

In determining whether an applicant’s skilled employment is closely related to their nominated occupation, the assessment by Engineers Australia will take into consideration the occupations within one unit group classified under the ANZSCO Classification of Occupations.

Be aware that only work experience gained after completion of the qualification supporting your nominated occupation will be recognised. Work experience gained prior to or during your studies will not be assessed as relevant.

Applicants who require this service can apply at the same time as submitting an application for the standard assessment or at a later date.

Applicants are required to provide third party documentary evidence based on the Table below.

一、雇员准备相关技能工作评估材料时有如下三种选择 - fcgvisa

第一种选择 - FLYabroad

  • 由雇主提供的打印在所在公司官方信笺上的推荐信:
    • 必须表明公司的完整地址、联系电话、传真号码、电子邮箱和官方网站和签发日期;    
    • 必须由人力资源经理或直接主管签署;    
    • 必须包含雇用文件签署人的姓名和职位,且在个人签名下书写或盖章,必须包含文件签署人的直接联系号码和正式电子邮箱;
    • 必须有公司印章;
    • 必须明确担任的5个主要职责,工作头衔或职位;
    • 必须明确工作的确切时间段(包括起止日期的具体年月日);
    • 必须明确全职或兼职(包括一周工作的小时数);
    • 必须明确工资标准(月/双周/年薪)


  • 社会保障/社会保险报告
  • 所得税/工资税报告
  • 超级基金贡献声明
  • 公积金声明/退休贡献报告
  • 其他由相关政府机关或第三方组织签发的文件

第二种选择 - FLYabroad


  • 一封明确职责的工作推荐,其中包含雇主信头、公司完整地址、联系电话、传真号码、印章、电子邮箱和官方网站

  • 一份年度绩效评估,如果其中包含职责,那么必须由雇主在正式信头上签发,另外一个高级职员签字


  • 社会保障/社会保险报告
  • 所得税/工资税报告
  • 超级基金贡献声明
  • 公积金声明/退休贡献报告
  • 其他由相关政府机关或第三方组织签发的文件

第三种选择 - FLYabroad

  • 一封推荐信,由经理、直接主管或人力资源部签字,包含信头、印章、公司完整地址、联系电话、传真号码、电子邮箱、官方网站和起止日期等

  • 直接主管的法定声明/证明,必须明确你的职责


  • 社会保障/社会保险报告
  • 所得税/工资税报告
  • 超级基金贡献声明
  • 公积金声明/退休贡献报告
  • 其他由相关政府机关或第三方组织签发的文件

二、自营者必须提供以下所有材料 - fcgvisa

  • 自营期间的第三方证明,其中包括所担任的职位和个人职责
  • 在母国正式注册为工程师的证明文件
  • 盖有印章的所有项目的收据
  • 营业税报告
  • 表明项目技术细节和开始日期的合同
  • 由当地政府签发的完工证书或证明



Those employed have the following three options to provide documents for Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment.

Option 1

  • Reference letter written on the official company letterhead of employer to:
Indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone, fax numbers, email, website addresses and issue date
be endorsed by the manager/direct supervisor of HR/Section

Include the name and position of the person endorsing the employment document. These should be typed or stamped below that person's signature. Include the direct official telephone and official email address of the person endorsing the document
Include the company’s stamp
Indicate 5 main duties undertaken, the job title or position
Indicate the exact period of employment (start and finish date, including day/month/year)
Indicate whether full or part-time (including hours/week)
Pay rate ( monthly, fortnightly or annually)

And at least one of the following items:

  • Social Security/Social Insurance Report
  • Income Tax/Payroll Tax report
  • Superfund Contribution Statement
  • Provident Fund Statement/Retirement contribution report
  • Any documents issued by the related government agency/third party organization

Option 2

At least one of the following items:

  • a Job Offer Letter with duties, including employer’s letter head, full address of the company and telephone, fax numbers, stamp, email and website addresses
  • an Annual Performance Review (if it includes duties) issued by the employer on official letter head and signed by a more senior officer

And at least one of the following items:

  • Social Security/Social Insurance Report
  • Income Tax/Payroll Tax report
  • Superfund Contribution Statement
  • Provident Fund Statement/Retirement contribution report
  • Any documents issued by the related government agency/third party organization

Option 3

  • Reference letter endorsed by the Manager/Direct Supervisor/Human Resources Department, with letter head, stamp, full address of the company and telephone, fax numbers, email and website addresses and date of commencement and finish etc
  • Statutory Declaration/Affidavit by a direct supervisor providing your duties

And at least one of the following items:

  • Social Security/Social Insurance Report
  • Income Tax/Payroll Tax report
  • Superfund Contribution Statement
  • Provident Fund Statement/Retirement contribution report
  • Any documents issued by the related government agency/third party organization

Those self-employed must provide all of the following items:

  • third party confirmation of the period of self-employment with the party’s letter head and stamp; the position held and the individual duties performed (for example, signed by client; or company solicitor accountant. etc.)
  • proof of Registration of the engineering company issued by the government as an engineer in the country
  • receipts issued for projects with the stamps
  • business tax report
  • Contracts stating the technical details and starting date of the projects
  • Completion letter/certificate issued by the local government

1.Work experience cannot be claimed before completion of the applicable qualification

2.Work experience should be paid at the market or salaried rate for engineering professionals. Clients receiving stipends, living allowances or scholarships will not generally be considered to be salaried

3.Whilst ‘full-time’ work constitutes 20 hours per week or more, this must be regular employment and must not include long periods of unpaid leave

4.Research activities or work experience as a Research Assistant/Fellow undertaken during postgraduate studies as a Master or a Ph.D. student, cannot be considered as relevant skilled employment

5.Military Service compulsory or exemption certificate must be provided if the service is mandatory in your country

6.The decision on assessing the relevant skilled employment will be made on basis of information given in the original application. There will be NO further correspondence if there are any shortcomings

7.Any fraudulent information will result in the rejection of whole application, the decisions made by this office is final



每个职业类别技能要素的详细描述 (Detailed description of competency elements for each occupational category)

专业工程师:职业概述 - 飞出国


专业工程师 负责应用多种资源知识解决复杂难题和问题,以确保技术和非技术的恰当融合,并且管理风险和可持续性问题。尽管工程成果是以物质形式呈现的,但是,专业工程师的工作本质上来说主要是智力方面的。从科技层面上来看,专业工程师主要和技术的进步、新技术的开发以及通过创新、创造和改变对技术的应用有关。专业工程师还从事科学研究,致力于广泛工程学科内工程科学的进步和新原理和新技术的开发。或者,他们致力于不断完善工程实践,修订和更新支配工程实践的规范和标准。

专业工程师 尤其负责确保工程项目的方方面面都是建立在理论和基本原则之上,并明确新开发的项目与已有实践和经验和其他应用到的学科之间的关系。一个专业工程师标志性的能力是在别人知情、自己负责的情况下不断有新的突破。

专业工程师 能够领导或管理团队进行一系列活动,也能够建立自己的公司或在工程企业或其他相关企业中进入高层管理职位。

详见第三部分总括 www.engineersaustralia.org.au


Detailed description of competency elements for each occupational category


Professional Engineers are required to take responsibility for engineering projects and programs in the most far-reaching sense. This includes the reliable functioning of all materials, components, sub-systems and technologies used; their integration to form a complete, sustainable and self-consistent system; and all interactions between the technical system and the context within which it functions. The latter includes understanding the requirements of clients, wide ranging stakeholders and of society as a whole; working to optimise social, environmental and economic outcomes over the full lifetime of the engineering product or program; interacting effectively with other disciplines, professions and people; and ensuring that the engineering contribution is properly integrated into the totality of the undertaking. Professional Engineers are responsible for interpreting technological possibilities to society, business and government; and for ensuring as far as possible that policy decisions are properly informed by such possibilities and consequences, and that costs, risks and limitations are properly understood as the desirable outcomes.

Professional Engineers are responsible for bringing knowledge to bear from multiple sources to develop solutions to complex problems and issues, for ensuring that technical and non-technical considerations are properly integrated, and for managing risk as well as sustainability issues. While the outcomes of engineering have physical forms, the work of Professional Engineers is predominantly intellectual in nature. In a technical sense, Professional Engineers are primarily concerned with the advancement of technologies and with the development of new technologies and their applications through innovation, creativity and change. Professional Engineers may conduct research concerned with advancing the science of engineering and with developing new principles and technologies within a broad engineering discipline. Alternatively, they may contribute to continual improvement in the practice of engineering, and in devising and updating the codes and standards that govern it.

Professional Engineers have a particular responsibility for ensuring that all aspects of a project are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle, and for understanding clearly how new developments relate to established practice and experience and to other disciplines with which they may interact. One hallmark of a professional is the capacity to break new ground in an informed, responsible and sustainable fashion.

Professional Engineers may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities, and may establish their own companies or move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises.

See Summary Statement in Section C www.engineersaustralia.org.au

专业工程师: 技能单元和技能要素 - 飞出国

1.PE1 知识基础和技能基础 - FLYabroad

1.1 在理论的基础上对基础自然与物理科学和适用于工程学科的工程基础知识的全面理解。

a) 从现象学水平参与工程学科,运用科学和工程学科基础知识,系统调查、解读、分析复杂难题和各方面的工程实践,制定创新的解决方案

1.2 对支撑工程学科的数学、数值分析、统计和计算机与信息科学概念层次上的理解。 - fcgvisa

a) 培养并熟练运用和工程学科相关的调查分析、解读、评价、描述、预测、评估、建模、决策、测量、评估、知识管理和交流工具和方法。

1.3 对工程学科专业知识体系的深入了解。 - fcgvisa

a) 至少在工程学科的一个专业实践领域内能熟练运用先进的技术知识和技能。

1.4 对工程学科的知识发展和研究方向的识别。

a) 至少在工程学科的一个专业实践领域内能识别和批判性地评价当前发展、先进技术、出现的问题和学科间的联系。
b) 至少在工程学科的一个专业实践领域内能解读和运用选定的研究文献确定工程应用方向。

1.5 对影响工程学科的情境因素的了解。

  • a) 识别和了解工程体系和其运行的社会、文化、环境、商业、法律和政治环境中的人之间的联系,既包括工程学在可持续发展中所起的积极作用,也包括工程活动在工程学科中潜在的不利影响。
  • b) 了解与工程学科相关的人类因素建立的原则。
  • c) 了解商务和企业管理的基础。
  • d) 了解工程人员的结构、角色和能力。
  • e) 重视和国际工程实践及全球操作环境相关的问题。

1.6 对具体学科内现代工程实践的范围、原则、规范、职责和范围的了解。 - fcgvisa

a) 应用和工程学科相关的工程设计系统原则。
b) 重视适用于工程学科的实践规范和标准的基础和相关性,以及立法要求和法定要求。
c) 重视安全工程原则、风险管理和专业工程师的健康与安全责任,包括适用于工程学科的立法要求。
d) 重视持续工程实践的社会、环境和经济原则。
e) 了解工程项目管理基本原则是计划、组织和管理资源的基础。







1.1 Comprehensive, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the engineering discipline.

a) Engages with the engineering discipline at a phenomenological level, applying sciences and engineering fundamentals to systematic investigation, interpretation, analysis and innovative solution of complex problems and broader aspects of engineering practice.

