加拿大安省留学移民政策 - 2019飞出国



  • 持有合格安省雇主给予的全职、长期工作offer,职业类别属于NOC 0、A或B类;
  • 薪资符合安省行业或地区最低薪资标准;
  • 满足以下学习要求:
    • 通过至少2年的全日制学习获得加拿大合格教育机构颁发的学位或文凭;
    • 以获得学位为先决条件,通过至少1年的全日制学习获得加拿大合格教育机构颁发的学位、文凭或证书;
  • 在加拿大合法居住和学习期间,至少完成了一半的全日制学习;
  • 在完成所有学位、文凭或证书要求之日(即教育证书上的日期或教育机构正式信函中说明的证书授予日期)起2年内申请;
  • 有在安省居住的意愿;
  • 当前如在加拿大境内,需具备合法身份(如持有学习许可、工作学科或访问签证)。


  • 申请人和/或其家人不得在雇主的企业中持有股份,除非是作为雇员报酬的一部分获得的,并且该股份不得超过总额的10%;
  • 雇主已积极经营该企业至少三年;
  • 在安省具备办公场所;
  • 遵守“安省就业标准法”和“职业健康和安全法”;
  • 位于大多伦多地区的雇主需满足:
    • 最近一个财年的年度总收入至少为100万加币;并且
    • 企业员工至少有5个加拿大公民或永居居民;
  • 位于大多伦多以外地区的雇主需满足:
    • 最近一个财年的年度总收入至少为50万加币;并且
    • 企业员工至少有3个加拿大公民或永久居民。

Who Can Apply?

To be eligible to apply under the Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream, you must have a job offer from an eligible Ontario employer that meets the following criteria:

  • Is a full-time job offer of an indeterminate duration in a skilled occupation (NOC 0, A or B), and
  • Meets the low wage level in Ontario for that occupation and region.

As an international student, you must also:

  • Have completed the requirements necessary to obtain:
    • a degree or diploma from an eligible Canadian institution that takes at least two years to complete if pursued on a full-time basis; or
    • a degree, diploma or certificate from an eligible Canadian institution that takes at least one year to complete if pursued on a full-time basis and that requires the completion of a degree as a prerequisite.
  • Have completed at least half of your studies on a full-time basis while lawfully residing and studying in Canada.
  • Apply within two years from the date on which you completed all degree, diploma or certificate requirements. For OINP purposes, this will be the date on your education credential, or if your credential has not yet been granted, the date on your official letter from your academic institution stating when your credential will be granted.
  • Have an intention to reside in Ontario.
  • Have legal status in Canada (i.e., study permit, work permit, visitor record) if currently residing in Canada. Not required if you are residing outside of Canada…

The OINP will not accept applications from international students in their final semester of studies. Applicants must have met all the degree, diploma or certificate requirements at the time of application

Please note: You (the applicant) and/or your family members must not hold or have held equity in the employer’s business, unless it was obtained as part of your remuneration as an employee and the total equity held by you and your family members is/was less than 10%.

In addition, your Ontario employer must meet the following criteria:

  • Have been in active business for at least three years .
  • Have business premises in Ontario where you will work.
  • Be in compliance with the Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act .
  • If you will be working inside of the Greater Toronto Area, your employer must have:
    • A minimum of $1,000,000 in gross annual revenue for the most recent fiscal year, and
    • Five full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the location where you will work.
  • If you will be working outside of the Greater Toronto Area, your employer must have:
    • A minimum of $500,000 in gross annual revenue for the most recent fiscal year, and
    • Three full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the location where you will work.


  • 教育:申请人必须在安省的合格教育机构,经过至少一学年的全日制学习,获得硕士学位(全日制学习指每周至少15小时的授课,包括作为学习内容的工作场所培训在内);
  • 语言要求:英语或法语达到CLB 7或以上的语言水平,可以被接受的语言考试包括G类IELTS、G类CELPIP以及TEF法语考试,考试成绩必须是提交申请前一年之内的;
  • 安省居住:申请人需证明在提交申请前2年内至少有1年(连续12个月)是居住在安省的;
  • 安家资金:申请人必须具备足够的资金和/或收入来支持自己与家人(无论随行与否)在安省的安家费用;
  • 在安省定居的打算:并可以通过以下内容证明与安省的联系:当前和/或过去安省工作、安省工作offer或工作申请/面试、安省教育、安省志愿者工作、安省租房合同或房产所有权、专门的社交网络和隶属关系、亲属联系、社交联系或人际关系、之前的安省访问;
  • 申请时居住:在提交申请之时申请人必须合法居住在安省或居住在海外,如居住在安省需具备有效的访问记录、工作许可或学习许可,或外国公民免签证;
  • 申请时段:申请人必须在获得硕士学位后两年之内向OINP提交申请。

Who Can Apply

To be eligible to apply for the Masters Graduate Stream , you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Education: Completed the requirements necessary to obtain a Master’s degree that is at least one academic year in length if pursued on a full-time basis, and from an eligible Ontario institution .

  2. Language: A minimum of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)

    • Level 7 (or above) in English, or
    • Level 7 (or above) in French
  1. Residency in Ontario: Demonstrate you have resided in Ontario for at least one year in the last two years before the application submission date.

  2. Settlement Funds: A minimum level of savings or income to support you and your family members.

  3. Intent: Intention to reside in Ontario.

  4. Residency at Time of Application: Must be residing in Ontario with legal status (i.e., study permit, work permit, visitor record) OR residing outside of Canada. If you currently live in Canada, but outside of Ontario, you do not qualify.

  5. Eligibility Period: Must apply within two years of completing the requirements necessary to obtain your Master’s degree. For OINP purposes, this will be the date on your degree, or if your degree has not yet been granted, the date on your official letter from your academic institution stating when your degree will be granted.


  • 教育:申请人必须在安省的合格教育机构,经过至少两学年的学习,获得博士学位,学习期间合法居住在安省;
  • 安省居住:申请人需证明在提交申请前2年内至少有1年(连续12个月)是居住在安省的;
  • 安家资金:申请人必须具备足够的资金和/或收入来支持自己与家人(无论随行与否)在安省的安家费用;
  • 在安省定居的打算:并可以通过以下内容证明与安省的联系:当前和/或过去安省工作、安省工作offer或工作申请/面试、安省教育、安省志愿者工作、安省租房合同或房产所有权、专门的社交网络和隶属关系、亲属联系、社交联系或人际关系、之前的安省访问;
  • 申请时居住:在提交申请之时申请人必须合法居住在安省或居住在海外,如居住在安省需具备有效的访问记录、工作许可或学习许可,或外国公民免签证;
  • 申请时段:申请人必须在获得博士学位后两年之内向OINP提交申请。

Who Can Apply

To be eligible to apply for the PhD Graduate Stream , you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Education: Completed the requirements necessary to obtain a PhD degree from an eligible Ontario institution and have completed at least two years of the degree requirements while lawfully living and studying in Ontario.

  2. Residency in Ontario: Demonstrate you have resided in Ontario for at least one year in the last two years before the application submission date.

  3. Settlement Funds: A minimum level of savings or income to support you and your family members.

  4. Intent: Intention to reside in Ontario.

  5. Eligibility Period: Must apply within two years of completing the requirements necessary to obtain your PhD degree. For OINP purposes, this will be the date on your degree, or if your degree has not yet been granted, the date on your official letter from your academic institution stating when your degree will be granted.

  6. Legal Status in Canada (if applicable): Must have legal status in Canada (i.e., study permit, work permit, visitor record) if currently residing in Canada. Not required if you are residing outside of Canada.