卑诗省应用生物学院-BC-CAB (The College of Applied Biology)


CAB-College of Applied Biology

谁是注册应用生物学家和技术人员? 飞出国##


  • (a) 纯科学研究
  • (b) 教学

Who are Registered Applied Biologists and Technologists?

“Applied biology" means the application of the applied biological sciences1, including collecting or analyzing inventories or other data or carrying out of research or assessments, to design, evaluate, advise on, direct or otherwise provide professional or technical support to projects, works, undertakings or field practices on public or private lands, but does not include

  • (a) pure scientific research, or
  • (b) teaching.


College members who are Professional Biologists (RPBios) are involved in many areas of practice ranging from environmental assessments, aquaculture, wildlife and fisheries management, riparian area assessments, contaminated site assessments and the development of conservation plans in urban and rural environments.


College members who are Technologists (RBTechs) are involved in all aspects of data collection and the preparation of summary reports on biotic and abiotic data such as wildlife and fisheries abundance, vegetation composition and hydrological and soil parameters.

应用生物学院的会员是专业人员,他们满足进入学院的高标准要求并满有注册专业生物学家、注册生物学家和注册生物技术人员指定的权力。 他们是将生物学理论应用于各种领域的专业人员,帮助我们管理和保护自然资源,从而造福公众。

Members of the College of Applied Biology are professionals who meet high standards for entry into the College and the right to the designation, RPBio, Registered Professional Biologist or Registered Biology Technologist, RBTech. They are the practitioners who take the theoretical knowledge of biology and apply it in a wide variety of fields to help us manage and protect our natural resources to the benefit of the public.


学术自我评估工具 飞出国##


Academic Self-Assessment Tool

The College of Applied Biology (the College), in partnership with the British Columbia Ministry of Jobs, Tourism, and Skills Training created the following Self-Assessment tool to assist potential applicants in determining if their education will meet the academic requirements necessary to begin the Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio) certification process1. The tool has two sections: a competency overview and a post-secondary course calculator. The purpose of this tool is to provide information to the applicant. Meeting all the requirements ed in this tool will not guarantee certification as a RPBio.


The competency overview will provide you with information on the seven academic competencies the College requires and the corresponding skill, ability, training or knowledge required for each competency. You will then have the opportunity to reflect on your course work to assess if you possess the skill, ability, training or knowledge outlined. Alternatively, if you are planning your education, the tool will help you identify what courses or electives you may need to take in order to possess these competencies upon graduation.


The post–secondary course calculator allows you to input the courses that you have taken, or are planning to take, and see if you would meet the College’s course requirement. If you are missing courses, the calculator will highlight these for you.

概述 飞出国###


  • 1.0 - 能力
  • 1.1 - 系统学或分类
  • 1.2 - 细胞
  • 1.3 - 有机体生物学
  • 1.3.1 - 有机体生理学:选项1 细胞生理学
  • 1.3.2 - 有机体生理学:选项2 动物生理学
  • 1.3.3 - 有机体生理学:选项3 植物生理学
  • 1.4 - 生态
  • 1.5 - 应用生物学
  • 1.6 - 统计
  • 1.7 - 通信


  • 2.0 - 课程要求
  • 2.1 - 生物学课程
  • 2.2 - 化学课程
  • 2.3 - 数学课程
  • 2.4 - 科学课程




Section 1

  • 1.0 – Competencies
  • 1.1 – Systematics or Classification
  • 1.2 – Cellular
  • 1.3 – Organismal Biology
  • 1.3.1 – Organismal Physiology: Option 1 – Cell Physiology
  • 1.3.2 – Organismal Physiology: Option 2 – Animal Physiology
  • 1.3.3 – Organismal Physiology: Option 3 – Plant Physiology
  • 1.4 – Ecology
  • 1.5 – Applied Biology
  • 1.6 Statistics
  • 1.7 - Communications

Section 2

  • 2.0 – Course Requirements
  • 2.1 – Biology Courses
  • 2.2 – Chemistry Course
  • 2.3 – Mathematics Course
  • 2.4 – Remaining Science Courses

1Please note that certification as a RPBio is granted after a review of post-secondary educations, professional reports, and professional experience. This tool only addresses the academic component of this review.