1.2 Conceptual understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the engineering discipline.

a) Develops and fluently applies relevant investigation analysis, interpretation, assessment, characterisation, prediction, evaluation, modelling, decision making, measurement, evaluation, knowledge management and communication tools and techniques pertinent to the engineering discipline.

1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.

a) Proficiently applies advanced technical knowledge and skills in at least one specialist practice domain of the engineering discipline.

1.4 Discernment of knowledge development and research directions within the engineering discipline.

a) Identifies and critically appraises current developments, advanced technologies, emerging issues and interdisciplinary linkages in at least one specialist practice domain of the engineering discipline.
b) Interprets and applies selected research literature to inform engineering application in at least one specialist domain of the engineering discipline.

1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline.

  • a) Identifies and understands the interactions between engineering systems and people in the social, cultural, environmental, commercial, legal and political contexts in which they operate, including both the positive role of engineering in sustainable development and the potentially adverse impacts of engineering activity in the engineering discipline.
  • b) Is aware of the founding principles of human factors relevant to the engineering discipline.
  • c) Is aware of the fundamentals of business and enterprise management.
  • d) Identifies the structure, roles and capabilities of the engineering workforce.
  • e) Appreciates the issues associated with international engineering practice and global operating contexts.

1.6 Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the specific discipline.

a) Applies systematic principles of engineering design relevant to the engineering discipline.

b) Appreciates the basis and relevance of standards and codes of practice, as well as legislative and statutory requirements applicable to the engineering discipline.
c) Appreciates the principles of safety engineering, risk management and the health and safety responsibilities of the professional engineer, including legislative requirements applicable to the engineering discipline.
d) Appreciates the social, environmental and economic principles of sustainable engineering practice.
e) Understands the fundamental principles of engineering project management as a basis for planning, organising and managing resources.
f) Appreciates the formal structures and methodologies of systems engineering as a holistic basis for managing complexity and sustainability in engineering practice.


1.‘engineering discipline’ means the broad branch of engineering (civil, electrical, mechanical, etc.) as typically represented by the Engineers Australia Colleges.

2.‘specialist practice domain’ means the specific area of knowledge and practice within an engineering discipline, such as geotechnics, power systems, manufacturing, etc.

2. PE2 工程应用能力 - FLYabroad

2.1 运用既定的工程方法解决复杂工程问题的能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a) 确认、识别和描述突出问题,确定和分析因果,证明和应用恰当的简单假设,预测其表现和行为,综合解决策略并形成经证实的结论。
  • b) 数据、计算、结果、假设、流程、实践和记录的信息很可能是理由不充分、不合逻辑、错误、不可靠或不现实,通过对它们进行诊断并采取恰当措施,确保工程活动的各个方面都是完全建立在基础理论之上。
  • c) 能够解决各种工程难题,包括不确定性、歧义性、信息的不准确性、广泛性以及有时技术性因素和非技术性因素之间的冲突性问题。
  • d) 以整个系统的完整性和性能作为首要前提,把各种难题、过程或系统分割成可以管理的几个部分,然后分析、建模或设计,最后把它们重新组合成一个整体。
  • e) 构思选择性的工程方法,并根据合适的因素评估潜在的成果,最后证明一个最佳解决方案。
  • f) 批判性地审查和应用支撑工程学科和被提名专业领域的实践标准和规范。
  • g) 识别、量化、减轻和管理在指定的工程学科内与工程应用相关的技术、健康、环境、安全及其他相关风险。
  • h) 解读并确保符合适用于工程学科的相关立法和法定要求。
  • i) 借助于以科研为基础的知识和研究方法调查复杂的问题。

2.2 对工程方法、工具和资源的灵活应用能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a) 能够确认、选择和应用和工程学科相关的材料、元件、装备、系统、流程、资源、厂房和设备。
  • b) 指导或选择和应用以基本科学理论和已证明的简单假设为基础的现象、过程、系统、元件等设计数学、物理或计算模型。
  • c) 决定和工程学科相关的材料、组件和系统的性质、性能、安全工作极限、失效模式和其他固有参数。
  • d) 应用各种工程工具进行分析、模拟、可视化、综合和设计,包括对这些工具的准确性和局限性以及结果有效性进行评估
  • e) 应用系统工程方法处理解决复杂问题和工程项目的规划和实施。
  • f) 设计和进行实验,分析和解读数据结果,形成可靠结论。
  • g) 分析来自应用模型和实验的错误的原因;消除、最小化和弥补这些错误;量化这些错误对最后结果的意义。
  • h) 安全应用适用于工程学科的实验室程序、测试程序和实验程序。
  • i) 了解对于工程厂房、设施、设备和系统的收购、调试、操作、升级、监控和维护进行系统管理的需求。
  • j) 了解质量管理体系、工具和过程在持续改进过程中所起的作用。

2.3 对系统工程合成和设计流程的应用能力。

  • a) 能够应用技术知识、开放性的问题解决能力、适当的资源和工具设计组件、元件、系统、厂房、设施和/或过程以满足用户需求。
  • b) 在设计过程中考虑相关的制约性约束,包括社会、文化、环境、商业、法律、政治和人为因素,以及健康、安全和可持续性问题。
  • c) 执行和领导整个系统设计周期的方法,主要任务包括:
    • 明确客户需求,确认相关因素的影响,包括商业计划和成本目标;
      − 系统解决可持续性因素;
      − 在所规划的开发、生产和实施的限制范围内工作;
      − 提取,审视设计任务要求的结果,并形成文档,并制定验收标准;
      − 确认、评估和管理设计过程中的技术、健康和安全风险;
      − 撰写完全符合要求的工程规范;
      − 确保符合必要的工程实践标准和规范;
      − 把设计任务划分为合适的模块或功能要素进行单独处理并最终通过既定的接口将其整合;
      − 确认和分析可能的设计方案并最终证明最优化方案;
      − 借助恰当的工程原理、工具和流程进行设计并完成设计;
      − 量化实施解决方案所需的材料、组件、系统、设备、设施、工程资源和操作程序;
      − 依据工程规范核查每个要素和整个系统的设计方案;
      − 设计能证明各要素性能和合成后系统的性能的测试,并形成文档;
      − 形成/实施设计方案并根据规范证明其性能;
      − 记录、调试和汇报设计结果。
  • d) 了解作为设计权威的专业工程师的职责。

2.4 运用系统方法运行和管理工程项目的能力 - fcgvisa

  • a) 作为一个工程团队的成员和/或领导者致力于和/或管理工程项目活动。
  • b) 探索需求和相关资源,对复杂的工程项目的范围、规模、努力程度和预期成本进行实际的评估。
  • c) 把相关背景问题考虑进入工程项目工作的各个阶段,包括商务计划和财务管理的基本问题。
  • d) 能够应用基本系统工程和/或工程管理工具和流程来规划和实行项目工作,致力于达成符合专业标准的重要成果。
  • e) 了解整个项目过程中规划划和量化项目执行的必要性,和在整个实施背景下管理工程执行的需要。
  • f) 在工程项目各方面的工作中,致力于可持续性工程实践和获得可持续性的成果。


2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.

  • a) Identifies, discerns and characterises salient issues, determines and analyses causes and effects, justifies and applies appropriate simplifying assumptions, predicts performance and behaviour, synthesises solution strategies and develops substantiated conclusions.
  • b) Ensures that all aspects of an engineering activity are soundly based on fundamental principles by diagnosing, and taking appropriate action with data, calculations, results, proposals, processes, practices, and documented information that may be ill-founded, illogical, erroneous, unreliable or unrealistic.
  • c) Competently addresses engineering problems involving uncertainty, ambiguity, imprecise information and wide-ranging and sometimes conflicting technical and non-technical factors.
  • d) Partitions problems, processes or systems into manageable elements for the purposes of analysis, modelling or design and then re-combines to form a whole, with the integrity and performance of the overall system as the paramount consideration.
  • e) Conceptualises alternative engineering approaches and evaluates potential outcomes against appropriate criteria to justify an optimal solution choice.
  • f) Critically reviews and applies relevant standards and codes of practice underpinning the engineering discipline and nominated specialisations.
  • g) Identifies, quantifies, mitigates and manages technical, health, environmental, safety and other contextual risks associated with engineering application in the designated engineering discipline.
  • h) Interprets and ensures compliance with relevant legislative and statutory requirements applicable to the engineering discipline.
  • i) Investigates complex problems using researchbased knowledge and research methods.

2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources.

  • a) Proficiently identifies, selects and applies the materials, components, devices, systems, processes, resources, plant and equipment relevant to the engineering discipline.
  • b) Constructs or selects and applies from a qualitative description of a phenomenon, process, system, component or device a mathematical, physical or computational model based on fundamental scientific principles and justifiable simplifying assumptions.
  • c) Determines properties, performance, safe working limits, failure modes, and other inherent parameters of materials, components and systems relevant to the engineering discipline.
  • d) Applies a wide range of engineering tools for analysis, simulation, visualisation, synthesis and design,including assessing the accuracy and limitations of such tools, and validation of their results.
  • e) Applies formal systems engineering methods to address the planning and execution of complex, problem solving and engineering projects.
  • f) Designs and conducts experiments, analyses and interprets result data and formulates reliable conclusions.
  • g) Analyses sources of error in applied models and experiments; eliminates, minimises or compensates for such errors; quantifies significance of errors to any conclusions drawn.
  • h) Safely applies laboratory, test and experimental procedures appropriate to the engineering discipline.
  • i) Understands the need for systematic management of the acquisition, commissioning, operation, upgrade, monitoring and maintenance of engineering plant, facilities, equipment and systems.
  • j) Understands the role of quality management systems, tools and processes within a culture of continuous improvement.

2.3 Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes.

  • a) Proficiently applies technical knowledge and open ended problem solving skills as well as appropriate tools and resources to design components, elements, systems, plant, facilities and/or processes to satisfy user requirements.
  • b) Addresses broad contextual constraints such as social, cultural, environmental, commercial, legal political and human factors, as well as health, safety and sustainability imperatives as an integral part of the design process.
  • c) Executes and leads a whole systems design cycle approach including tasks such as:
    • determining client requirements and identifying the impact of relevant contextual factors, including business planning and costing targets;
      − systematically addressing sustainability criteria;
      − working within projected development, production and implementation constraints;
      − eliciting, scoping and documenting the required
      − outcomes of the design task and defining acceptance criteria;
      − identifying assessing and managing technical, health and safety risks integral to the design process;
      − writing engineering specifications, that fully satisfy the formal requirements;
      − ensuring compliance with essential engineering standards and codes of practice;
      − partitioning the design task into appropriate modular, functional elements; that can be separately addressed and subsequently integrated through defined interfaces;
      − identifying and analysing possible design approaches and justifying an optimal approach;
      − developing and completing the design using appropriate engineering principles, tools, and processes;
    • integrating functional elements to form a coherent design solution;
      − quantifying the materials, components, systems, equipment, facilities, engineering resources and operating arrangements needed for implementation of the solution;
      − checking the design solution for each element and the integrated system against the engineering specifications;
      − devising and documenting tests that will verify performance of the elements and the integrated realisation;
      − prototyping/implementing the design solution and verifying performance against specification;
      − documenting, commissioning and reporting the design outcome.
  • d) Is aware of the accountabilities of the professional
    engineer in relation to the ‘design authority’ role.

