2019年阿省留学移民认可的专业列表 Alberta Opportunity Stream : list of Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary credentials for post-graduation work permit holders (Updated: November 2018)


2019年4月1号之前已经开始入学阿省的留学生认可的院校范围更广 2019年4月1号之前阿省留学移民类别认可的院校清单 Advanced Education approved Alberta public and private post-secondary institution

如果是2019年4月1日之后入读阿省高等院校的,只有下列三个清单上对应院校的指定课程才满足 AOS 留学生移民要求。该AOS合格院校清单更新于2018年11月:Alberta Opportunity Stream : list of Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary credentials for post-graduation work permit holders (Updated: November 2018) 。最开始 AOS 改革时计划是 2018年8月实施新院校清单,后于 2018年11月延期到2019年4月1日,之前的说明参考飞出国论坛相关帖子 AINP 留学生移民项目,2018年10月后入学的将设定院校名单 List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials For Post-Graduation Work Permit Holders

AOS 认可的可以提供本科及以上学历的阿省高等院校-飞出国

Eligible Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degrees, Graduate Level Degrees, and Graduate Level Certificates and Diplomas as of April 1, 2019

The following credentials are eligible under the Alberta Opportunity Stream: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree and graduate Level Certificate and Diploma credentials if completed at one of the following Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary institutions.

AOS认可的本科及以上学历院校名称-飞出国 Institution Name - flyabroad 2019 Website
艾伯塔艺术与设计学院 Alberta College of Art and Design https://www.acad.ca
安布罗斯大学 Ambrose University https://ambrose.edu
缅甸大学 Burman University https://www.burmanu.ca
埃德蒙顿康考迪亚大学 Concordia University of Edmonton https://concordia.ab.ca
格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University https://www.macewan.ca/wcm/index.htm
国王大学 King’s University https://www.kingsu.ca
莱克兰学院 Lakeland College https://www.lakelandcollege.ca
莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College https://lethbridgecollege.ca
梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College https://www.mhc.ab.ca
皇家山大学 Mount Royal University http://www.mtroyal.ca
北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology http://www.nait.ca
奥尔兹学院 Olds College http://www.oldscollege.ca
红鹿学院 Red Deer College http://rdc.ab.ca
南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology http://www.sait.ca
圣玛丽大学 St. Mary’s University https://www.stmu.ca
阿尔伯塔大学 University of Alberta https://www.ualberta.ca
卡尔加里大学 University of Calgary http://www.ucalgary.ca
莱斯布里奇大学 University of Lethbridge https://www.uleth.ca

AOS 认可的一年制研究生文凭课程-飞出国2019

One Year Post-Graduate Certificates as of April 1, 2019

Program Credential 阿省院校名称 Institution Name -flyabroad AOS 认可的专业-飞出国 Program Name
Certificate 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 数据管理和分析 Data Management and Analytics
Certificate 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 数字营销文凭证书 Digital Marketing Post-diploma Certificate
Certificate 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 健康与人类服务管理 Health and Human Services Management
Certificate 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 厨房和浴室设计 Kitchen and Bath Design
Certificate 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 软件开发文凭证书 Software Development Post-diploma Certificate
Certificate 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 围手术期护理 Perioperative Nursing
Certificate 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 职业健康护理 Occupational Health Nursing
Certificate 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 注册护士围手术期护理 Perioperative Nursing for Registered Nurses
Certificate 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 基础后证书 Post-Basic Certificate
Certificate 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 后基础护理实践 Post-Basic Nursing Practice
Certificate 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 社区心理健康 Community Mental Health
Certificate 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 围手术期护理 Perioperative Nursing
Certificate 皇家山大学 Mount Royal University 重症监护护理高级研究 Advanced Studies in Critical Care Nursing
Certificate 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 成瘾恢复从业者 Addictions Recovery Practitioner
Certificate 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 骨科高等教育 Advanced Education in Orthopaedics
Certificate 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 心理健康恢复从业者 Mental Health Recovery Practitioner
Certificate 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 磁共振成像 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Certificate 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 光学科学 - 隐形眼镜 Optical Sciences - Contact Lenses
Certificate 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 文凭后证书 Post-Diploma Certificate
Certificate 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 医疗保健管理 Health Care Management
Certificate 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 高级会计与金融 Advanced Accounting and Finance
Certificate 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 烹饪企业家精神 Culinary Entrepreneurship
Certificate 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 移动应用开发者 Mobile Application Developer
Certificate 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 技术基础设施分析 Technology Infrastructure Analyst
Certificate 阿尔伯塔大学 University of Alberta 数字学习 Digital Learning

