加拿大纽芬兰省留学移民政策 - 2019飞出国


  • 至少完成一半加拿大学业;
  • 毕业于合格的加拿大公立学院或大学(申请时需提交毕业证明);
  • 完成至少2年的全日制文凭或学位课程,或完成一年的研究生学位课程及证书课程;
  • 获得合格NL雇主给予的至少2年的全职工作或工作offer,薪水及福利需符合NL省就业及现行工资标准;
  • 年龄21-59岁;
  • 具备工作所需的资格、培训、技能和认证;
  • 持有IRCC授予的毕业生工作许可,提交申请之时毕业生工作许可必须在6个月有效期之内;
  • 有在NL省长期居住的能力和意愿;
  • 有足够的安家资金及财政来源以支持自己及家人在NL的生活;
  • 具备能够胜任工作的英语或法语能力;
  • 如申请人是在NL省以外的被认可的高等教育机构完成的学业,则需职业与专业相关,为雇主工作至少1年后才可提交申请。

International Graduate

This category is for recent graduates who have a Post-Graduate Work Permit and a job or job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer. For information about other categories and immigration programs, be sure to review the Guide to Immigration in Newfoundland and Labrador Opens in new window.

NEW: If you hold a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP), you may be eligible for the Express Entry Skilled Worker Category, if you are accepted into Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s Express Entry pool. You should also obtain a valid Express Entry key code and job seeker validation code to accompany your application.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Completed at least half of your studies in Canada.
  • Graduated from an eligible publicly funded Canadian college or university (students must send proof of graduation with their application);
  • Completed a minimum of a two-year diploma or degree program, while studying on a full-time basis. One-year post-graduate degree programs and certificate programs which require a previous degree or diploma (which may have been obtained abroad), are also eligible.
  • A full-time job or job offer. The job or job offer should be for at least two years with the possibility of extension, from an eligible Newfoundland and Labrador employer. Pay should be in the form of a salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates. Contractual or locum positions (short-term positions usually less than twelve (12) months in duration with little or no possibility of extension) are not eligible for the NLPNP.
  • Be 21 to 59 years old
  • Qualifications, training, skills, and/or accreditation required for the job;
  • Have an Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Post-Graduate Work Permit. Work permits that are submitted with the PNP application must have duration of six months remaining prior to expiry date.
  • The intention and ability to settle permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Sufficient settlement funds and financial resources to successfully establish yourself and any dependents in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  • Sufficient English or French language capability to perform the employment duties. If you are nominated in an occupation classified in NOC C or D you will have to meet Minimum Language Requirements. Note that NOC D positions are not normally considered under the International Graduate category.
  • If you completed your studies at a recognized post-secondary institute outside of Newfoundland and Labrador, your job or job offer must be related to your field of study. You also may be required to work for a minimum of 1 year prior to submission of your PNP application.