2.4 Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering projects.

  • a) Contributes to and/or manages complex engineering project activity, as a member and/or as the leader of an engineering team.
  • b) Seeks out the requirements and associated resources and realistically assesses the scope, dimensions, scale of effort and indicative costs of a complex engineering project.
  • c) Accommodates relevant contextual issues into all phases of engineering project work, including the fundamentals of business planning and financial management
  • d) Proficiently applies basic systems engineering and/ or project management tools and processes to the planning and execution of project work, targeting the delivery of a significant outcome to a professional standard.
  • e) Is aware of the need to plan and quantify performance over the full life-cycle of a project, managing engineering performance within the overall implementation context.
  • f) Demonstrates commitment to sustainable engineering practices and the achievement of sustainable outcomes in all facets of engineering project work.

3. PE3 职业素质和个人素质 - FLYabroad

PE3 职业素质与个人素质

3.1 道德操守和专业责任。 - fcgvisa

  • a. 致力于遵守澳大利亚工程师协会道德操守,遵守和工程学科相关的既定的专业行为规范。
  • b. 了解认证、合规和风险管理过程中尽职调查的需要。
  • c. 了解专业工程师和工程团队对于他人安全和环境保护应负的责任。
  • d. 了解知识产权和保护的基本原则。

3.2 专业领域和非专业领域有效的口头和书面沟通技巧

  • a) 熟练掌握英语听说读写能力,包括:
    • 基本可以理解他人的观点;
    • 简洁、有效地传达信息,执行指令,参与讨论,提供论点和理由,借助于最符合背景的文本、图解、图示或图标媒介和技术性人士或非技术性人士辩论、协商;
    • 在一个比较大的团体内代表一个工程职位或工程专业;
    • 重视肢体语言、个人行为和其他非言语交际方式的影响,以及人类社会行为和跨文化差异。
  • b) 准备高质量的工程文件,例如进程和项目报告以及和工程学科相关的调查、可行性研究、提案、规范、设计记录、图纸、技术性描述和演示的报告。

3.3 创造、创新、积极 - fcgvisa

  • a. 应用创新的方法对可选择的概念、解决方案和程序进行识别和发展;从技术性角度和非技术性角度恰当地挑战工程实践;识别新技术机会。
  • b. 探索工程学科和专业内新发展方向,并应用基本知识和系统过程对潜力进行评估和报告。
  • c. 了解产生新想法和新联系的科学、工程、技术和商业这些广泛领域,并随时准备和来自这些领域的专业人士交流想法。

3.4 专业使用和管理信息 - fcgvisa

  • a. 能够熟练定位和利用信息,包括使用、系统搜索、分析、评估和参考相关的出版作品和公布的数据;能够熟练使用索引、书目数据库和其他搜索设备。
  • b. 批判性地评估信息的准确性、可靠性和真实性。
  • c. 了解常见的文档识别、跟踪和控制程序。

3.5 有序管理个人行为和专业行为 - fcgvisa

  • a) 致力于以合适的标准为基础进行批判性的自我回顾和性能评估,并使其成为跟踪个人发展需要和成就的主要手段。
  • b) 了解作为一个专业知识团队一员的重要性,学习其知识和标准的重要性,和致力于其维护和提高的重要性。
  • c) 致力于终生学习和专业发展。
  • d) 有效管理时间和流程,确认好相互矛盾的需求的优先顺序,以个人、职业和组织的目标。
  • e) 批判性地思考和应用适当、平衡的逻辑和智力标准进行分析、判断和做决定。
  • f) 在任何情况下都呈现出专业的形象,包括和客户、利益相关者和广泛学科间的专业和技术人士之间的联系。

3.6 有效参与和领导团队 - fcgvisa

  • a. 了解团队动力和领导力的基础。
  • b. 作为不同水平、领域和文化规模的工程团队的一个有效成员或领导者。
  • c. 通过及时完成任务获得同事们的信任和信心。
  • d. 认识到各种观点和学术建议的价值以及专业网络的重要性。
  • e. 自信地追求和识别专家援助和专业建议。
  • f. 积极担任和完成领导角色。


3.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability.

  • a. Demonstrates commitment to uphold the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, and established norms of professional conduct pertinent to the engineering discipline.
  • b. Understands the need for ‘due-diligence’ in certification, compliance and risk management processes.
  • c. Understands the accountabilities of the professional engineer and the broader engineering team for the safety of other people and for protection of the environment.
  • d. Is aware of the fundamental principles of intellectual property rights and protection.

3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.

  • a) Is proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing English, including:
    - comprehending critically and fairly the viewpoints of others;
    - expressing information effectively and succinctly, issuing instruction, engaging in discussion, presenting arguments and justification, debating and negotiating - to technical and non-technical audiences and using textual, diagrammatic, pictorial and graphical media best suited to the context;
    - representing an engineering position, or the engineering profession at large to the broader community;
    - appreciating the impact of body language, personal behaviour and other non-verbal communication processes, as well as the fundamentals of human social behaviour and their cross-cultural differences.
  • b) Prepares high quality engineering documents such as progress and project reports, reports of investigations and feasibility studies, proposals, specifications, design records, drawings, technical descriptions and presentations pertinent to the engineering discipline.

3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.

  • a. Applies creative approaches to identify and develop alternative concepts, solutions and procedures, appropriately challenges engineering practices from technical and non-technical viewpoints; identifies new technological opportunities.
  • b. Seeks out new developments in the engineering discipline and specialisations and applies fundamental knowledge and systematic processes to evaluate and report potential.
  • c. Is aware of broader fields of science, engineering, technology and commerce from which new ideas and interfaces may be drawn and readily engages with professionals from these fields to exchange ideas.

3.4 Professional use and management of information.

  • a. Is proficient in locating and utilising information - including accessing, systematically searching, analysing, evaluating and referencing relevant published works and data; is proficient in the use of indexes, bibliographic databases and other search facilities.
  • b. Critically assesses the accuracy, reliability and authenticity of information.
  • c. Is aware of common document identification, tracking and control procedures.

3.5 Orderly management of self and professional conduct.

  • a) Demonstrates commitment to critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements.
  • b) Understands the importance of being a member of a professional and intellectual community, learning from its knowledge and standards, and contributing to their maintenance and advancement.
  • c) Demonstrates commitment to life-long learning and professional development.
  • d) Manages time and processes effectively, prioritises competing demands to achieve personal, career and organisational goals and objectives.
  • e) Thinks critically and applies an appropriate balance of logic and intellectual criteria to analysis, judgment and decision making.
  • f) Presents a professional image in all circumstances, including relations with clients, stakeholders, as well as with professional and technical colleagues across wide ranging disciplines.

3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership.

  • a. Understands the fundamentals of team dynamics and leadership.
  • b. Functions as an effective member or leader of diverse engineering teams, including those with multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural dimensions.
  • c. Earns the trust and confidence of colleagues through competent and timely completion of tasks.
  • d. Recognises the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints, scholarly advice and the importance of professional networking.
  • e. Confidently pursues and discerns expert assistance and professional advice.
  • f. Takes initiative and fulfils the leadership role


工程技师:职业概述 - 飞出国


作为某个技术领域的专家,工程技师 必须紧跟尖端发展的步伐,时刻了解发展与既定实践的关系,同时必须需要结合对实际情形和实际应用的深刻认识,时刻准备迎接知识的挑战。因此,工程技师必须充分了解科学原理和工程原理,也必须充分了解到良好的分析能力的重要性。工程技师的工作往往是运用目前的最新技术于各种各样的新背景之中,或者是运用既定原理发展新实践。除此之外,工程技师还致力于技术的发展。


工程技师 必须确保技术产品或技术操作的各个方面都是完全建立在理论和基本原则之上,必须了解各种新发展与他们擅长的特定领域的联系。他们将必须经常解读技术可能性,以此来调查交界面、局限、因果、成本和风险。

工程技师 能够领导团队,负责技术领域内专业实践领域的项目、厂房、设施和流程的实施、操作、质量保证、安全、管理和维护。有的工程技师还可以创建自己的公司,或者是进入工程企业或工程相关企业的高级管理层,在必要的时候,还会雇佣一些专业工程师和其他专业人员。

详见第三部分总括 www.engineersaustralia.org.au


Engineering Technologists normally operate within broadly-defined technical environments, and undertake a wide range of functions and responsibilities. They are often specialists in the theory and practice of a particular branch of engineering technology or engineering-related technology (the technology domain), and specifically in its application, adaptation or management, in a variety of contexts. Their expertise often lies in familiarity with the current state of development of a technology domain and most recent applications of the technology. Within their specialist field, their expertise may be at a high level, and fully equivalent to that of a Professional Engineer. Engineering Technologists may not however, be expected to exercise the same breadth of perspective as Professional Engineers, or carry the same wide- ranging responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, for system integration, and for synthesising overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.

The work of Engineering Technologists combines the need for a strong understanding of practical situations and applications, with the intellectual challenge of keeping abreast of leading-edge developments as a specialist in a technology domain and how these relate to established practice. For this purpose Engineering Technologists need a strong understanding of scientific and engineering principles and a well-developed capacity for analysis. The work of Engineering Technologists is most often concerned with applying current and emerging technologies, often in new contexts; or with the application of established principles in the development of new practice. They may also contribute to the advancement of technology.

**Engineering Technologists **frequently will take responsibility for engineering projects, services, functions and facilities within a technology domain, for specific interactions with other aspects of an overall operating context and for managing the contributions of their specialist work to a broader engineering system or solution. In these roles, Engineering Technologists must focus on sustainable solutions and practices which optimise technical, social, environmental and economic outcomes within the technology domain and over a whole systems life cycle. They will have an intimate understanding of the standards and codes of practice that underpin the technology domain and ensure that technology outcomes comply with statutory requirements. Engineering Technologists are required to interact effectively with Professional Engineers and Engineering Associates, with other professionals, tradespersons, clients, stakeholders and society in general, to ensure that technology outcomes and developments fully integrate with the overall system and context.

Engineering Technologists must ensure that all aspects of a technological product or operation are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle. They must understand how new developments relate to their specific field of expertise. They will be often required to interpret technological possibilities, to investigate interfaces, limitations, consequences, costs and risks.