AOS 认可的二年制毕业文凭课程-飞出国2019

Diploma Programs (2 year) as of April 1, 2019 - flyabroad

Program Credential AOS认可的阿省院校-飞出国 Institution Name-flyabroad AOS认可的2年证书专业-飞出国 Program Name
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 成瘾研究文凭 Addiction Studies Diploma
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 商业管理 Business Administration
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 儿童和青少年护理 Child and Youth Care
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 数字设计 Digital Design
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 残疾研究文凭 Disability Studies Diploma
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 室内装饰文凭 Interior Decorating Diploma
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 司法研究 Justice Studies
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 药房技师 Pharmacy Technician
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 实用护士文凭 Practical Nurse Diploma
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma
Diploma 弓谷学院 Bow Valley College 软件开发 Software Development
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 土着管理局 Aboriginal Administration
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 动物卫生技术 Animal Health Technology
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 工商管理文凭 Business Administration Diploma
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 计算机系统技术文凭 Computer Systems Technology Diploma
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 早期学习和儿童保育 Early Learning and Child Care
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College 运动学 Kinesiology
Diploma 大草原地区学院 Grande Prairie Regional College ThinkBIG服务技术员 ThinkBIG Service Technician
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 会计与战略计量 Accounting and Strategic Measurement
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 针灸 Acupuncture
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 艺术与文化管理文凭 Arts and Cultural Management Diploma
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 亚太管理 Asia Pacific Management
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 商业管理 Business Management
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 儿童和青少年护理 Child and Youth Care
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 惩教署 Correctional Services
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 早期学习和儿童保育 Early Learning and Child Care
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 助听器从业者 Hearing Aid Practitioner
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 图书馆与信息技术 Library and Information Technology
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 按摩疗法 Massage Therapy
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 警方和调查 Police and Investigations
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 精神科护理 Psychiatric Nursing
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 社会工作 Social Work
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 治疗师助理 Therapist Assistant
Diploma 格兰特麦克万大学 Grant MacEwan University 旅行 Travel
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 工商管理文凭 Business Administration Diploma
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 紧急医疗技术员 - 护理人员 Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 环境技术文凭 Environmental Technology Diploma
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 环境技术文凭合作社 Environmental Technology Diploma Co-op
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 检验技术 Inspection Technologies
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 实用护士 Practical Nurse
Diploma 科亚诺学院 Keyano College 社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 农业企业文凭 Agribusiness Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 农业环境技术 Agro-Environmental Technology
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 动物卫生技术文凭 Animal Health Technology Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 动物科学技术文凭 Animal Science Technology Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 商业管理 Business Administration
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 儿童和青少年护理文凭 Child and Youth Care Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 作物技术文凭 Crop Technology Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 紧急服务技术文凭 Emergency Services Technology Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 环境科学 Environmental Sciences
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 室内设计技术文凭 Interior Design Technology Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 实用护士 Practical Nurse
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 可再生能源和保护文凭 Renewable Energy and Conservation Diploma
Diploma 莱克兰学院 Lakeland College 手语翻译 Sign Language Interpretation
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 农业企业管理 Agriculture Enterprise Management
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 农业科学 Agriculture Sciences
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 工商管理文凭 Business Administration Diploma
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 儿童和青少年护理 Child and Youth Care
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 社区健康促进 Community Health Promotion
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 计算机信息技术文凭 Computer Information Technology Diploma
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 惩教研究 Correctional Studies
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 刑事司法 Criminal Justice
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 烹饪职业 Culinary Careers
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 幼儿教育文凭 Early Childhood Education Diploma
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 工程设计与制图技术 Engineering Design and Drafting Technology
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 环境评估和恢复 Environmental Assessment and Restoration
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 运动科学 Exercise Science
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 常识科 General Studies
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 地理信息工程技术 Geomatics Engineering Technology
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 室内设计技术 Interior Design Technology
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 按摩疗法文凭 Massage Therapy Diploma
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 多媒体制作 Multimedia Production
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 自然资源合规 Natural Resource Compliance
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 实用护士 Practical Nurse
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 可再生资源管理 Renewable Resource Management
Diploma 莱斯布里奇学院 Lethbridge College 治疗娱乐 Therapeutic Recreation
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 成瘾咨询文凭 Addiction Counselling Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 工商管理文凭 Business Administration Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 儿童和青少年护理顾问 Child and Youth Care Counsellor
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 刑事司法 Criminal Justice
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 环境复垦技术员 Environmental Reclamation Technician
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 资讯科技文凭 Information Technology Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 信息技术文凭合作社 Information Technology Diploma Co-op
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 护理人员文凭 Paramedic Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 实用护士文凭 Practical Nurse Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma
Diploma 梅迪辛哈特学院 Medicine Hat College 治疗师助理文凭 Therapist Assistant Diploma
Diploma 皇家山大学 Mount Royal University 航空 Aviation
Diploma 皇家山大学 Mount Royal University 广播文凭 Broadcasting Diploma
Diploma 皇家山大学 Mount Royal University 殡葬服务 Funeral Service
Diploma 皇家山大学 Mount Royal University 按摩疗法 Massage Therapy
Diploma 皇家山大学 Mount Royal University 社会工作 Social Work
