阿省留学生移民政策 2018 AINP AOS for Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) holder


2018年11月30日,阿省移民新政中的指定院校清单要求延期到2019年4月1日: 2019年阿省留学移民认可的专业列表 Alberta Opportunity Stream : list of Alberta Advanced Education approved post-secondary credentials for post-graduation work permit holders (Updated: November 2018)

November 30, 2018 – The date the Alberta Opportunity Stream List of Alberta Advanced Education Approved Post-Secondary Credentials goes into effect for Post-Graduate Work Permit holders has been extended to April 1, 2019.

2018年11月1日起,AOS 2018年阿省移民新政中规定的最低收入要求被取消,之前要求是3口之家申请人的工作收入要达到3.8万加币年薪收入。

The income threshold requirement was removed as of November 1, 2018. If you submitted an AOS application prior to November 1, 2018, the income threshold criteria will not be applied to your application. You will not be required to meet the minimum income threshold to be eligible for nomination under this stream but you will need to meet all other criteria that were in place at the time that you applied. After candidates have been nominated, the federal government will determine whether candidates are able to support themselves and their families over the long term.

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