Engineering Technologists may lead teams responsible for the implementation, operation, quality assurance, safety, management, and maintenance of projects, plant, facilities, or processes within specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain. Some Engineering Technologists may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

See Summary Statement in Section C www.engineersaustralia.org.au

工程技师:技能单元和技能要素 - 飞出国

1. ET1 知识基础和技能基础 - FLYabroad

1.1 在理论的基础上对基础自然与物理科学和适用于技术领域的工程基础知识的系统理解。 - fcgvisa

a) 从现象学水平参与技术领域,运用科学和工程学科基础知识,系统调查、解读、分析定义广泛的难题和工程技术实践,制定创新的解决方案

1.2 对数学、数值分析、统计和计算机与信息科学等支撑技术领域的概念理解。

a) 熟练运用和技术领域相关的调查、分析、解读、评价、描述、预测、评估、建模、决策、测量、评估、知识管理和交流的工具和方法。

1.3 对技术领域专业知识体系的深入了解。 - fcgvisa

a) 在技术领域和其他相关行业、商业和部门内能熟练运用先进的技术知识和技能,创造所从事的专业领域的工程成果。

1.4 对技术领域的知识发展的洞察能力。

a) 能够识别和批判性地评价技术领域的专业实践领域内目前的发展和出现的问题。

1.5 对影响技术领域的情境因素的了解 - fcgvisa

  • a) 识别和了解工程技术和其运行的社会、文化、环境、商业、法律和政治环境中的人之间的联系,既包括工程学在可持续发展中所起的积极作用,也包括工程活动在技术领域中潜在的不利影响。
  • b) 了解商务和企业管理的基础。
  • c) 了解工程人员的结构、角色和能力,重视和国际工程实践活动及全球操作环境相关的问题。

1.6 对技术领域内现代工程实践的范围、原则、规范、职责和范围的理解。

a) 应用和技术领域相关的工程设计系统原则。
b) 了解和技术领域的专业实践领域相关的实践规范和标准,以及立法要求和法定要求。
c) 重视安全工程原则、风险管理和技术领域内的工程专业人员的健康与安全责任。
d) 重视持续工程实践的社会、环境和经济原则。
e) 了解工程项目管理基本原则是计划、组织和管理资源的基础。


1.技术领域是一个工程学分支(例如土建、电气、机械等等)或工程相关学科内的特定技术领域(例如土工技术、电力系统、制造业等等)。 - fcgvisa





1.1 Systematic, theory based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the technology domain.

a) Engages with the technology domain at a phenomenological level, applying sciences and engineering fundamentals to systematic investigation, interpretation, analysis and innovative solution of broadly-defined problems and engineering technology practice.

1.2 Conceptual understanding of the, mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the technology domain.

analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the technology domain.
a) Fluently applies relevant investigation, analysis, interpretation, assessment, characterisation, prediction, evaluation, modelling, decision making, measurement, evaluation, knowledge management and communication tools and techniques pertinent to the technology domain.

1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the technology domain.

a) Proficiently applies advanced technical knowledge and skills to deliver engineering outcomes in specialist area(s) of the technology domain and associated industry, commercial and community sectors.

1.4 Discernment of knowledge development within the technology domain.

a) Identifies and critically appraises current developments and emerging issues professionally disseminated in specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain.

1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the technology domain.

  • a. Identifies and understands the interactions between engineering technologies and people in the social, cultural, environmental, commercial, legal and political contexts in which they operate, including both the positive role of engineering in sustainable development and the potentially adverse impacts of engineering activity in the technology domain.
  • b. Is aware of the fundamentals of business and enterprise management.
  • c. Identifies the structure, roles and capabilities of the engineering workforce. Appreciates the issues associated with international engineering practice activities and a global operating context.

1.6 Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the technology domain.

  • a) Applies systematic principles of engineering design relevant to the technology domain.
  • b) Understands the standards and codes of practice, as well as the legislative and statutory requirements associated with specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain.
  • c) Appreciates the principles of safety engineering, risk management and the health and safety responsibilities of the engineering practitioner, applicable to the technology domain.
  • d) Appreciates the social, environmental and economic principles of sustainable engineering practice.
  • e) Understands the fundamental principles of engineering project management and systems as a basis for planning, organising and managing resources.


  1. ‘technology domain’ means the specific technological field (e.g. geotechnics, power systems, manufacturing, etc.) within a branch of engineering (e.g. civil, electrical, mechanical, etc.) or engineering-related discipline.
  1. ‘specialist practice area’ means the specific area of knowledge and practice within a technology domain, such as slope instability and stabilisation, power systems protection, industrial automation, etc.

2. ET2 工程应用能力 - FLYabroad


2.1 对已制定的解决技术领域内广义问题的工程方法的应用能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a) 确认、识别和描述突出问题,确定和分析因果,证明和应用恰当的简单假设,预测其表现和行为,综合解决策略并形成经证实的结论。
  • b) 数据、计算、结果、假设、流程、实践和记录的信息很可能是理由不充分、不合逻辑、错误、不可靠或不现实,通过对它们进行诊断并采取恰当措施,确保专业技术的应用是完全建立在基础理论之上。
  • c) 在专业实践领域内,能够解决各种工程技术难题,包括不确定性、歧义性、信息的不准确性、广泛性以及有时技术性因素和非技术性因素之间的冲突性问题。
  • d) 识别工程技师专业领域之外具有组成部分和/或影响的难题,并确认额外专业投入的必要性。
  • e) 管理和交界、融合、应用专业技术相关的冲突性问题,因为在专业技术领域内各种难题、过程或系统被分割成可以管理的几个部分,然后再被分析、建模或设计,最后被重新组合成一个整体。
  • f) 利用专业工程技术批判性地评估选择性实施方法,并根据合适的标准评估潜在的结果,最后证明一个最佳解决方案。
  • g) 解读、应用和证明符合相关事件标准和规范,符合支撑技术领域内专业实践领域的立法要求和法定要求
  • h) 识别、量化、减轻和管理和技术领域内工程应用相关的技术、健康、环境、安全及其他相关风险。
  • i) 通过接触适当的专业知识资源系统调查各种难题。

2.2 对工程方法、工具和资源的灵活应用能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a. 能够确认、选择和应用和技术领域相关的材料、元件、装备、系统、流程、资源、厂房和设备。
  • b. 了解数学、物理和计算模型的原则、局限和准确性。
  • c. 选择和应用能代表现象、流程、系统、组成或装置的各种模型。
  • d. 决定和技术领域内专业领域相关的材料、组件和系统的性质、性能、安全工作极限、失效模式和其他固有参数。
  • e. 应用各种工程工具进行分析、模拟、可视化、综合和设计,并对对这些工具的准确性和局限性以及结果有效性进行评估。
  • f. 设计和进行实验,分析和解读数据结果,形成可靠结论。
  • g. 分析来自应用模型和实验的错误的来源;消除、最小化和弥补这些错误;量化这些错误对最后结果的意义。
  • h. 安全应用适用于技术领域的实验室程序、测试程序和实验程序。
  • i. 重视工程厂房、设施、设备和系统的收购、调试、操作、升级、监控和维护对系统方法的需求。
  • j. 了解质量管理体系、工具和过程在持续改进过程中所起的作用

2.3 对技术领域内系统的合成和设计流程的应用能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a. 能够应用技术知识、问题解决能力、已有的工具和程序设计组件、系统元件、厂房、设施和/或过程以满足技术规范和性能需求。
  • b. 适应影响实践领域的相关因素,尤其确保设计流程中必须处理健康、安全和可持续性问题。
  • c. 参与整个系统设计周期,主要任务包括:
    • 明确客户需求,确认相关影响因素的影响,包括商业计划和成本目标;
    • 系统解决可持续性因素;
    • 在计划的发展、生产和实施的限制范围内工作;
    • 得出、审视和形成设计任务要求的结果,并制定验收标准;
    • 确认、评估和管理设计过程中的技术、健康和安全风险;
    • 撰写完全符合正式要求的工程规范;
    • 确保符合必要的工程实践标准和规范;
    • 把设计任务划分为合适的模块或功能元件进行单独处理并最终通过既定的接口将其融合;
    • 确认和分析可能的设计方案并最终证明最优化方案;
    • 借助恰当的工程原理、工具和过程设计并完成设计;
    • 合成功能元件形成固定的设计方案;
    • 量化实施解决方案所需的材料、组件、系统、设备、设施、工程资源和操作程序;
    • 依据工程规范核查每个元件的设计方案和内在机制;
    • 设计和记录能证明各元件性能和合成组件的性能的测试;
    • 形成/实施设计方案并根据规范证明其性能;
    • 记录、调试和报告设计结果。
  • d. 了解作为设计权威工程团队一名成员的职责。

2.4 运用系统方法运行和管理工程项目的能力 - fcgvisa

  • a) 作为一个专业技术团队的成员和/或领导者致力于和/或管理定义广泛的技术项目活动。
  • b) 探索需求和相关资源,对定义广泛的技术项目的范围、规模、努力程度和指示性的成本进行实际的评估。
  • c) 把相关背景问题考虑进入项目工作的各个阶段,包括商务计划和财务管理的基本问题。
  • d) 能够应用基本系统工程和/或工程管理工具和过程进行计划和实行项目工作,致力于实现符合专业标准的重要成果。
  • e) 了解整个项目过程中计划和量化性能和在整个实施背景下管理工程性能的需要。
  • f) 在全面的技术项目工作中致力于可持续性工程实践和获得可持续性的成果。


2.1 Application of established engineering methods to broadly-defined problem solving within the technology domain.

  • a) Identifies, discerns and characterises salient issues, determines and analyses causes and effects, justifies and applies appropriate simplifying assumptions, predicts performance and behaviour, synthesises solution strategies and develops substantiated conclusions.
  • b) Ensures that the application of specialist technologies are soundly based on fundamental principles by diagnosing, and taking appropriate action with data, calculations, results, proposals, processes, practices, and documented information that may be ill-founded, illogical, erroneous, unreliable or unrealistic.
  • c) Within specialist practice area(s), competently addresses engineering technology problems involving uncertainty, ambiguity, imprecise information and wide-ranging and sometimes conflicting technical and non-technical factors.
  • d) Recognises problems which have component elements and/or implications beyond the engineering technologist’s personal expertise and correctly identifies the need for supplementary professional input.
  • e) Manages conflicting issues associated with interfacing, integrating and adapting specialist technologies where complex problems, processes or systems that have been partitioned into manageable elements for the purposes of analysis, modelling, design, prototyping, commissioning or testing, are recombined.
  • f) Critically evaluates alternative implementation approaches using specialist engineering technologies and evaluates potential outcomes against appropriate criteria to justify an optimal solution choice.
  • g) Interprets, applies and verifies compliance with relevant standards and codes of practice as well as legislative and statutory requirements underpinning specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain.
  • h) Identifies, quantifies, mitigates and manages technical, health, environmental, safety and other contextual risks associated with engineering application in the technology domain.
  • i) Accesses appropriate professional knowledge resources as input to systematic problem investigation.