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 商业管理 Business Administration
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 工商管理合作社 Business Administration Co-op
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 药房技师 Pharmacy Technician
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 物理治疗助理 Physical Therapy Assistant
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 实用护士 Practical Nurse
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 国际学历护士实用护士文凭 Practical Nurse Diploma for Internationally Educated Nurses
Diploma 诺亚斯特学院 NorQuest College 社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 替代能源技术 Alternative Energy Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 动物卫生技术 Animal Health Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 建筑技术 Architectural Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 烘焙和糕点艺术 Baking and Pastry Arts
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 生物科学技术 Biological Sciences Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 生物医学工程技术 Biomedical Engineering Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 生物医学工程技术合作社 Biomedical Engineering Technology Co-op
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 建立环境系统技术 Building Environmental Systems Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 商业管理 Business Administration
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 字幕和法庭报告 Captioning and Court Reporting
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 计算机工程技术 Computer Engineering Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 计算机工程技术合作社 Computer Engineering Technology Co-op
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 计算机系统技术合作社 Computer Systems Technology Co-op
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 烹饪艺术文凭 Culinary Arts Diploma
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 细胞技术 Cytotechnology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 牙科辅助技术 Dental Assisting Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 牙科技术 Dental Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 牙医技术 Denturist Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 诊断医学超声检查 Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 数字媒体和IT Digital Media and IT
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 数字媒体和IT合作 Digital Media and IT Co-op
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 紧急管理文凭 Emergency Management Diploma
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 紧急医疗技术 - 护理人员 Emergency Medical Technology - Paramedic
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 工程设计与制图技术 Engineering Design and Drafting Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 森林技术 Forest Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 地质技术 Geological Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 地理信息工程技术 Geomatics Engineering Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 接待管理 Hospitality Management
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 室内设计技术 Interior Design Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 实验室和X射线技术相结合 Laboratory and X-Ray Technology Combined
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 景观建筑技术 Landscape Architectural Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 磁共振 Magnetic Resonance
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 材料工程技术 Materials Engineering Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 医学实验室技术 Medical Laboratory Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 医学放射技术 Medical Radiologic Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 纳米技术系统 Nanotechnology Systems
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 网络工程技术 Network Engineering Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 网络工程技术合作社 Network Engineering Technology Co-op
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 职业健康和安全 Occupational Health and Safety
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 光学科学 - 眼镜 Optical Sciences - Eyeglasses
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 摄影技术 Photographic Technology
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 广播电视 Radio and Television
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 呼吸治疗 Respiratory Therapy
Diploma 北艾伯塔理工学院 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 无线系统工程技术 Wireless Systems Engineering Technology
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 成瘾咨询 Addictions Counselling
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 高级护理护理人员 Advanced Care Paramedic
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 工商管理 - 会计 Business Administration - Accounting
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 社区健康促进 Community Health Promotion
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 信息技术分析师文凭 Information Technology Analyst Diploma
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 心理健康与成瘾服务工作者 Mental Health & Addictions Services Worker
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 实用护士 Practical Nurse
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 康复治疗助理 Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant
Diploma 北部湖区学院 Northern Lakes College 社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 农业和重型设备文凭 Agricultural and Heavy Equipment Diploma
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 农业管理 Agricultural Management
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 动物卫生技术 Animal Health Technology
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 服装技术 Apparel Technology
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 酒仙和啤酒厂运营管理 Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 商业管理文凭 Business Management Diploma
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 马科学 Equine Science
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 园艺技师文凭 Horticulture Technologist Diploma
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 酒店与旅游管理 Hospitality & Tourism Management
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 土地和水资源 Land and Water Resources
Diploma 奥尔兹学院 Olds College 草坪管理 Turfgrass Management
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 高级护理护理人员 Advanced Care Paramedic
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 工匠企业家精神 Artisan Entrepreneurship
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 工商管理文凭 Business Administration Diploma
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 社区社会工作文凭 Community Social Work Diploma
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 烹饪艺术文凭 Culinary Arts Diploma
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 食品科学与技术 Food Science and Technology
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 持牌实用护士 Licensed Practical Nurse
Diploma 波蒂奇学院 Portage College 自然资源技术 Natural Resources Technology
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 工商管理文凭 Business Administration Diploma
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 早期学习和儿童保育文凭 Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 司法研究 Justice Studies
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 运动机能学和运动研究 Kinesiology and Sport Studies
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 职业和物理治疗师助理 Occupational and Physical Therapist Assistant
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 药房技师 Pharmacy Technician
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 实用护士 Practical Nurse
Diploma 红鹿学院 Red Deer College 社会工作文凭 Social Work Diploma
Diploma 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 行政信息管理 Administrative Information Management
Diploma 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 飞机维修工程师技术 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Technology
Diploma 南艾伯塔理工学院 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 建筑技术 Architectural Technologies