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Application FAQs | College of Applied Biologists

会员类别 飞出国##

学院包括五种会员类别。 点击此处 了解这些类别之间的关系。

Membership Categories

There are five categories of membership in the College. Click here to see the relationship between these categories.

Apply to Register | College of Applied Biologists

一、注册专业生物学家 飞出国###




一、Registered Professional Biologist

RPBios are qualified to address issues that impact sustainability and to make or review management recommendations on aquatic and terrestrial species and ecosystems.READ MORE

Registered Professional Biologist Application

The following is a summary of membership requirements for those wishing to submit an application for membership in the College as an RPBio. Further details of each requirement can be found on the forms referenced in each section.

1.学术 - 成功地从认可的生物学或生物科学教育机构中获得学士学位,其中,这个教育机构的课程必须包含25个科学课程,至少有15个是在生物学领域的,正如附表 3 显示的那样。请标注申请人必须修了列表3中列出的所有必修课,不然他们将不会被接受。鼓励所有申请人使用学术自我评估工具来判断它们是否满足这些要求,想要了解更多关于课程要求的详细信息,请选择列表 3.中标亮的课程。

1.Academic - successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized post secondary institution in Biology or in another biological science which includes 25 science courses, 15 of which must be in biology, as set out in Schedule 3 of the Rules. Please note that applicants must have taken all required courses listed in Schedule 3 or they will not be accepted for membership. All applicants are encouraged to complete the Academic Self-Assessment Tool as a means of determining whether they meet these requirements. For more detailed information on specific course requirements select the high lighted courses in Schedule 3.

  • **认证课程 - **一些高等院校的课程是由学院评估的,接受此教育的毕业生只需要提交成绩单原件,不需要提交课程描述。前往认证项目了解更多信息。
  • **Accredited Programs - **Some post-secondary Institutions have had their programs assessed by the College. Students graduating from these programs will only need to submit original transcripts and do not require course descriptions. Go to accredited programs for further information.

2.工作经验 - 在应用生物学方面拥有三年的工作经验,这表明申请人获得的已经超过了专业实践水平方面的辨别力的思辨力。鼓励所有申请人使用工作经历表](https://www.cab-bc.org/file-download/work-experience-worksheet)来判断它们是否满足这些要求。

2.Work Experience – 3 years of work in applied biology which demonstrates the applicant has progressed beyond following prescriptions to exercising professional level judgment and discretion. All applicants are encouraged to complete the Work Experience worksheet as a means of determining whether they meet the requirement.

3.专业报告 - 有一到三个应用生物学方面的专业报道,其中必须符合列表3中1.3部分的相关描述。应用生物学方面的理学硕士或博士论文通常会被认为符合要求,资格审查委员会认为这些论文比发表的论文更好。所有申请人必须完成工作报告表,另外,如果你不是提交的报告或论文的主要作者,那么请你提交一份作者声明 ,来作为大学申请的一部分。这里有3个特定部分必须在提交的报告中体现:

- a)设计和实施项目
- b)使用定量或描述方法分析并解释数据
- c)以清晰易懂的方式开发,设计并提供一个结论或建议


电子提交方式首选-请前往 [adminassist@cab-bc.org](mailto:adminassist@cab-bc.org ?subject=Report%20Submission%20-%20RPBio%20Applicant)

3.Professional Report - one and up to three professional biology reports or publications in applied biology which contain elements described in section 1.3 of Schedule 3 of the Rules. A M.Sc. or Ph.D. thesis in applied biology will usually be accepted as meeting this requirement and is preferred by the Credentials Committee than the papers published from the thesis. All applicants must complete the Report Worksheet . In addition if you are not lead Author on any submitted reports or papers you must submit an Authorship Declaration as part of the application to the College. There are 3 specific areas which must be demonstrated in the report submission:

 > - a) design and implement a project  
 -   b) analyze and interpret data using quantitative or descriptive methods  
 -   c) develop, design and provide a rationale for conclusions and recommendations in a clear and understandable manner

For more detailed information on considerations for submitting a report go to Report Guidelines.