2.2 Application of engineering techniques, tools and resources within the technology domain.

  • a. Proficiently identifies, selects and applies the materials, components, devices, systems,processes, resources, plant and equipment relevant to the technology domain.
  • b. Understands the principles, limitations and accuracy of mathematical, physical or computational modelling.
  • c. Selects and applies such models in the representation of phenomenon, processes, systems, components or devices.
  • d. Determines properties, performance, safe working limits, failure modes, and other inherent parameters of materials, components and systems relevant to specialist area(s) of the technology domain.
  • e. Applies a wide range of engineering tools for analysis, simulation, visualisation, synthesis and design, assesses accuracy and limitations of such tools, and validates results.
  • f. Designs and conducts experiments, analyses and interprets result data and formulates reliable conclusions.
  • g. Analyses sources of error in applied models and experiments; eliminates, minimises or compensates for such errors; quantifies significance of errors to any conclusions drawn.
  • h. Safely applies laboratory, test and experimental procedures appropriate to the technology domain.
  • i. Appreciates the need for systematic approaches to acquisition, commissioning, operation, upgrade, monitoring and maintenance of engineering plant, facilities, equipment and systems.
  • j. Understands the role of quality management systems, tools and processes within a culture of continuous improvement.

2.3 Application of systematic synthesis and design processes within the technology domain.

  • a. Proficiently applies technological knowledge and problem solving skills as well as established tools and procedures to design components, system elements, plant, facilities and/or processes to meet technical specifications and performance criteria.
  • b. Accommodates contextual factors that impact the technology domain, and in particular to ensure that health, safety and sustainability imperatives are addressed as an integral part of the design process.
  • c. Engages with a whole systems design cycle, including tasks such as:
    • determining client requirements and identifying the impact of relevant contextual factors, including business planning and costing targets;
    • systematically addressing sustainability criteria;
    • working within projected development, production and implementation constraints;
    • eliciting, scoping and documenting the required outcomes of the design task and defining acceptance criteria;
    • identifying assessing and managing technical, health and safety risks integral to the design process;
    • writing engineering specifications, that fully satisfy the formal requirements;
    • ensuring compliance with essential engineering standards and codes of practice;
    • partitioning the design task into appropriate modular, functional elements; that can be separately addressed and subsequently integrated through defined interfaces;
    • identifying and analysing possible design approaches and justifying an optimal approach;
    • developing and completing the design using appropriate engineering principles, tools, and processes;
    • integrating functional elements to form a coherent design solution;
    • quantifying the materials, components, systems, equipment, facilities, engineering resources and operating arrangements needed for implementation of the solution;
    • checking the design solution for each element and the integrated system against the engineering specifications;
    • devising and documenting tests that will verify performance of the elements and the integrated realisation;
    • Prototyping/implementing the design solution and verifying performance against specification;
    • Documenting, commissioning and reporting the design outcome.
  • d. Is aware of the accountabilities of the members of the engineering team in relation to the ‘design authority’ role.

2.4 Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of projects within the technology domain.

  • a. Contributes to and/or manages broadly-defined technological project activity, as a member of the engineering team and/or as leader of a specialist technological team.
  • b. Seeks out the requirements and associated resources and realistically assesses the scope, dimensions, scale of effort and indicative costs of a broadly-defined technological project.
  • c. Accommodates relevant contextual issues into all phases of project work, including the fundamentals of business planning and financial management.
  • d. Proficiently applies basic systems engineering and/ or project management tools and processes to the planning and execution of project work, targeting the delivery of a significant outcome to a professional standard.
  • e. Is aware of the need to plan and quantify performance over the full life-cycle of a project, managing performance outcomes within the overall implementation context.
  • f. Demonstrates commitment to sustainable engineering practices and the achievement of sustainable outcomes in all facets of technological project work.

3. PE3 职业素质和个人素质 - FLYabroad

PE3 职业素质与个人素质

3.1 道德操守和专业责任。

  • a. 致力于遵守澳大利亚工程师协会道德操守,遵守和工程学科相关的既定的专业行为规范。
  • b. 了解认证、合规和风险管理过程中尽职调查的需要。
  • c. 了解专业工程师和工程团队对于他人安全和环境保护应负的责任。
  • d. 了解知识产权和保护的基本原则。

3.2 专业领域和非专业领域有效的口头和书面沟通技巧 - fcgvisa

  • a) 熟练掌握英语听说读写能力,包括:
    • 基本可以理解他人的观点;
    • 简洁、有效地传达信息,执行指令,参与讨论,提供论点和理由,借助于最符合背景的文本、图解、图示或图标媒介和技术性人士或非技术性人士辩论、协商;
    • 在一个比较大的团体内代表一个工程职位或工程专业;
    • 重视肢体语言、个人行为和其他非言语交际方式的影响,以及人类社会行为和跨文化差异。
  • b) 准备高质量的工程文件,例如进程和项目报告以及和工程学科相关的调查、可行性研究、提案、技术说明书、设计记录、图纸、技术性描述和演示的报告。

3.3 创造、创新、积极 - fcgvisa

  • a. 应用创新的方法识别并设计可选择的概念、解决方案和程序;从技术性角度和非技术性角度恰当地挑战工程实践;识别新技术机会。
  • b. 探索工程学科和专业内新发展方向,并应用基本知识和系统过程对潜在发展进行评估和报告。
  • c. 了解产生新想法和新交叉领域的科学、工程、技术和商业这些广泛领域,并随时准备和来自这些领域的专业人士交流想法。

3.4 专业使用和管理信息

  • a. 能够熟练定位和利用信息,包括使用、系统搜索、分析、评估和参考相关的出版作品和公布的数据;能够熟练使用索引、书目数据库和其他搜索设备。
  • b. 批判性地评估信息的准确性、可靠性和真实性。
  • c. 了解常见的文档识别、跟踪和控制程序。

3.5 有序管理个人行为和专业行为

  • a) 致力于以合适的标准为基础进行批判性的自我检查和工作评估,并使其成为跟踪个人发展需要和成就的主要手段。
  • b) 了解作为一个专业知识团队一员的重要性,学习其知识和标准的重要性,和致力于其维护和提高的重要性。
  • c) 致力于终生学习和专业发展。
  • d) 有效管理时间和流程,确认好相互矛盾的需求的优先顺序,以个人、职业和组织的目标。
  • e) 批判性地思考和应用适当、平衡的逻辑和智力标准进行分析、判断和做决定。
  • f) 在任何情况下都呈现出专业的形象,包括和客户、利益相关者和以及和其他学科间的专业和技术人士之间的联系。

3.6 有效参与和领导团队的能力 - fcgvisa

  • a. 了解团队动力和领导力的基础。
  • b. 在团队成员来自不同水平、领域和文化的工程团队里作为一个有效成员或领导者。
  • c. 通过及时完成任务获得同事们的信任和信心。
  • d. 认识到各种观点和学术建议的价值以及专业间交流的重要性。
  • e. 自信地追求和识别专家援助和专业建议。
  • f. 在尊重其他人既定的角色同时,积极担任和完成领导角色。


3.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability.

  • a. Demonstrates commitment to uphold the Engineers Australia - Code of Ethics, and established norms of professional conduct pertinent to the technology domain.
  • b. Understands the need for ‘due-diligence’ in certification, compliance and risk management processes.
  • c. Understands the accountabilities of the engineering technologist and the broader engineering team for the safety of other people and for protection of the environment.
  • d. Is aware of the fundamental principles of intellectual property rights and protection.

3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.

  • a. Is proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing English, including:
    - comprehending critically and fairly the viewpoints of others;
    - expressing information effectively and succinctly, issuing instruction, engaging in discussion, presenting arguments and justification, debating and negotiating - to technical and non-technical audiences and using textual, diagrammatic,
    issuing instruction, engaging in discussion, presenting arguments and justification, debating and negotiating - to technical and non-technical audiences and using textual, diagrammatic,
    pictorial and graphical media best suited to the context;
    - representing an engineering technology position to professional colleagues, or to the broader community;
    - appreciating the impact of body language,
  • b. personal behaviour and other non-verbal communication processes, as well as the fundamentals of human social behaviour and their cross-cultural differences.
  • c. Prepares high quality engineering documents such as progress and project reports, reports of investigations and feasibility studies, proposals, specifications, design records, drawings, technical descriptions and presentations pertinent to the technology domain.

3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.

  • a. Applies creative approaches to identify and develop alternative concepts, solutions and procedures, appropriately challenges engineering practices from technical and non-technical viewpoints; identifies new technological opportunities.
  • b. Seeks out new developments in specialist area(s) of the technology domain and applies fundamental knowledge and systematic processes to evaluate and report potential.\
  • c. Is aware of broader fields of technology, science, engineering and commerce from which new ideas and interfaces may be drawn and readily engages with professionals from these fields to exchange ideas.

3.4 Professional use and management of information.

  • a. Is proficient in locating and utilising information including accessing, systematically searching, analysing, evaluating and referencing relevant published materials and data.
  • b. Critically assesses the accuracy, reliability and authenticity of information.
  • c. Is aware of common document identification, tracking and control procedures.

3.5 Orderly management of self and professional conduct.

  • a. Demonstrates commitment to critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements.
  • b. Understands the importance of being a member of a professional and intellectual community, learning from its knowledge and standards, and contributing to their maintenance and advancement.
  • c. Demonstrates commitment to life-long learning and professional development.
  • d. Manages time and processes effectively, prioritises competing demands to achieve personal, career and organisational goals and objectives
  • e. Thinks critically and applies an appropriate balance of logic and intellectual criteria to analysis, judgment and decision making.
  • f. Presents a professional image in all circumstances, including relations with clients, stakeholders, as well as with professional and technical colleagues across wide ranging disciplines.

3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership.

  • a. Understands the fundamentals of team dynamics and leadership.
  • b. Functions as an effective member or leader of diverse engineering teams, including those with multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural dimensions.
  • c. Earns the trust and confidence of colleagues through competent and timely completion of tasks.
  • d. Recognises the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints, scholarly advice and the importance of professional networking.
  • e. Confidently pursues and discerns expert assistance and professional advice.
  • f. Takes initiative and fulfils the leadership role whilst respecting the agreed roles of others.


工程助理:职业概述 - 飞出国


工程助理 - FLYabroad 往往必须熟悉实践标准和规范,尤其擅长解读这些标准和规范,并且擅长把它们应用到各种情形之中。许多工程助理在实际安装方面拥有及其广泛的经验,甚至比专业工程师或工程技师还要了解厂房和设备的一些具体方面,而这些知识可以极大地有利于操作的安全、成本和有效性。





See Summary Statement in Section C www.engineersaustralia.org.au


Engineering Associates have a wide range of functions within engineering enterprises and engineering teams. Examples of their roles may include feasibility investigation, scoping, establishing criteria/performance measures, assessing and reporting technical and procedural options; design and development; component, resources and materials sourcing and procurement; construction, prototyping, manufacture, testing, installation, commissioning, service provision and de- commissioning; tools, plant, equipment and facilities acquisition, management, maintenance, calibration and upgrades; operations management; procedures documentation; presentation and reporting; maintenance systems design and management; project and facility management; quality assurance, costing and budget management; document control and quality assurance.

