




  • 在2022年2月28日及之前递交了职业评估
  • 所提交的职业评估是优先职业
  • 仍未收到职业评估记过

申请人的职业需要是Incentive 1优先职业列表上,如果申请人符合第一项激励政策的条件,职业评估机构将会自动加急审理,且不需要额外收取费用。该项激励措施从2022年2月28日至2022年6月17日期间实行。

Incentive 1 - Faster Migrant Skills Assessments

This incentive offers fast-tracked skills assessments for onshore migrants who have already submitted and paid for an application in a priority occupation and are awaiting an outcome.

This incentive will provide an opportunity for onshore migrants to join the workforce and address skills shortages.

第二项激励政策是针对通过家庭类,配偶类,人道主义或者难民类永久签证,当前住在澳洲境内的申请人提供免费的加急职业评估。申请人需要是之前没有做过职业评估,但是有优先职业的相关技能,学历和工作经验。申请人的职业需要是Incentive 2优先职业列表上的。

Incentive 2 - Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants

This incentive offers onshore migrants who reside in Australia on a permanent family, partner, humanitarian or refugee visa with a free, fast-tracked skills assessment. This incentive is available to migrants who have never undergone a skills assessment and who have skills, qualifications and/or experience directly relevant to a priority occupation.

Applicants who receive a suitable outcome in their assessment can use this to improve their employment options in their nominated occupation, through improved employer confidence that the applicant has the skills necessary for working in an Australian workplace.


Incentive 3 - Employability Assessments

This incentive is aimed at improving employment outcomes for skilled migrants working below their skill level.

This incentive offers onshore migrants, who have previously received a suitable skills assessment in a priority occupation, with a free employability assessment and access to subsidised training to gain the specific skills required in the Australian job market. A full list of priority occupations will be published soon.