Electronic submissions preferred - please forward to [adminassist@cab-bc.org](mailto:adminassist@cab-bc.org ?subject=Report%20Submission%20-%20RPBio%20Applicant)


对于那些申请人,他们的就业环境使他们无法提供符合学院要求的报告,那么他们有一个提供自主报告的机会。申请人应该为来自个人、公司或生物学家的数据和监督负责。申请人和支持的个人或机构负责完成一个确保数据真实性的声明,这个声明将会作为提交报告的根据。更多信息,请前往自主报告表 or contact the Registrar at registrar@cab-bc.org

Self-directed Report Option

For those individuals whose employment environment does not provide opportunities to generate a report that meets the College’s requirements there is an opportunity for a self-directed report. The applicant would be responsible for identifying data and perhaps supervision from a company, organisation or individual Biologist. The applicant and supporting individual or agency would be responsible for completing a declaration that would ensure the validity of the data that would serve as the foundation for the submitted report(s). For further information go to the Self-Directed Report Form or contact the Registrar at registrar@cab-bc.org .


Reports written for Risk Assessmentshave a set of criteria that must be met to qualify as a report in applied biology. For these specific report requirements go toCriteria for Risk Assessment Reports

4.公诉罪宣言这个表格 的提交是强制性的。点击这里并网上提交表格

4.Indictable Offense Declaration – submission of this form is mandatory. Click here to complete and submit this form online

推荐信 - 所有的申请人必须提交来自3个推荐人的推荐信,这些推荐人至少认识他们6个月并且对他们作为生物学家的专业经验有一定的了解。必须使用学院推荐表,学院推荐表最好直接从推荐人那里发送到学院。然而,如果学院推荐表是被放在一个密封的信封里,并且信封后面有推荐人的签字,那么申请人可以直接将推荐信寄送到学院。RPBio 申请表提供给了申请人直接将学院申请表寄送给推荐人的方法。


5.References – All applicants must submit references from three individuals they have know for a minimum of 6 months who are knowledgeable about their professional experience as a biologist. The College Reference Form must be used. It is preferred that the College Reference form be sent to the College directly from the chosen referee. However the applicant may forward the reference to the College if the College Reference form is in a sealed envelope with the referee’s signature on the back of the sealed envelope. The RPBio application form will provide the means for the applicant to forward the College Reference form directly to their chosen referee.

Worksheet and reference form links are on the application form for your convenience.



Professional Biologist from Alberta

If you are a Professional Biologist from ASPB and wish to gain membership with the College through TILMA go here.


申请表 (电子提交)

申请表 (邮寄)

Registered Professional Biologist Application

Application Forms (electronic submission)

Application Forms (mail in)

二、注册生物技术人员 飞出国###


二、Registered Biology Technologist

RBTechs work in a team environment which includes RPBios and other resource professionals and may undertake independent practice as defined by the College. RBTech functions and accountabilities are generally more narrowly defined and focused than those of an RPBio.READ MORE

Registered Biology Technologist Application

RBTechs在包含RPBios和其他专业人士的团队环境中工作,可以进行学院规定的独立实践。RBTechs的职责通常比RPBio更加狭义和集中。列表 5 为RBTechs提供了有关独立实践的范围。

RBTechs work in a team environment which includes RPBios and other resource professionals and may undertake independent practice as defined by the College. RBTech functions and accountabilities are generally more narrowly defined and focused than those of an RPBio. Schedule 5 provides guidance for RBTechs on the scope of independent practice.

以下是会员要求的总结,专门为想要成为注册生物技术人员的申请人准备的。 想要了解每项要求的更多细节,可从每部分的表格中查找,请前往技术人员信息公告.

The following is a summary of membership requirements for those wishing to obtain membership in the College as a Registered Biology Technologist (R.B.Tech.). Further details of each requirement can be found on the forms referenced in each section and by going to the Technologist Information Bulletin.