Engineering Associates are often required to be closely familiar with standards and codes of practice, and to become expert in their interpretation and application to a wide variety of situations. Many develop very extensive experience of practical installations, and may well be more knowledgeable than Professional Engineers or Engineering Technologists on detailed aspects of plant and equipment that can contribute very greatly to safety, cost or effectiveness in operation.

In other instances, Engineering Associates may develop high levels of expertise in aspects of design and development processes. These might include, for example, the use of advanced software to perform detailed design of structures, mechanical components and systems, manufacturing or process plant, electrical and electronic equipment, information and communications systems, and so on. Other examples might be in the construction of experimental or prototype equipment. Again, experienced operators in these areas often develop detailed practical knowledge and experience complementing the broader or more theoretical knowledge of others.

Engineering Associates need a good grounding in engineering science and the principles underlying their field of expertise, to ensure that their knowledge and skills are portable across different applications and situations within the broad field of practice. Equipment, vendor or context-specific training in a particular job is not sufficient to guarantee generic competency. Given a good knowledge base, however, Engineering Associates may build further on this through high levels of training in particular contexts and in relation to particular equipment. Aircraft maintenance is an excellent example.

The competencies of Engineering Associates equip them to certify the quality of engineering work and the condition of equipment and systems in defined circumstances, laid down in recognised standards and codes of practice.

Engineering Associates may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities. Some may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists, and other specialists where appropriate. In Australia, the term ‘para-professional’ is frequently used to describe the Engineering Associate occupation.

See Summary Statement in Section C www.engineersaustralia.org.au

工程助理:技能单元和技能要素 - 飞出国

1. EA1 知识基础和技能基础 - FLYabroad

1.1 在公式的基础上对基础自然与物理科学和适用于实践领域的工程基础知识的叙述理解。 - fcgvisa

a) 基于既定的操作背景进行推断,把科学与工程基础知识应用于新难题的调查和处理、应用程序、实践与要求。

1.2 对支撑实践领域的数学、数值分析、统计和计算机与信息科学程序层次上的理解。 - FLYabroad

a) 严格、客观地运用和实践领域的专业分支学科相关的分析、描述、测量、解读、评价、评估、可视化、模拟、决策、知识管理和交流的工具和方法。

1.3 对实践领域专业学科分支实际知识的深入了解和实际技能的掌握。 - FLYabroad

a) 作为一名助理,能够借助厂房与设备、仪器、测量与测试设施、材料、组件与系统熟练地执行高级任务、流程、技巧和程序。

1.4 对技术领域的工程发展的识别。 - 飞出国

a) 全面了解实践领域内专业分支学科的发展趋势和出现的问题。

1.5 对影响实践领域的情境因素的了解。 - 飞出国

  • a) 识别和了解工程实践和其运行的社会、文化、环境、商业、法律和政治环境中的人之间的联系,既包括工程学在可持续发展中所起的积极作用,也包括工程活动在技术领域中潜在的不利影响。
  • b) 了解商务和企业管理的基础。
  • c) 了解工程人员的结构、角色和能力。
  • d) 重视和国际工程实践活动及全球操作环境相关的问题。

1.6 对实践领域内现代工程实践的范围、原则、规范、职责和范围的理解。 - 飞出国

a) 应用和实践领域与专业分支学科相关的标准工程设计原则。
b) 了解支撑实践领域分支学科专业领域内实践工作与技术工作的实践规范和标准,以及立法要求和法定要求。
c) 重视安全原则、风险管理和实践领域内的工程团队的健康与安全责任。
d) 重视持续工程实践的广泛原则和影响。
e) 了解工程项目管理工具和程序是计划、组织和管理资源的基础。







1.1 Descriptive, formula-based understanding of the underpinning natural and physical sciences and the engineering fundamentals applicable to the practice area.

a) Applies science and engineering fundamentals to
investigate and address new problems, applications procedures, practices and requirements, extrapolating from a defined and established operating context.

1.2 Procedural-level understanding of the mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics, and computer and information sciences which underpin the practice area.

a) Rigorously and objectively applies analysis,
characterisation, measurement, interpretation, assessment, evaluation, visualisation, simulation,
decision making, knowledge management and communication tools and techniques pertinent to specialist sub-disciplines of the practice area

1.3 In-depth practical knowledge and skills within specialist sub-disciplines of the practice area.

a) Proficiently executes advanced tasks, processes,
techniques, and procedures in a para-professional support role using plant and equipment, instrumentation, measurement and test facilities, materials, components and systems.

1.4 Discernment of engineering developments within the practice area.

a) Maintains a broad understanding of development
trends and emerging issues disseminated within
specialist sub-disciplines of the practice area.

1.5 Knowledge of contextual factors impacting the practice area.

  • a) Identifies and understands the interactions between engineering practice and people in the social, cultural, environmental, commercial, legal and political contexts in which they operate, including both the positive role of engineering in sustainable development and the potentially adverse impacts of engineering activity in the practice area.
  • b) Is aware of the fundamentals of business and enterprise management.
  • c) Identifies the structure, roles and capabilities of the engineering workforce.
  • d) Appreciates the issues associated with international engineering practice in the practice area.

1.6 Understanding of the scope, principles, norms, accountabilities and bounds of contemporary engineering practice in the area of practice.

  • a) Applies engineering design principles of a standardised nature, relevant to the area of practice and specialist sub-disciplines.
  • b) Understands the standards and codes of practice, as well as the legislative and statutory requirements which underpin practical and technical work in sub-discipline(s) specialisations of the practice area.
  • c) Appreciates the principles of safety and risk management and the health and safety responsibilities of the engineering team operating within the practice area.
  • d) Appreciates the broad principles and implications of sustainable engineering practice.
  • e) Understands the role of engineering project management tools and procedures as a basis for planning, organising and managing resources.


  1. ‘practice area’ means the broad area of engineering such as aviation, mechanical, civil, telecommunications, etc.
  2. ‘specialised sub-discipline’ means the specific domain of technical practice within a practice area such as aviation maintenance, mechanical design, foundation design, communications equipment installation, etc.

2. EA2 工程应用能力

2.1运用已有的技术和实践方法解决定义明确的问题的能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a) 用实践行动投入分析核心问题;运用既定的诊断流程调查因果;运用既有的方法评估描述、分析、性能和行为;熟练应用标准解决方案,并形成经核证的结论。
  • b) 任务、流程、实践、数据、结果和文档信息很可能有歧义、理由不充分、不合逻辑或不确定,借助系统、严格的流程准确判断其适当性和/或实际有效性。
  • c) 能够选择和结合可用组件或元件创建一个系统;记录结果;依据系统的规范和全面要求系统地证明其性能。
  • d) 全面评估选择性实践方法,解决实践领域内的技术难题。
  • e) 根据操作要求和实践规范批判地观察、评估和系统地报告。
  • f) 可靠地解读、应用和证明符合和实践领域内专业分支学科相关的标准工程任务实施的标准和规范。
  • g) 负责适当地识别、量化、减轻和管理和实践领域内实际工程应用相关的技术、健康、环境、安全和其他相关风险。
  • h) 重视确保符合符合适用于实践领域内专业分支学科的立法要求和法定要求的必要性。
  • i) 通过接触适当的知识资源负责调查性工作和实际难题的解决。

2.2 运用技术和实际方法、工具和资源来解决定义明确的问题的能力。 - fcgvisa

  • a. 能够熟练确认、选择和应用和实践领域相关的材料、组件、装备、系统、过程、资源、实体工具、厂房和设备。
  • b. 能够运用实践领域专业分支学科内所有以电脑为基础的工程工具和资源,并认识到这些工具的局限性和准确性。
  • c. 能够熟练、安全地进行实验室实验和结果的测量,包括实验程序、设备和设施的校准与操作、数据结果的解读和可靠结论的形成。
  • d. 了解支持实践领域内潜在交易和专业工作的物理工具、厂房与设备、仪器和实验设施的应用、功能、工作限制和性能期望值。
  • e. 识别错误的一般来源,消除或弥补这些错误,并量化这些错误对最后结果的意义。
  • f. 重视工程厂房、设施、设备和系统的收购、调试、操作、升级、监控、维护和管理对系统方法的需求。
  • g. 了解质量管理体系、工具和过程在一种不断提高的文化中所起的作用。

2.3 运用系统设计流程来解决定义明确的问题的能力。 - 飞出国

  • a. 能够运用技术与实践知识、问题解决能力、已有的工具和标准程序设计组件、系统元件、厂房、工具、设施和/或资源以满足用户明确的需求。
  • b. 适应影响实践领域的相关因素,尤其确保设计流程中必须处理健康、安全和可持续性问题。
  • c. 参与整个系统设计周期的技术与实践任务,主要任务包括:
    • 解读和协商用户的明确需求和验收标准;
    • 系统解决可持续性因素;
    • 确保健康、安全和技术风险得到了恰当的处理;
    • 确保符合必要的工程标准和实践规范;
    • 考虑多种方法并最终证明最优化方案;
    • 借助于标准的工具和过程设计并完成设计;
    • 借助于标准的演示、开发、原型设计、制造和建设方法实现设计;
    • 核查设计成果和/或根据用户明确的需求借助于标准的审计过程、验收测试和/或评估流程证明其性能;
    • 记录和报告设计结果。
  • d. 了解作为设计权威的工程团队一名成员的职责。

2.4 系统的项目管理流程的应用能力。

  • a) 在定义明确的技术项目工作实施过程中,参与基本项目管理和实践。
  • b) 通过应用复杂但明确划分的工程环境中标准的流程、方法、工具和资源支持项目开发周期。
  • c) 作为工程团队的成员和/或通过领导技术与贸易人员致力于定义明确的技术项目活动;识别需求与资源,并实际地评估定义明确的实践与技术项目活动中的规模、范围、努力程度和指示性成本。
  • d) 把相关背景问题考虑进入实践与技术项目工作,包括成本和财务控制这些基本问题。
  • e) 了解整个项目过程中计划和量化性能的必要性,在整个实施背景下管理实践和技术成果的必要性。
  • f) 在全面的实践和技术项目工作中致力于可持续性工程实践,获得可持续性的成果。


2.1 Application of established technical and practical methods to the solution of well-defined engineering problems.

  • a) Provides practical input to the analysis of key issues, applies established diagnostic processes to investigate causes and effects, applies codified methods for characterisation and analysis as well as performance and behaviour evaluation, fluently applies standardised solution methodologies and formulates substantiated conclusions.
  • b) Uses systematic and rigorous processes to reliably judge the appropriateness and/or practical validity of tasks, processes, practices, data, results and documented information that may be ambiguous, ill founded, illogical or subject to uncertainty.
  • c) Proficiently selects and combines available components or elements to create a system, documents outcomes and systematically verifies performance against specifications and overall requirements of the system.
  • d) Thoroughly evaluates alternative practical approaches to the solution of technical problems in the practice area.
  • e) Critically observes, assesses and systematically reports in accordance with procedural requirements and codes of practice
  • f) Reliably interprets, applies and verifies compliance with standards and codes in the conduct of standardised engineering tasks relevant to specialist sub-disciplines in the practice area.
  • g) Contributes responsibly and appropriately to the identification, quantification, mitigation and management of technical, health, environmental, safety and other contextual risks associated with practical engineering application in the practice area.
  • h) Appreciates the need to ensure compliance with legislative and statutory requirements applicable to specialist sub-disciplines in the practice area.
  • i) Accesses appropriate knowledge resources as input to investigatory work and practical problem solving.

