HCP 安省EE下技能优先类别申请要求及流程(OINP Express Entry Application Guide for Ontario Human Capital Priorities Stream)

OINP HCP 400 分类别 2017 年申请流程-飞出国:

  • 首先提交加拿大联邦 EE profile,意向移民目的地选安省(Ontario),比选择“All Provinces and Territories” 获邀概率更高
  • OINP 会在 EE pool 里选,申请人不需要主动申请
  • 申请人收到安省邀请 NOI 后通过安省 OINP e-Filing Portal 提交申请,后面走联邦EE签证申请程序

When you create a profile in Express Entry, you must either indicate your interest in immigrating to Ontario or “All Provinces and Territories.”

OINP searches the Express Entry pool on a regular basis and identifies potential candidates who meet the Human Capital Priorities Stream criteria

If OINP identifies you in the Express Entry pool, you will receive a Notification of Interest (NOI) from Ontario through your IRCC online account. After you receive an NOI, and if you meet the stream requirements, you may apply to the OINP for nomination under the Human Capital Priorities Stream.

需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以联系飞出国微信(fcgvisabbs): http://flyabroad.me