1.学术 - 成功地从认可的高等教育机构中获得两年文凭或者满足列表 3第4节中任意一个学术选择。鼓励所有申请人使用学术表来判断他们是否满足要求。

1.Academic - successful completion of a two year diploma from an accredited post secondary institution or meeting one of the other academic options as set out in Section 4, in Schedule 3 of the Rules. All applicants are encouraged to complete the Academic Worksheet as a means of determining whether they meet these requirements.

2.工作经验 –在前五年内,有两年的应用生物学经验(文凭课程)。如果你正在申请列表 3中分支3或分支4中描述的课程,请注意工作要求是不同的,同时申请人需要认真阅读列表3第4节中的内容。鼓励所有申请人使用工作经验表来判断他们是否满足要求。

2.Work Experience – 2 years of work (post diploma) in applied biology within the previous 5 years. If you are applying under stream 3 or stream 4 as described in Schedule 3 please note that work experience requirements are different and the applicant is encouraged to read section 4 of Schedule 3 carefully. All applicants are encouraged to complete the Work Experience Worksheet as a means of determining whether they meet the requirement.

  1. 数据报告 - 拥有与应用生物学相关的一到三个数据报告或文凭论文,其中需要包含列表 34.1.3节中的相关描述。所有申请人必须完成报告表,来作为学院申请的一部分。如果你不是外,如果你不是提交的报告或论文的主要作者,那么必须从作者或监管人那里获得你的角色证实。请使用角色声明表.

3.Data Report - one and up to three data reports or publications completed post diploma in applied biology which contain elements described in section 4.1.3 of Schedule 3 of the Rules. All applicants must complete the Report Worksheet as part of their application to the College. If you are not lead author for the report you are submitting you must obtain cooroboration of your role in the report from the lead author or your supervisor. Please use the Authorship Declaration Form.

电子提交首选 – 请发送至adminassist@cab-bc.org

Electronic submissions preferred - please forward to adminassist@cab-bc.org

4.公诉罪宣言表格 的提交是强制性的。点击这里完成并网上提交表格

4.Indictable Offence Declaration – submission of this form is mandatory. Click here to complete and submit this form online.

5.推荐信 - 所有的申请人必须提交来自3个推荐人的推荐信,这些推荐人至少认识他们6个月并且对他们作为生物学家的专业经验有一定的了解。请注意3封推荐信需要满足列表34.4.3中分支4的要求。必须使用学院推荐表,学院推荐表最好直接从推荐人那里发送到学院。然而,如果学院推荐表是被放在一个密封的信封里,并且信封后面有推荐人的签字,那么申请人可以直接将推荐信寄送到学院。

5.References – All applicants must submit references from at least two individuals they have known for a minimum of 6 months who are knowledgeable about their experience as a technologist. Please note 3 references are required for those applying under stream 4 - refer to section 4.4.3 of Schedule 3 of the Rules. The College Reference Form must be used. It is preferred that the College Reference form be sent to the College directly from the chosen referee. However the applicant may forward the reference to the College if the College Reference form is in a sealed envelope with the referee’s signature on the back of the sealed envelope.


Worksheet and reference form links are on the application form for your convenience.


申请表 (电子提交)

申请表 (邮寄)

Registered Biology Technologist Application

Application Forms (electronic submission)

Application Forms (mail in)


三、受训生物学家 飞出国###


三、Biologist in Training

This category has met the academic standards for entry leading to RPBio status but has not yet met the work experience and report requirements necessary for RPBio status. Membership in this category is limited to 6 years when it is expected that the member will have gained the requisite experience and reports to upgrade to RPBio status.READ MORE


Biologists in Training Application Form


The following is a summary of membership requirements for those wishing to obtain membership in the College as an Biologist in Training (B.I.T.). Further details of each requirement can be found on the forms referenced in each section.

1.学术 - 成功地从认可的生物学或生物科学教育机构中获得学士学位,其中,这个教育机构的课程必须包含25个科学课程,至少有15个是在生物学领域的,正如附表 3 显示的那样。请标注申请人必须修了列表3中列出的所有必修课,不然他们将不会被接受。鼓励所有申请人使用学术自我评估工具来判断它们是否满足这些要求,想要了解更多关于课程要求的详细信息,请选择列表 3.中标亮的课程。

1.Academic - successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized post secondary institution in Biology or in another biological science which includes 25 science courses, 15 of which must be in biology, as set out in Schedule 3 of the Rules. **Please note **that applicants must have taken all required courses listed in Schedule 3 or they will not be accepted for membership.All applicants are encouraged to complete the Academic Self-Assessment Tool as a means of determining whether they meet these requirements. For more detailed information on specific course requirements select the high lighted courses in Schedule 3.