2.2 Application of technical and practical techniques, tools and resources to well-defined engineering problems.

  • a) Proficiently identifies, selects and applies the materials, components, devices, systems, processes, resources, physical tools, plant and equipment relevant to the area of practice.
  • b) Proficiently applies computer based engineering tools and resources specific to specialist sub-discipline(s) of the area of practice, and recognises the limitations and accuracy of such tools.
  • c) Proficiently and safely implements laboratory test and measurement outcomes including experimental procedures, calibration and operation of equipment and facilities, interpretation of result data and the formulation of reliable conclusions.
  • d) Understands the application, capabilities, working limitations and performance expectations of the physical tools, plant and equipment as well as instrumentation and test facilities that support the underlying trades and specialist work within the practice area.
  • e) Recognises common sources of error and eliminates or compensates for them, and quantifies their significance to any conclusions drawn.
  • f) Appreciates the need for systematic approaches to the acquisition, commissioning, operation, upgrade, monitoring, maintenance and management of engineering plant, facilities, equipment and systems.
  • g) Understands the role of quality management systems, tools and processes within a culture of continuous improvement.

2.3 Application of systematic design processes to well- defined engineering problems.

  • a. Proficiently applies technical and practical knowledge and problem solving skills as well as established tools and standardised procedures to design components, system elements, plant, tools, facilities and/or resources to meet clearly specified user requirements.
  • b. Accommodates contextual factors that impact the practice area, and in particular ensures that health, safety and sustainability imperatives are addressed as an integral part of the design process.
  • c. Engages with technical and practical elements of a whole systems design cycle, including tasks such as:
    • interpreting and negotiating specified user requirements and acceptance criteria;
    • systematically addressing sustainability criteria;
    • ensuring that health, safety and technical risks are adequately addressed;
    • ensuring compliance with essential engineering standards and codes of practice;
    • consideration of alternative approaches and justifying an optimal approach;
    • developing and completing the design using standardised tools and processes;
    • implementing the design using standard presentation/development/prototyping/fabrication/ construction techniques;
    • checking the design outcome and/or verifying performance against specified user requirements using standard audit processes, acceptance testing and/or evaluation procedures;
    • documenting and reporting the design outcome.
  • d. Is aware of the accountabilities of the members of the engineering team in relation to the ‘design authority’ role.

2.4 Application of systematic project management processes.

  • a) Engages with basic project management tools and practices in the execution of well-defined technical project work.
  • b) Supports a project development cycle through the application of standardised processes, methodologies, tools and resources within a complex, but clearly partitioned engineering environment.
  • c) Contributes to well-defined and technical project activity as a member of the engineering team and/or through leadership of technical and trades personnel. Identifies the requirements and resources, and realistically assesses the scope, dimensions, scale of effort and indicative costs of well-defined practical and technical project activity.
  • d) Is aware of the need to accommodate relevant contextual issues into practical and technical project work, including the fundamentals of costing and financial control.
  • e) Is aware of the need to plan and quantify performance over the full life-cycle of an engineering project, managing practical and technical outcomes within the overall implementation context.
  • f) Is able to implement sustainable practices to achieve sustainable outcomes in all facets of practical and technical project work.

3. PE3 职业素质和个人素质 - FLYabroad###

PE3 职业素质与个人素质 - FLYabroad

3.1 道德操守和专业责任。 - 飞出国

  • a. 致力于遵守澳大利亚工程师协会道德操守,遵守和工程学科相关的既定的专业行为规范。
  • b. 了解认证、合规和风险管理过程中尽职调查的需要。
  • c. 了解专业工程师和工程团队对于他人安全和环境保护应负的责任。
  • d. 了解知识产权和保护的基本原则。

3.2 专业领域和非专业领域有效的口头和书面沟通技巧 - 飞出国

  • a) 熟练掌握英语听说读写能力,包括:
    • 基本可以理解他人的观点;
    • 简洁、有效地传达信息,执行指令,参与讨论,提供论点和理由,借助于最符合背景的文本、图解、图示或图标媒介和技术性人士或非技术性人士辩论、协商;
    • 在一个比较大的团体内代表一个工程职位或工程专业;
    • 重视肢体语言、个人行为和其他非言语交际方式的影响,以及人类社会行为和跨文化差异。
  • b) 准备高质量的工程文件,例如进程和项目报 以及和工程学科相关的调查、可行性研究、提案、规范、设计记录、图纸、技术性描述和演示的报告。

3.3 创造、创新、积极 - FLYabroad

  • a. 应用创新的方法对可选择的概念、解决方案和程序进行识别和发展;从技术性角度和非技术性角度恰当地挑战工程实践;识别新技术机会。
  • b. 探索工程学科和专业内新发展方向,并应用基本知识和系统过程对潜力进行评估和报告。
  • c. 了解产生新想法和新联系的科学、工程、技术和商业这些广泛领域,并随时准备和来自这些领域的专业人士交流想法。

3.4 专业使用和管理信息 - FLYabroad

  • a. 能够熟练定位和利用信息,包括使用、系统搜索、分析、评估和参考相关的出版作品和公布的数据;能够熟练使用索引、书目数据库和其他搜索设备。
  • b. 批判性地评估信息的准确性、可靠性和真实性。
  • c. 了解常见的文档识别、跟踪和控制程序。

3.5 有序管理个人行为和专业行为 - 飞出国

  • a) 致力于以合适的标准为基础进行批判性的自我回顾和性能评估,并使其成为跟踪个人发展需要和成就的主要手段。
  • b) 了解作为一个专业知识团队一员的重要性,学习其知识和标准的重要性,和致力于其维护和提高的重要性。
  • c) 致力于终生学习和专业发展。
  • d) 有效管理时间和流程,确认好相互矛盾的需求的优先顺序,以个人、职业和组织的目标。
  • e) 批判性地思考和应用适当、平衡的逻辑和智力标准进行分析、判断和做决定。
  • f) 在任何情况下都呈现出专业的形象,包括和客户、利益相关者和广泛学科间的专业和技术人士之间的联系。

3.6 有效参与和领导团队 - FLYabroad

  • a. 了解团队动力和领导力的基础。
  • b. 作为不同水平、领域和文化规模的工程团队的一个有效成员或领导者。
  • c. 通过及时完成任务获得同事们的信任和信心。
  • d. 认识到各种观点和学术建议的价值以及专业间交流的重要性。
  • e. 自信地追求和识别专家援助和专业建议。
  • f. 在尊重其他人既定的角色的同时,积极担任和完成领导角色。


3.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability.

  • a) Demonstrates commitment to uphold the Engineers Australia Code of Ethics, and established norms of professional conduct pertinent to the practice area.
  • b) Understands the need for ‘due-diligence’ in certification, compliance and risk management processes.
  • c) Understands the accountabilities of the engineering team for the safety of other people and for protection of the environment.
  • d) Is aware of the need to recognise and protect intellectual property rights.

3.2 Effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.

  • a) Is proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing English, including:
    - comprehending critically and fairly the viewpoints of others;
    - expressing information effectively and succinctly, issuing instruction, engaging in discussion, presenting justification, and negotiating - to technical and non-technical audiences and using textual, diagrammatic, pictorial and graphical media best suited to the context;
    - representing a technical position to professional engineering colleagues or to the to the broader community;
    - appreciating the impact of body language, personal behaviour and other non-verbal communication processes, as well as the fundamentals of human social behaviour and their cross-cultural differences.
  • b) Prepares high quality engineering documents such as sketches, charts, diagrams, plans, drawings, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, reports, technical instructions and manuals.

3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.

a) Applies creative approaches and procedures to the solution of well-defined problems, appropriately challenges existing engineering practices and identifies practical opportunities for improvement and innovation.
b) Seeks out new developments and practical approaches and considers their application within specialist sub-discipline(s) of the practice area.

3.4 Professional use and management of information.

  • a) Is proficient in locating and utilising professionally published knowledge, information and data.
  • b) Critically assesses the accuracy, reliability and authenticity of information.
  • c) Is aware of common document tracking and control procedures.

3.5 Orderly management of self and professional conduct.

  • a) Demonstrates commitment to critical self-review and performance evaluation against appropriate criteria as a primary means of tracking personal development needs and achievements.
  • b) Understands the importance of being a member of an engineering community, learning from its knowledge and standards.
  • c) Demonstrates commitment to life-long learning and development.
  • d) Manages time and processes effectively, prioritises competing demands to achieve personal, career and organisational goals and objectives.
  • e) Presents a professional image in all circumstances, including relations with clients, stakeholders, as well as with colleagues across wide ranging disciplines.

3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership.

  • a) Understands the fundamentals of team dynamics and leadership.
  • b) Functions as an effective member of the engineering team, including those with multicultural dimensions, and as a leader of a technical and/or trades team within the area of practice.
  • c) Earns the trust and confidence of colleagues through competent and timely completion of tasks.
  • d) Recognises the value of alternative and diverse viewpoints, scholarly advice and the importance of networking with other para-professional and professional colleagues.
  • e) Confidently pursues and discerns expert assistance and professional advice.
  • f) Takes initiative and fulfils the leadership role whilst respecting the agreed roles of others.


工程经理: 职业概述 - 飞出国



  • 实施和监控工程策略、政策和计划;
  • 解读计划、图纸和规范,有关工程方法和程序方面提供一些建议,实现施工和生产要求; - 飞出国
  • 制定项目计划和预算;
  • 确保符合规范和计划,符合法律、法规和安全标准;
  • 确保遵守工程质量、成本、安全、及时性和性能标准;
  • 监督维护需求,实现效率最优化; - 飞出国
  • 在新建设和产品设计的各个工程方面,都要与市场、研究和制造方面的经理进行联系;
  • 致力于项目的研究和发展。 (ANZSCO First Edition 2006)

详见第三部分总括: www.engineersaustralia.org.au



This is a high level executive position involving engineering strategic policy and planning for an organisation. Engineering Managers are expected to have a bachelor degree or higher qualification and at least three years of experience operating at this level.

Experience needs to be demonstrated through letters of reference and organisational charts showing the applicant’s position.