AOS-psi-list-nov2018-flyabroad.pdf (226.5 KB)。

List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials For Post-Graduation Work Permit Holders Alberta Opportunity Stream

Updated: November 2018

If you are admitted to and enrolled in an Alberta Advanced Education approved credential program before April 1, 2019 this list does not apply to you.

If you are admitted to and enrolled in an Alberta Advanced Education approved credential program on or after April 1, 2019 this list does apply to you. You must check the list of eligible Alberta post-secondary credentials below.

The date you started attending your Alberta credential program is the date the AINP considers you to be enrolled. This is the date you must use to determine whether this list applies to you.

The list of Alberta post-secondary certificate and diploma credentials eligible for the Alberta Opportunity Stream will be updated. There are some Alberta credentials that are ineligible. Factors for a credential to be ineligible include, but are not limited to:

  • credential is not issued by an Alberta Advanced Education approved
  • Alberta public and private post-secondary institution;
  • credential is not an Alberta Advanced Education approved credential;
  • credential is for a program of study for a certificate that is less than one year (two semesters) in length or program of study for a diploma that is less than two years (four semesters) in length; and/or
  • credential is for a field of study that is not well matched with skills shortages in Alberta.

Undergraduate Credentials - AOS 20190401

One Year Post-Graduate Certificates as of April 1, 2019

Program Credential Institution Name Program Name
Certificate Bow Valley College Data Management and Analytics
Certificate Bow Valley College Digital Marketing Post-diploma Certificate
Certificate Bow Valley College Health and Human Services Management
Certificate Bow Valley College Kitchen and Bath Design
Certificate Bow Valley College Software Development Post-diploma Certificate
Certificate Grande Prairie Regional College Perioperative Nursing
Certificate Grant MacEwan University Occupational Health Nursing
Certificate Grant MacEwan University Perioperative Nursing for Registered Nurses
Certificate Grant MacEwan University Post-Basic Certificate
Certificate Grant MacEwan University Post-Basic Nursing Practice
Certificate Lakeland College Community Mental Health
Certificate Lethbridge College Perioperative Nursing
Certificate Mount Royal University Advanced Studies in Critical Care Nursing
Certificate NorQuest College Addictions Recovery Practitioner
Certificate NorQuest College Advanced Education in Orthopaedics
Certificate NorQuest College Mental Health Recovery Practitioner
Certificate Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Certificate Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Optical Sciences - Contact Lenses
Certificate Olds College Post-Diploma Certificate
Certificate Red Deer College Health Care Management
Certificate Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Advanced Accounting and Finance
Certificate Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Culinary Entrepreneurship
Certificate Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Mobile Application Developer
Certificate Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Technology Infrastructure Analyst
Certificate University of Alberta Digital Learning