  • **认证课程 - **一些高等院校的课程是由学院评估的,接受此教育的毕业生只需要提交成绩单原件,不需要提交课程描述。前往认证项目了解更多信息。
  • **Accredited Programs - **Some post-secondary Institutions have had their programs assessed by the College. Students graduating from these programs will only need to submit original transcripts and do not require course descriptions. Go to accredited programs for further information.

2.公诉罪宣言这个表格 的提交是强制性的。点击这里完成并网上提交表格.

2.Indictable Offence Declaration – submission of this form is mandatory. Click here to complete and submit this form online.


Worksheet and reference form links are on the application form for your convenience.


申请表 (电子提交)

申请表 (邮寄)

Biologists in Training Application Form

Application Forms (electronic submission)

Application Forms (mail in)


四、培训注册生物技术人员 飞出国###



四、Registered Biology Technologist in Training

This category has met the academic standards for entry leading to RBTech status but has not yet met the work experience and report requirements necessary for RBTech status. Membership in this category is limited to 6 years when it is expected that the member will have gained the requisite experience and reports to upgrade to RBTech status.READ MORE

Trainee Application Form


The following is a summary of membership requirements for those wishing to obtain membership in the College as an In Training Registered Biology Technologist (Trainee (R.B.Tech.)). Further details of each requirement can be found on the forms referenced in the sections below.

1.学术 - 成功地从认可的高等教育机构中获得两年文凭或者满足列表 3第4节中任意一个学术选择。鼓励所有申请人使用学术表来判断他们是否满足要求。

  1. Academic - successful completion of a two year diploma from an accredited post secondary institution or meeting one of the other academic options as set out in Section 4 of Schedule 3 of the Rules. All applicants are encouraged to complete the Academic Worksheet as a means of determining whether they meet these requirements.


  1. Indictable Offence Declaration – submission of this form is mandatory. Click here to complete and submit this form online.


Worksheet and reference form links are on the application form for your convenience.


申请表 (电子提交)

申请表 (邮寄)

Trainee Application Form

Application Forms (electronic submission)

Application Forms (mail in)

五、学生 飞出国###




A Student member is someone who has not yet received their BSc and who is enrolled in a minimum of 3 courses per semester in a program leading to meeting the academic requirements of the College.READ MORE

Student Application Form




Internationally Educated Applicants

The College of Applied Biology (the College) has a broadly based membership that includes biologists educated around the world. The College is committed to providing internationally educated applicants with the information necessary to self-assess their qualifications so as to aide in the application process. To that end, the College has created the following document.



Information Sources

Many organizations provide information to internationally educated applicants regarding the necessary credentials required to practice applied biology in BC. For example, bioscience career profiles presented by ECO Canada may be misleading to those wishing to pursue these careers in BC. The education recommended does not reflect the regulatory reality of applied biology in BC. Those wishing to pursue these careers in BC may be required to have professional title and may not be eligible due to deficiencies in education.


Therefore, it is important that applicants become aware of College requirements so that they can make informed educational and professional decisions in order pursue their profession of interest. It is important that applicants wishing to pursue a career in applied biology in BC educate themselves, through this document, regarding the requirements needed to achieve professional recognition and registration. To this end the College has developed an online academic self-assessment tool to aid the internationally educated applicant to self determine if their academic education meets the requirements of the College. This tool can be accessed by going to the accreditation tool.

CAB 会员类别 飞出国


CAB Membership Categories

The College offers a variety of membership categories that are reflective of different professional skillsets required in the profession. Click here for more information about membership categories.

注册专业生物学家 (RPBio) 飞出国


Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio)

RPBio is the highest qualification level offered by the College; therefore, registration requirements are proportional to this level of achievement and experience. The College continues to contact and work with similar organizations around the world that share our vision and commitment to the highest standards in professional biology.


