

1. 移居澳大利亚需要携带哪些证件What documents/certificates do I need to bring with me?

  • 驾照,出生证明,结婚证,护照(以及其他带相片的身份证明),学历证件,简历,推荐信以及其他重要文件
    Driving licences, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Photo ID, Qualifications, CVs, references and any other documents/certificates you consider to be important to you.

2.如何申请税号 How do I register for tax purposes?

  • 在澳大利亚,如果打算赚取收入、赚取投资回报或者领取政府补贴,必须有税号TFN(Tax File Number)。税号由澳大利亚税务局 (简称 ATO) 签发给个人和团体,均为不重复的 9 位数。税号的使用能协助澳大利亚税务局进行税务和其他澳洲政府系统的管理。税号可以通过ATO办事地点办理或者网上申请 www.ato.gov.au,需要有效护照或相关旅行证件,并且必须:
    • 有DHA的批准可以在澳大利亚工作,或持有带工作许可
    • 有永久停留澳洲的许可,并且
    • 递交申请时人在澳大利亚

  • 上网申请税号,税号将被寄到您申请时提供的地址处。如果没有税号,可能会比正常情况多缴税,或者可能无法申请本来有权申请的政府福利。收到税号后,需要通知银行,避免未收到缴过高比例的税。

  • 缴税标准根据薪资有所不同 Tax levels vary dependant on salary.

3.如何开立银行账户 How do I open a bank account?

  • 建议新移民可以在登陆澳洲之前开立银行账户。在澳洲,钱通常都存在银行、建房互助协会或信用合作社,银行卡和信用卡也很常用。支付账单方面,比较广泛的办法是通过网络银行线上支付。在到达澳大利亚后,请携带身份证明到银行开设银行账户。银行可能会要求您提供多种证明,去银行之前,请先查询银行的网站。
    It is beneficial to open an Australian bank account prior to leaving your country and there are online facilities with most major banks to make this arrangement. You can obtain advice from the bank you open your account with on what is the best way to transfer funds ie Internet banking transaction, money transfer institution, bank transfer etc.For further information available visit the individual bank websites.

4. 如何注册福利署Centrelink

  • 福利署 (Centrelink) 是政府机构,为新移民提供一些列服务,包括寻工协助(如有资格)、家庭补贴信息提供、课程使用、海外抚恤金申请等。新到澳洲的移民可联系福利署,获取有权享受的相关服务的信息。可致电离自己最近的福利署分部,询问需提供哪些证明文件。福利署可为提供多种语言的服务,回答任何有关澳大利亚法律、规定和惯例的问题 https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/centrelink

5. 在澳大利亚开车Can I drive in Australia with my current Driving Licence?

  • 新移民抵澳后三个月内需要申请澳洲驾驶证才可以在澳洲开车,每个州申请驾照的要求和流程不一样,具体参考各州的要求
    Government legislation requires that you apply for a Driving Licence within 3 months of your arrival in Australia. Each State/Territory have their own procedure for obtaining a driving license.


  • 澳大利亚国民医保是一项全国公立医疗保险计划。国民保健的资金来源于税收,但是加入国民保健没有任何费用。国民保健可帮您支付必须的医疗服务费用和公立医院看护费用。居住在澳大利亚的居民,如持有永久性签证,一般都有资格使用该服务。永久性签证持有人可即时享受健康医疗服务及项目,如免费的公立医院服务、门诊服务费用补贴和药品费用补贴等。
    • 澳大利亚公民
    • 新西兰公民
    • 已申请永久性签证的人士,但有附加条件。
  • 除开国民医保,新移民还可以选择购买私人医疗以便获得更多的医疗服务,比如可以选择医生医院等。
    Medicare is available to all Australian Permanent Residents and all family members should register with Medicare on arrival.Under Medicare, you can be treated as a public patient in a public hospital, at no charge. As a public patient, you cannot choose your own doctor and you may not have a choice about when you are admitted to hospital. Further information is available @ www.humanservices.gov.au Private health insurance allows people to choose a higher level of cover. As a private patient you have the right to choose your own doctor, and decide whether you will go to a public or a private hospital that your doctor attends. You may also have more choice as to when you are admitted to hospital. Further information is available @ www.privatehealth.gov.au
  • 牙医和处方不属于Medicare免费医疗范畴内
    Dentists are readily available in Canberra. To access a dentist you need to register with a dental practice within your community. Fees for dental services are not covered under Medicare.
    Prescriptions are not free in Australia. The cost of prescriptions will depend on whether the item is listed on the Pharmaceutical Scheme.

7. 什么是Super以及雇主缴纳标准What is Super and what are the minimum subscription levels for employee/employer?

  • Super是养老基金,新移民本人按照薪资的3%比例缴纳,雇主按照9%缴纳
    Super is a Superannuation fund of your choice which you access to fund your retirement and allows you to contribute a minimum 3% whilst the employer contributes 9% of your salary. There are additional super funds available which allow you to contribute whilst only paying 10% tax on those contributions.Further information is available @ www.finance.gov.au

8. 紧急电话拨打000

  • 在澳大利亚,如有紧急情况(火警、警察和救护车),请拨打 000(24 小时开通). 接线员会询问您需要的服务。请注意保持冷静,讲话要清晰。您需要:
    • 表明需要哪项服务。
    • 讲明具体位置,指明清晰可见的地标或可识别的标志。
    • 概括说明紧急情况(如,从悬崖跌下、车祸等)。
    • 告知接线员伤员人数和伤员情况。
    • 说明所在区域的危险情况(如,丛林火源、着火、化学物品泄露、
    • 提供电话号码,以便获取更多信息或指示。