Diploma Programs (2 year) as of April 1, 2019 - flyabroad

Program Credential Institution Name Program Name
Diploma Bow Valley College Addiction Studies Diploma
Diploma Bow Valley College Business Administration
Diploma Bow Valley College Child and Youth Care
Diploma Bow Valley College Digital Design
Diploma Bow Valley College Disability Studies Diploma
Diploma Bow Valley College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma Bow Valley College Interior Decorating Diploma
Diploma Bow Valley College Justice Studies
Diploma Bow Valley College Pharmacy Technician
Diploma Bow Valley College Practical Nurse Diploma
Diploma Bow Valley College Social Work Diploma
Diploma Bow Valley College Software Development
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College Aboriginal Administration
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College Animal Health Technology
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College Business Administration Diploma
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College Computer Systems Technology Diploma
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College Early Learning and Child Care
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College Kinesiology
Diploma Grande Prairie Regional College ThinkBIG Service Technician
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Accounting and Strategic Measurement
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Acupuncture
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Arts and Cultural Management Diploma
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Asia Pacific Management
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Business Management
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Child and Youth Care
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Correctional Services
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Early Learning and Child Care
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Hearing Aid Practitioner
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Library and Information Technology
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Massage Therapy
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Police and Investigations
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Psychiatric Nursing
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Social Work
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Therapist Assistant
Diploma Grant MacEwan University Travel
Diploma Keyano College Business Administration Diploma
Diploma Keyano College Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic
Diploma Keyano College Environmental Technology Diploma
Diploma Keyano College Environmental Technology Diploma Co-op
Diploma Keyano College Inspection Technologies
Diploma Keyano College Practical Nurse
Diploma Keyano College Social Work Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Agribusiness Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Agro-Environmental Technology
Diploma Lakeland College Animal Health Technology Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Animal Science Technology Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Business Administration
Diploma Lakeland College Child and Youth Care Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Crop Technology Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Emergency Services Technology Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Environmental Sciences
Diploma Lakeland College Interior Design Technology Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Practical Nurse
Diploma Lakeland College Renewable Energy and Conservation Diploma
Diploma Lakeland College Sign Language Interpretation
Diploma Lethbridge College Agriculture Enterprise Management
Diploma Lethbridge College Agriculture Sciences
Diploma Lethbridge College Business Administration Diploma
Diploma Lethbridge College Child and Youth Care
Diploma Lethbridge College Community Health Promotion
Diploma Lethbridge College Computer Information Technology Diploma
Diploma Lethbridge College Correctional Studies
Diploma Lethbridge College Criminal Justice
Diploma Lethbridge College Culinary Careers
Diploma Lethbridge College Early Childhood Education Diploma
Diploma Lethbridge College Engineering Design and Drafting Technology
Diploma Lethbridge College Environmental Assessment and Restoration
Diploma Lethbridge College Exercise Science
Diploma Lethbridge College General Studies
Diploma Lethbridge College Geomatics Engineering Technology
Diploma Lethbridge College Interior Design Technology
Diploma Lethbridge College Massage Therapy Diploma
Diploma Lethbridge College Multimedia Production
Diploma Lethbridge College Natural Resource Compliance
Diploma Lethbridge College Practical Nurse
Diploma Lethbridge College Renewable Resource Management
Diploma Lethbridge College Therapeutic Recreation
Diploma Medicine Hat College Addiction Counselling Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Business Administration Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Child and Youth Care Counsellor
Diploma Medicine Hat College Criminal Justice
Diploma Medicine Hat College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Environmental Reclamation Technician
Diploma Medicine Hat College Information Technology Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Information Technology Diploma Co-op
Diploma Medicine Hat College Paramedic Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Practical Nurse Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Social Work Diploma
Diploma Medicine Hat College Therapist Assistant Diploma
Diploma Mount Royal University Aviation
Diploma Mount Royal University Broadcasting Diploma
Diploma Mount Royal University Funeral Service
Diploma Mount Royal University Massage Therapy
Diploma Mount Royal University Social Work
Diploma NorQuest College Business Administration
Diploma NorQuest College Business Administration Co-op
Diploma NorQuest College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma NorQuest College Pharmacy Technician
Diploma NorQuest College Physical Therapy Assistant
Diploma NorQuest College Practical Nurse
Diploma NorQuest College Practical Nurse Diploma for Internationally Educated Nurses
Diploma NorQuest College Social Work Diploma
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Alternative Energy Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Animal Health Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Architectural Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Baking and Pastry Arts
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Biological Sciences Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Biomedical Engineering Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Biomedical Engineering Technology Co-op
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Building Environmental Systems Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Business Administration
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Captioning and Court Reporting
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Computer Engineering Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Computer Engineering Technology Co-op
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Computer Systems Technology Co-op
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Culinary Arts Diploma
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Cytotechnology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Dental Assisting Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Dental Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Denturist Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Digital Media and IT
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Digital Media and IT Co-op
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Emergency Management Diploma
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Emergency Medical Technology - Paramedic
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Engineering Design and Drafting Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Forest Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Geological Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Geomatics Engineering Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Hospitality Management
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Interior Design Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Laboratory and X-Ray Technology Combined
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Landscape Architectural Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Magnetic Resonance
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Materials Engineering Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Medical Laboratory Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Medical Radiologic Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Nanotechnology Systems
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Network Engineering Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Network Engineering Technology Co-op
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Occupational Health and Safety
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Optical Sciences - Eyeglasses
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Photographic Technology
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Radio and Television
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Respiratory Therapy
Diploma Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Wireless Systems Engineering Technology
Diploma Northern Lakes College Addictions Counselling
Diploma Northern Lakes College Advanced Care Paramedic
Diploma Northern Lakes College Business Administration - Accounting
Diploma Northern Lakes College Community Health Promotion
Diploma Northern Lakes College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma Northern Lakes College Information Technology Analyst Diploma
Diploma Northern Lakes College Mental Health & Addictions Services Worker
Diploma Northern Lakes College Practical Nurse
Diploma Northern Lakes College Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant
Diploma Northern Lakes College Social Work Diploma
Diploma Olds College Agricultural and Heavy Equipment Diploma
Diploma Olds College Agricultural Management
Diploma Olds College Animal Health Technology
Diploma Olds College Apparel Technology
Diploma Olds College Brewmaster and Brewery Operations Management
Diploma Olds College Business Management Diploma
Diploma Olds College Equine Science
Diploma Olds College Horticulture Technologist Diploma
Diploma Olds College Hospitality & Tourism Management
Diploma Olds College Land and Water Resources
Diploma Olds College Turfgrass Management
Diploma Portage College Advanced Care Paramedic
Diploma Portage College Artisan Entrepreneurship
Diploma Portage College Business Administration Diploma
Diploma Portage College Community Social Work Diploma
Diploma Portage College Culinary Arts Diploma
Diploma Portage College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma Portage College Food Science and Technology
Diploma Portage College Licensed Practical Nurse
Diploma Portage College Natural Resources Technology
Diploma Red Deer College Business Administration Diploma
Diploma Red Deer College Early Learning and Child Care Diploma
Diploma Red Deer College Justice Studies
Diploma Red Deer College Kinesiology and Sport Studies
Diploma Red Deer College Occupational and Physical Therapist Assistant
Diploma Red Deer College Pharmacy Technician
Diploma Red Deer College Practical Nurse
Diploma Red Deer College Social Work Diploma
Diploma Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Administrative Information Management
Diploma Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Technology
Diploma Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Architectural Technologies