You may be eligible for streamlined College registration provided for in a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with the Society of Biology.


The Society of Biology (SB) is a leading professional body in the United Kingdom (UK) that represents many learned societies and organizations as well as thousands of individuals in the biological sciences. The SB’s vision is to create a single unified voice representing the discipline and practitioners. The SB holds right to title for Chartered Biologist (CBiol) and sets the professional standard for biology in the UK. CBiol registration is representative of the elements of practice required by a professional and is recognized as the benchmark for professional biology in the UK. The SB is committed to:

  • 终生学习专业学习和要求并促进所有成员的持续专业发展计划
  • 通过提供以证据为基础的观点和建议来增加政府和政策制定者科学方面的公众参与当参加教育机构来支持纪律
  • 通过发展国际合伙人来支持会员、组织目标和纪律
  • ongoing professional learning and requires and promotes Continued Professional Development for all members;
  • increasing public engagement in the sciences by providing evidence-based opinion and advice to government and policy makers while engaging with educational institutions in support of the discipline; and
  • developing international partnerships in support of members, organizational goals, and the discipline.


The following sections provide information needed to understand the RPBio application process and self-assess your qualifications in order to help you decide whether you wish to apply for membership with the College.



What qualifications are required to become a RPBio?

To become a RPBio you must satisfy the five (5) requirements, as outlined on the Registered Professional Biologist page.



How do I know if my qualifications are equivalent?

It has been the College’s experience that the largest obstacle to the recognition of internationally educated applicants’ qualifications is education equivalency. It may be confusing and complex to attempt to compare your education with the CAB requirements that are based on the Canadian education system. The College has investigated this problem and has provided the following information in an effort to aide you in self-assessing your education credentials.




这里有新型的学院申请 表需要满足这类要求的申请人完成,申请人必须提交生物学学会会员表来确认他们有效的会员身份。

I am a member of the Society of Biology

If you are a Chartered Biologist from the Society of Biology, you may be able to utilize an established Mutual Recognition Agreement for streamlined RPBio registration.

For more information go to the page providing more information on the Mutual Recognition Agreement with the Society of Biology.

For those individuals who meet this requirement there is a streamlined College application form. Applicants must also submit a form to the Society of Biology to confirm their active membership.


如果你在英国接受的教育并希望在卑诗省的应用生物学领域从事职业,你可以通过高等教育同等性质量保证机构框架(QAA-FHEQ)来评估你的教育。建议你确定哪些教育水平在这个框架中。QAA-FHEQ 5和教育水平低的申请人并不满足学院的学术要求。除了你的教育水平,你的成绩单需要由文凭审核服务处评估,例如WESICES这些钱由你支付,并且需要将它们提交到学院作为申请流程标准的一部分。

I am applying from the United Kingdom

If you were educated in the United Kingdom and are wishing to pursue a career in professional biology in British Columbia (BC) you can self-assess your education through the Quality Assurance Agency’s Framework for Higher Education Equivalency (QAA-FHEQ). It is recommended that you determine which level of education you have within this framework. Those with QAA-FHEQ 5 or lower education will not meet the education requirement of the College. Regardless of your education level you will still be required to have your course transcripts evaluated, at your expense, by a credential evaluation service, such as WES or ICES, and submit them to the College as part of the standard application process.


如果你在欧洲接受的教育并希望在卑诗省的应用生物学领域从事职业,你可以通过_ [高等教育同等性质量保证机构框架 (FQ-EHEA)](www.bologna-bergen2005.no is parked BASIC/050520_Framework_qualifications.pdf)。建议你确定你的哪些教育周期在这个框架中。那些在第一周期之下完成教育的申请人并不满足CAB的学历要求。除了你的教育水平,你的成绩单需要由文凭审核服务处评估,例如WESICES,这些钱由你支付,并且需要将它们提交到学院来作为申请流程标准的一部分。

I am applying from Europe (excluding the UK)

If you were educated in Europe and are wishing to pursue a career in professional biology in BC you can self-assess your education through the Framework for Qualifications of the European High Education Area (FQ-EHEA). It is recommended that you determine which cycle of education you have within this framework. Those with education that is below completion of first cycle will not meet the education requirement of the CAB. Regardless of your education level you will still be required to have your course transcripts evaluated, at your expense, by a credential evaluation service, such as WES or ICES, and submit them to the College as part of the standard application process.



