2019年新西兰技术移民雇主offer要求-SMC Skilled employment

新西兰技能雇佣 - SMC Skilled employment - 飞出国 2019

飞出国:新西兰技能雇佣(Skilled employment)基于 ANZSCO 描述来判断申请人是否符合该岗位,移民官会看申请人的专业、工作经验和雇主offer里的岗位职责是否符合 ANZSCO 里对应职业的要求。

然后就是满足薪水要求,Skill Level 4,5 的要比 Skill Level 1,2,3 的高出50%。

Skilled employment - SMC 2019

Employment that you need specialist, technical or management expertise to do.

We assess your employment as skilled if it meets one of these requirements.

  • It is described in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), as a skill level 1, 2 or 3 occupation, it substantially matches the ANZSCO description of that occupation and pays NZD $25.00 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more, or
  • It is described in the ANZSCO as a skill level 4 or 5 occupation, it substantially matches the ANZSCO description of that occupation and pays NZD $37.50 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more, or
  • It has no corresponding description in the ANZSCO and pays NZD $37.50 per hour (or equivalent annual salary) or more.

You’ll need to find the closest matching ANZSCO occupation for your current job or job offer. You must also be suitably qualified for the employment — your training and/or experience requirements must correspond to the skill level of your occupation.

ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3

If your employment is ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3 you must be qualified in one of the following ways:

  • you have a relevant recognised qualification at or above the level described in the ANZSCO, or
  • you have the relevant work experience that ANZSCO states will substitute for a formal qualification (for any skill level 1 occupation you can substitute the qualification specified by the ANZSCO with 5 years of work experience, even if the ANZSCO does not state this), or
  • your occupation is included on the Long Term Skill Shortage List and you meet its requirements, or
  • your employment requires occupational registration in New Zealand by law and you hold full or provisional registration for your occupation.

Long Term Skill Shortage List

ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5, or not in ANZSCO

If your employment is ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5, or your employment does not have a corresponding description in the ANZSCO, you must be qualified in one of the following ways:

  • you have a relevant recognised qualification at or above level 4 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, or a level 3 qualification included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment, or
  • you have at least 3 years of relevant work experience, or
  • your occupation is included on the Long Term Skill Shortage List and you meet its requirements, or
  • your employment requires occupational registration in New Zealand by law and you hold full or provisional registration for your occupation.

List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment

Long Term Skill Shortage List

High remuneration threshold

Remuneration at or above NZD $50.00 per hour (or the equivalent annual salary) which is:

  • genuine;
  • ongoing; and
  • able to be sustained by your employer.

荷兰库拉索移民 适合技术移民无望或技术移民遥遥无期的高知中产阶层人群。一套提供持续较高收益的国际房产(酒店公寓),一个说走就走的国际身份(无移民监),一个中产阶层与欧洲强国护照最接近的移民项目(荷兰护照)。飞出国已经推出荷兰库拉索和荷兰KM捆绑的模式,适合马上就要去荷兰定居的人群。

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