

When did the semester start? If the semester does not commence until March 2017 they will not process your application now because once they’ve approved your visa you can come to Australia much earlier than the start of the semester.

The Department of immigration does not recommend visa applications more than three months prior to the commencement of the course.

申请前请学校开了新的COE,资金证明是奖学金,应该也没有问题。提交后过了一周左右,要求补充材料Form 80 (personal particular),Form 1221 (Additional personal particular)和详细研究计划,都在期限内一一提交了。

Form 1221 is used for security vetting, this is usually done through ASIO and national security agencies, it might have something to do with the field of your PhD studies, i.e., if it is in relation to a sensitive area that is of particular national interest to Australia. You have lawful status in Australia, so just have to be patient.