I am applying from outside Canada and the United States

If your education was completed outside of Canada or the U.S. , you will be required to have your education transcripts evaluated, at your expense, by a recognized credentialing service such as WES or ICES, before they are submitted to the College. This evaluation is advisory only and does not guarantee recognition of your qualifications.



  1. 完成申请表,邮寄到 注册专业生物学家 网上提交到 注册专业生物学家
  2. 在你的成绩单提交到CAB之前是否得到公认认证机构的认证,例如 WESICES 你必须将成绩单上列出的课程的相关描述提交到学院。另外,建议你参考 列表3和 the 学术工作表了解有关要求课程的相关信息。
  3. 完成一个由时间顺序排列的工作经验概述。参考工作经验表 来完成这个要求。请提供你在工作期间的详细职责描述。
  4. 完成 专业报道表 ,通过提交1到3个专业报道,将会展示工作表中所描述的要求。如果你提交的是多个作者的论文,然而你并不是这个论文的主要作者,那么你需要通过邮寄提交作者声明表 或者网上提交 作者声明表 来证实你在出版物和表明中角色。
  5. 确保你将申请表中的 参考要求转发给了3个推荐人。
  6. 包含申请表中概述的申请费和年费 (信用卡信息、 加拿大基金协会的支票和汇票)。 除非你的申请被通过后,年会才会被处理。
  7. 确保所有的通信和文件都是英文的。如果你正在提交论文,请确保论文概述是英文的。
  8. 一旦注册成为 RPBio,你将不得不在3年内完成职业道德方面的学院认可的研讨会。

I think I am qualified; how do I apply to become a Professional Biologist (RPBio)?

If you do not meet the criteria of the MRA with the Society of Biology the following instructions outline the application process to become a RPBio.

  1. Complete the application form for mail in Registered Professional Biologist or on line submission at Registered Professional Biologist
  2. Have your education transcripts accredited by a recognized credentialing service such as WES or ICES before they are submitted to CAB. You must also submit, to the College, course descriptions for the courses listed on the transcripts. Again, it is recommended that you refer to Schedule 3 and the Academic Worksheet for information regarding required academic course work.
  3. Complete a chronological summary of your work experience. See the Work Experience Worksheet for help in completing this requirement. Please provide a clear description of tasks/duties in your employment history.
  4. Complete the Professional Report Worksheet in which you will demonstrate the requirements stated in the worksheet through the submission of one (1) to three (3) professional reports. If you are submitting a mulit-authored paper where you are not the lead author you will need to submit by mail Authorship Declaration Form or on line Authorship Declaration Form to confirm your role in the publication or report.
  5. Ensure you have forwarded reference requests, outlined in the application form, to three (3) referees.
  6. Include the application fee and annual dues (credit card information, a cheque or money order in Canadian funds) as outlined on the application form. The annual dues will not be processed unless and until your application is approved.
  7. Ensure all correspondence and documents are in English. If you are submitting a thesis ensure your abstract is in English.
  8. Upon registration as a RPBio you will have to complete an College approved seminar in professional ethics within three (3) years.



I have applied, how do I find updates regarding the status of my application?

The College has a tracking page to provide you with a summary of documents received and those still outstanding. You will be sent a unique username and password to access this information. The information is updated regularly and can be viewed at anytime.


一旦所有的文件收到后,需要大约8 - 10周来完成你的申请评估。

How long does the application process take?

Once ALL required documents have been received, it takes the College approximately 8 - 10 weeks to complete the assessment of your application.



Can I get my documents back?

College policy is to return all reports submitted to meet the professional report requirement. The College will return all academic material submitted as part of the education requirement upon request.



Additional Questions?

For any further questions please contact the Registrar by email at registrar@cab-bc.org or by phone at 250-383-3306 and we would be happy to assist you.

