澳洲签证条件 8105 条款 - Visa Conditions Students

澳洲签证条件 8105 条款 - Visa Conditions Students

8105 适用签证: All 所有学生签证

8105 条件对 2008.04.26 后签发的学生签证是强制性的。

Mandatory only where Student visa granted on or after 26 April 2008

8105 条件对2008年4月26日前签发的学生签证视情况而定。

Discretionary where Student visa granted before 26 April 2008


上课期间每2周工作不能超过40小时(作为课程一部分注册过的实习工作不受该限制),假期由学校(education provider)提供的认可的工作不受该条款限制。

You cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight* when your course is in session (other than work which has been registered as a part of the course).
Note: No work limits apply during recognised periods of vacation offered by your education provider.


You cannot undertake work until you have commenced your course in Australia.


*A fortnight means any period of 14 days commencing on a Monday and ending at the end of the second following Sunday.

574 签证持有人开始硕士或博士课程后(Masters by research or Doctorate course)没有工作限制。

If you have a subclass 574 visa, you have no work limits applying once you have commenced your Masters by research or Doctorate course in Australia.