加拿大留学生打工政策 May I work while I am studying

加拿大留学生工作许可 - 飞出国

通过体检(medical exam)后,留学生可以从事各类工作,否则不能从事健康卫生,农业等职业。

入读加拿大移民部认可的全日制专上课程后(post-secondary DLI )可以在校内合法打工,不需要工作许可。


Work while you study, help your spouse or common-law partner get a work permit while you study, work temporarily or stay permanently in Canada after you graduate as an international student.

May I work while I am studying?

As an international student you may work provided that you meet certain eligibility requirements. In most cases, you need a work permit.

There are some restrictions on the jobs you can take based on the following medical factors:

  • If you have already passed a medical exam, you may work in any type of job;
  • If you intend to work in an occupation in which the protection of public health is essential, you must pass a medical exam.
  • If you want to work in agricultural occupations and you have visited or lived in a designated country or territory for more than six months during the past year, you must pass a medical exam.

For more information, consult our website .

May I work on campus without a work permit?

As long as you have a valid study permit and are a full-time student enrolled at a post-secondary DLI (university, community college, collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CÉGEP), publicly funded trade or technical school, or private institutions authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees), you may work on campus. The employer may be either the school or private contractor operating on campus.

May I work off campus without a work permit?

You are allowed to work off campus without a work permit for up to 20 hours a week during a regular academic session and full time during regularly scheduled breaks, provided that:

  • you hold a valid study permit;
  • you are a full-time student enrolled at a designated learning institution;
  • the program in which you are enrolled is a post-secondary academic, vocational or professional training program, or a vocational training program at the secondary level offered in Quebec;
  • the program of study is at least six months or more in duration and one that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate; and
  • you continue to fulfill the terms and conditions of your study permit, as well as the conditions to engage in off campus work (e.g., work no more than 20 hours a week during a regular academic session).

For more information, consult the List of participating institutions: Off campus work permit for international students.

May I work as part of a co-op or internship program?

International students may work as part of a co-op program only if work is an essential part of an academic, professional or vocational training program offered by a DLI.

To be able to work, you will need a co-op work permit.

Important information:

If you are studying English or French as a second language (ESL or FSL) or participating in general interest or preparatory courses, you are not eligible for a co-op work permit.


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