生物学学会相互承认协议 飞出国

If you are an active member of the Society of Biology you may be eligible for streamlined RPBio registration. The College and the Society of Biology have established a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) that provides for the automatic recognition of the majority of the credentials of a Chartered Biologist (CBiol) with QAA-FHEQ Level 6 or higher education, allowing for streamlined registration.

如果你是生物学学会的会员,那么你在College的注册流程有可能简化一些。因为College与生物学协会之间签有相互承认协议,只要是拥有QAA FHEQ6级水平或是高等教育学历的生物学学会的注册生物学家(Chartered Biologist),都符合MRA的条件,也就可以在College注册了

** 特许生物学家水平** ** 注册专业生物学家教育要求**
QAA-FHEQ 8 级 [ 符合 MRA](http://cab-bc.org/files/College%20of%20Applied%20Biology%20Application%20Form.pdf)
QAA-FHEQ Level 7 [ 符合 MRA](http://cab-bc.org/files/College%20of%20Applied%20Biology%20Application%20Form.pdf)
QAA-FHEQ 6 级 [ 符合 MRA](http://cab-bc.org/files/College%20of%20Applied%20Biology%20Application%20Form.pdf)
QAA-FHEQ 5 级 不合格
QAA-FHEQ Level 4 or below 不合格

Mutual Recognition Agreement with Society of Biology

If you are an active member of the Society of Biology you may be eligible for streamlined RPBio registration. The College and the Society of Biology have established a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) that provides for the automatic recognition of the majority of the credentials of a Chartered Biologist (CBiol) with QAA-FHEQ Level 6 or higher education, allowing for streamlined registration.

** Chartered Biologist Level** ** RPBio Education Requirement**
QAA-FHEQ Level 8 [ Eligible for MRA](http://cab-bc.org/files/College%20of%20Applied%20Biology%20Application%20Form.pdf)
QAA-FHEQ Level 7 [ Eligible for MRA](http://cab-bc.org/files/College%20of%20Applied%20Biology%20Application%20Form.pdf)
QAA-FHEQ Level 6 [ Eligible for MRA](http://cab-bc.org/files/College%20of%20Applied%20Biology%20Application%20Form.pdf)
QAA-FHEQ Level 5 Ineligible
QAA-FHEQ Level 4 or below Ineligible


伦理要求 飞出国##

所有简化的RPBio和RBTech成员必须成功完成一个会员条件的研讨会(见附表3,1.4节- 职业道德)。这意味着在申请注册前课程可能需要花费1年的时间或者在注册认可后多余3年多的时间。专业道德方面的课程必须被学院批准。



  1. 在他们年度会议上或有时整年提出的卑诗省专业生物学会课程 - APB 道德课程
  1. 卑诗省生物学家协会道德课程 - BCIA 道德工作坊





表格 https://www.cab-bc.org/worksheets-and-forms

Ethics Requirement Information

All new RPBio and RBTech members must successfully complete an ethics seminar as a condition of membership (see Schedule 3, section 1.4 – Professional Ethics). This is interpreted to mean that a course may be taken up to 1 year before the date of application for registered status or not more than 3 years after being granted registration. Courses in professional ethics must be approved by the College.

To be considered acceptable by the College, the professional ethics course must include a discussion on what it means to be a professional and on the elements of professional practice such as competence, independence, integrity, due diligence, and accountability. In addition it is expected that the course include an interactive component with the presentation of scenarios.

The College has reviewed and will accept the following courses in professional ethics:

  1. The Association of Professional Biology of BC ethics course presented at their Annual Conference and at times throughout the year - APB Ethics Course
  1. The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists ethics course - BCIA Ethics Workshop

Please note that the Ethics course by the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists does not meet the College’s requirements.

If applicants/members wish to take a course other than the two listed above, please forward the course material and the College would be pleased to make an assessment of its suitability.

NOTE that once an approved course has been completed the applicant/member must contact the College to report the name of the course and the date when the course was completed. The College is not automatically notified when a course has been taken.

Membership Feeshttps://www.cab-bc.org/membership-fees

Forms: https://www.cab-bc.org/worksheets-and-forms