Eligible Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degrees, Graduate Level Degrees, and Graduate Level Certificates and Diplomas as of April 1, 2019

The following credentials are eligible under the Alberta Opportunity Stream: Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s degree, Doctoral degree and graduate Level Certificate and Diploma credentials if completed at one of the following Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary institutions.

Institution Name Website
Alberta College of Art and Design https://www.acad.ca
Ambrose University https://ambrose.edu
Burman University https://www.burmanu.ca
Concordia University of Edmonton https://concordia.ab.ca
Grant MacEwan University https://www.macewan.ca/wcm/index.htm
King’s University https://www.kingsu.ca
Lakeland College https://www.lakelandcollege.ca
Lethbridge College https://lethbridgecollege.ca
Medicine Hat College https://www.mhc.ab.ca
Mount Royal University http://www.mtroyal.ca
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology http://www.nait.ca
Olds College http://www.oldscollege.ca
Red Deer College http://rdc.ab.ca
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology http://www.sait.ca
St. Mary’s University https://www.stmu.ca
University of Alberta https://www.ualberta.ca
University of Calgary http://www.ucalgary.ca
University of Lethbridge https://www.uleth.ca

For information on Programs available at each eligible Post-Secondary Institution, please visit the Institution’s website.

Alberta Opportunity Stream : list of Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary credentials for post-graduation work permit holders (Updated: November 2018).

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Post-Graduation Work Permit holders - AOS 2019

If you are admitted and enrolled in your Alberta credential program on or after April 1, 2019 and you completed an Advanced Education-approved one year post-graduate certificate, your occupation must also be related to your previous undergraduate or graduate field of study outside Canada.

In addition to occupations on the list above, Post-Graduation Work Permit holders are not eligible to apply to the Alberta Opportunity Stream if their occupation is on the Government of Canada’s list of high-wage and low-wage occupations in the province of Alberta. These occupations are not in demand in Alberta and can be filled by Albertans and Canadians.

Post-Graduation Work Permit Holders must review both ineligible occupation lists to determine occupation eligibility.

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