Engineering Managers plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate the engineering and technical operations of organisations.
Tasks include:

  • implementing and monitoring engineering strategies, policies and plans
  • interpreting plans, drawings and specifications, and providing advice on engineering methods and procedures to achieve construction and production requirements
  • establishing project schedules and budgets
  • ensuring conformity with specifications and plans, and with laws, regulations and safety standards
  • ensuring engineering standards of quality, cost, safety, timeliness and performance are observed
  • overseeing maintenance requirements to optimise efficiency
  • liaising with marketing, research and manufacturing managers regarding engineering aspects of new construction and product design
  • contributing to research and development projects. (ANZSCO First Edition 2006)

See Summary Statement in Section C

工程经理:技能要素 - 飞出国

1. EM 1.1 参与制定工程业务策略 - fcgvisa

  • 提供工程分析,致力于战略性计划制定和可持续性的发展;
  • 把工程目标融入到商务计划之中;
  • 在发挥工程主动性创造机会的基础上,寻求其他商务机会;
  • 与他人合作制定工程业绩目标和财务计划;
  • 提供有关工程相关成本和风险的建议;
  • 负责监控和调整符合组织持续发展政策的团队表现;
  • 评估存在于组织指导方针的风险
  • 为工程操作设计质量计划;
  • 运用整个生命周期成本。

2. EM 1.2 发展客户关系 - 飞出国

  • 计划满足内部顾客和外部顾客的工程需求;
  • 确保提供优质的工程产品和服务;
  • 寻求客户对提供的工程产品和服务的反馈信息;
  • 监控、调整和报告获得的客户服务;
  • 协助顾客识别可持续选择和影响。

3. EM 1.3 管理业务内工程计划的实施 - fcgvisa

  • 分配员工的角色和职责,实现工程计划;
  • 发挥工程领导作用;
  • 管理工作表现和标准;
  • 致力于解决各种工程难题;
  • 监控战略性工程计划和目标;
  • 管理成本;
  • 管理安全和质量问题;
  • 管理环境问题;
  • 管理风险和突发事件。

4. EM1.4 管理资源 - 飞出国

  • 实施资源管理计划;
  • 采购资源;
  • 负责资产维护;
  • 负责处理、废物处理和回收计划;
  • 提供工程成本方面的建议;
  • 致力于创新资源管理。

5. EM1.5 管理员工 - FLYabroad

  • 实施人力资源管理计划;
  • 监控团队和个人表现;
  • 参与选择员工;
  • 确保员工的技术和能力都符合商业目标的要求;
  • 负责工作场所的文化,确保员工在不断学习的环境中工作;
  • 确保坚持道德规范、职业健康安全政策和质量标准;
  • 提供绩效反馈。

6. EM1.6 管理供应商 - FLYabroad

  • 参与选择供应商;
  • 为参与供应商准备文件;
  • 计划和实施监控供应商。

7. EM1.7 管理业务信息 - FLYabroad

  • 确认符合所有法定报告要求;
  • 有效利用信息管理系统,存储和检索决策信息;
  • 准备和提交符合组织方针和要求的商务计划/预算。

8. EM1.8 监控工程业务业绩 - 飞出国

  • 建立监控流程和反馈系统,确保实现设定的目标;
  • 建立监控流程和报告流程,确保符合法定要求;
  • 建立和监控流程,确保各方面商务持续发展。


1. EM 1.1 Contributes to engineering business strategies

  • Provides engineering analysis to contribute to the development of strategic plans and sustainability
  • Integrates engineering objectives into business planning
  • Seeks emergent business opportunities based upon engineering initiatives to create opportunities
  • Works with others to develop engineering performance targets and financial plans
  • Provides advice on engineering related costs and risks
  • Implements processes to monitor and adjust team performance within the organisation’s continuous improvement policies
  • Undertakes risk assessment within organisational guidelines
  • Develops quality plans for engineering operations
  • Applies whole of life costing

2. EM 1.2 Develops client relationships

  • Plans to meet internal and external clients’ engineering requirements
  • Ensures delivery of quality engineering products and services
  • Seeks client feedback on the delivery of engineering products and services
  • Monitors adjusts and reports on the client service received
  • Assists customers to identify sustainable options and implications

3. EM 1.3 Manages the implementation of engineering plans within the business

  • Allocates roles and responsibilities to staff to achieve engineering plans
  • Provides engineering leadership
  • Manages performance and standards
  • Contributes to the solution of engineering problems
  • Monitors strategic engineering plans, goals and targets
  • Manages costs
  • Manages safety and quality
  • Manages environmental issues
  • Manages risks and contingencies

4. EM1.4 Manages resources

  • Implements resource management plans
  • Procures resources
  • Manages asset maintenance
  • Manages disposal, waste management and recycling plans
  • Provides advice on engineering costs
  • Contributes to the innovative management of resources

5. EM1.5 Manages people

  • Implements people management plan
  • Monitors team and individual performance targets
  • Participates in the selection of staff
  • Ensures the provision of skills and competencies requested to meet business targets
  • Manages the workplace culture so that staff work in a continual learning environment
  • Ensures the adherence to ethical, OH&S and quality standards
  • Provides performance feedback

6. EM1.6 Manages suppliers

  • Participates in supplier selection
  • Prepares documents for engagement of suppliers
  • Plans and implements monitoring of suppliers

7. EM1.7 Manages business information

  • Identifies and complies with all statutory reporting requirements
  • Uses management information systems effectively to store and retrieve data for decision making
  • Prepares and presents business plans / budgets in accordance with the organisation’s guidelines and requirements

8. EM1.8 Monitors engineering business performance

  • Establishes monitoring processes and feedback systems to ensure agreed targets are met
  • Establishes monitoring and reporting processes to ensure statutory requirements are met
  • Establishes and monitors processes so that continuous improvement is achieved at all levels of the business


EA评估的ANZSCO代码职业 - 飞出国##

专业工程师类别 (技能水平 1) - FLYabroad

  • 航空工程师 (233911) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 农业工程师 (233912) 包括下属的其他职称
  • 生物医学工程师 (233913) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 土木工程师 (233211) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 化学工程师 (233111)
  • 电子工程师 (233411) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 电气工程师 (233311) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 环境工程师 (233915)
  • 岩土工程师 (233212)
  • 工业工程师 (233511) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 材料工程师 (233112)
  • 机械工程师 (233512) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 采矿工程师 (233611) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 造船工程师 (233916)
  • 石油工程师 (233612) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 生产或工厂工程师 (233513) 包下属的专门职业类别
  • 建筑工程师 (233214)
  • 电信工程师 (263311) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 电信网络工程师 (263312) 包括下属的其他职称
  • 运输工程师 (233215)
  • 其他工程专业工程师 (233999)

Engineering Technologist Category (Skill Level 1) - FLYabroad

  • 工程技师 (233914) including specializations

Engineering Associate Category (Skill Level 2) - FLYabroad

  • 土木工程绘图员(312211) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 电气工程绘图员(312311) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 电子工程绘图员(312411) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 机械工程绘图员(312511) 包括下属的专门职业类别
  • 电信现场工程师(313212)
  • 电信网络规划员(313213)
  • 电信技术员或技师(313214)
  • 其他建筑&工程技术人员(312999)

Managers and Administrators Category (Skill Level 1)

  • 工程经理 (133211)


Professional Engineer Category (Skill Level 1)

  • Aeronautical Engineer (233911) including specializations
  • Agricultural Engineer (233912) including alternative title
  • Biomedical Engineer (233913) including specializations
  • Civil Engineer (233211) including specializations
  • Chemical Engineer (233111)
  • Electronics Engineers (233411) including specialization
  • Electrical Engineer (233311) including specializations
  • Environmental Engineer (233915)
  • Geotechnical Engineer (233212)
  • Industrial Engineer (233511) including specialization
  • Materials Engineer (233112)
  • Mechanical Engineer (233512) including specializations
  • Mining Engineer (233611) including specialization
  • Naval Architect (233916)
  • Petroleum Engineer (233612) including specializations
  • Production or Plant Engineer (233513) including specialization
  • Structural Engineer (233214)
  • Telecommunications Engineer (263311) including specialization
  • Telecommunications Network Engineer (263312) including alternative titles
  • Transport Engineer (233215)
  • Engineering Professional nec (233999)

Engineering Technologist Category (Skill Level 1)

Engineering Technologist (233914) including specializations

Engineering Associate Category (Skill Level 2)

  • Civil Engineering Draftsperson (312211) including specializations
  • Electrical Engineering Draftsperson (312311) including specializations
  • Electronics Engineering Draftsperson (312411) including specializations
  • Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson (312511) including specializations
  • Telecommunication Field Engineer (313212)
  • Telecommunications Network Planner (313213)
  • Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist (313214)
  • Building & Engineering Technicians nec (312999)

Managers and Administrators Category (Skill Level 1)

Engineering Manager (133211)


1 个赞



感谢回复,233513 生产或工厂工程师职位别名 - FLYabroad
233513 自动化和控制工程师 Automation and Control Engineer (S)



电气自动化是电气和自动化结合的专业,电梯设备本身属于强电转换为动能的电气设备,如果只是是控制系统严格来说属于电子或自动化范畴,澳洲将自动化和控制工程师归类为机械工程类别。而不是电气。你的专业提名电气或电子都可以,关键看 CDR 的侧重。




2017年澳洲工程师协会 Engineering Australia(EA) 最新要求更新 - 飞出国

  1. EA从20170315规定:EA要求补料,申请人要一次性把材料补齐,比如EA说项目报告有哪些不合适的地方,申请人要一次性在报告里面cover这些不足的地方;补料周期是30天,补料不全面或者没有如期补料将会导致申请关闭;
  2. EA的评估函从EA本身的角度是没有有效期的,但是由于移民局的规定是3年有效,如果申请人想要更新评估函,需要咨询EA;飞出国咨询过得知,如果以前是纸质的EA评估函,现在要做更新的话,需要提交在线申请,先按照一个全新的EA申请交费,然后写邮件告知EA自己是有过纸质评估函的,EA会尽快审理且退回申请人一部分申请费,只收取 administration fee 107 澳币,也就是EA在线系统现在还没有实现这个功能;
  3. 对于申请人情况紧急的,比如年龄快要到的,可以写邮件给EA加急,或者说年龄快到了,想赶紧递交,但是雅思或者托福的成绩单还没有收到,也可以写邮件给EA申请先递交成绩的截图,比较人性化;

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me/contact


2 个赞


2017年10月1日起,EA 要求申请在一个月内提供合格英语考试成绩,当前 EA 认可的英语考试包括 A,G 类雅思(4个6)和 TOEFL iBT(12,3,21,18)。看似不再允许两张成绩单拼成绩。

All applicants applying to have their skills assessed by Engineers Australia are required to provide an evidence of their English language competency in their application unless they are eligible for an exemption.

From 1 October 2017, if a suitable English Test result is not provided in the application at the time of lodgement, it will be requested by the assessor.

Failure to provide a suitable English Test Result within the imparted timeframe (usually 1 month) will result in the application being closed as unsuccessful.

Please include your English language test result in your application.

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Suitable English Language Tests are TOEFL iBT, IELTS General, IELTS Academic
  • The test result must be less than 2 years old at the time of applications

Minimum scores in each modules are:

Listening 6.0 12
Reading 6.0 13
Writing 6.0 21
Speaking 6.0 18

2017 年11月1日起澳洲EA工程师机构开始接收培生 PTE-A。


From the 1st of November 2017, Engineers Australia will accept the Pearson’s Test of English Academic (PTE Academic).

The minimum acceptable score is 50 in each of the 4 modules of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

The test result form must be less than 2 years old at the time of lodgement of the assessment application.