加拿大萨省留学移民政策 - 2019飞出国



  • 毕业于被认可的萨省高等教育机构,并获得证书、文凭或学位;
  • 已在萨省从事带薪工作至少六个月(或960小时),被认可的萨省工作经验包括:校内工作、校外工作、团队工作、被教育机构认可的研究生带薪工作、持毕业生工签从事的工作;
  • 当前持有IRCC授予的有效毕业生工作许可;
  • 当前持有萨省雇主长期、全职、与专业相关的工作offer;
  • 职业类别属于NOC 0、A或B类,或为指定行业职业,或与专业相关并要求高等教育学历;
  • 持有有效的萨省JAL;
  • 如职业类别属于C类,需达到最低CLB 4的语言要求。


  • 毕业于加拿大萨省以外其他地区被认可的高等教育机构,完成至少一学年(8个月)学习后获得证书、文凭或学位;
  • 已向IRCC申请并获得有效的毕业生工作许可;
  • 毕业后持毕业生工作许可已在萨省连续从事带薪工作至少六个月(至少960小时),职位与所学专业相关;
  • 当前持有萨省雇主长期、全职、与专业相关的工作offer;
  • 职业类别属于NOC 0、A或B类,或为指定行业职业,或与专业相关并要求高等教育学历;
  • 持有有效的萨省JAL;
  • 如职业类别属于C类,需达到最低CLB 4的语言要求。


Students who have graduated from a Saskatchewan institute

You may qualify in this sub-category if:

  • You’ve graduated from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Saskatchewan with:

    • A certificate;
    • A diploma; or
    • A degree.
  • You’ve worked for a minimum of 6 months (or 960 hours) of paid employment in Saskatchewan.

    • Eligible types of work experience in Saskatchewan include:
      • On- campus;
      • Off-campus;
      • Co-op terms;
      • Graduate fellowships that can be verified by your institution; and
      • Work experience gained on a post-graduate work permit.
  • You currently hold a valid post-graduation work permit from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

  • You have a current, permanent, full-time job offer in your field of study from a Saskatchewan employer. The job should be:

    • In an occupation in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) Matrix level “A”, “B”, “0” or
    • In a designated trade, or
    • A job offer that is related to your field of study and requires post-secondary education.
      • Food and Beverage Servers/Persons must apply under the Hospitality Sector Project sub-category.
  • You have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.

  • You must have a minimum language score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 if your job offer is in a NOC “C” occupation.

Students who have graduated from an institute in Canada

You may qualify in this sub-category if:

  • You’ve graduated from a program equivalent to at least one academic year (8 months) of full-time study from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Canada (outside of Saskatchewan) with:
    • A certificate;
    • A diploma; or
    • A degree
  • You’ve applied for, and received a valid post-graduation work permit from IRCC.
  • You’ve worked after graduation with a post-grad work permit for at least six consecutive months (minimum 960 hours) of paid employment in Saskatchewan in a position related to your field of study.
    • Eligible types of work experience in Saskatchewan include work experience gained on a post-graduate work permit.
  • You have a current, permanent, full-time job offer in your field of study from a Saskatchewan employer. The job should be:
    • In an occupation in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) Matrix level “A”, “B”, “0” or
    • In a designated trade, or
    • A job offer that is related to your field of study and requires post-secondary education.
      • Food and Beverage Servers/Persons must apply under the Hospitality Sector Project sub-category.
  • You have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
  • You must have a minimum language score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 if your job offer is in a NOC ‘C’ occupation.