Qsw 魁北克技术移民申请2016年配额为10000人次,分两次开放


第二批申请开放时间待定(推测:如果系统一切正常,很可能8月份放开第二批),配额为5000人;mon projet 在第一批次申请结束后可以做新的注册。

Accordingly, applicants who have already created their Mon projet Québec account may submit their application between June 13 and 20, 2016. The maximum number of applications to be received during this period will be raised to 5,000.

When this number is reached, applicants who do not have an account may create one with a view to the next intake period. During this second period, the dates of which will be established later, the Ministère will also receive 5,000 applications.

有 job offer 的还是不设限。

Applicants who have a job offer validated by the Ministère or who are temporary residents in Québec and authorized to present an application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec may do so at any time. Mon projet Québec will be available for these applicants starting on February 29, 2016, at 1 p.m. (Montréal time). Those who already have an account may submit their application online, while those without an account are asked to call 514-864-9191. A customer service agent will tell them what steps to take.

魁北克技术移民增加到 10000 个配额,5000 配额6月第三周开放,剩余 5000 配额开放时间未定。

Maximum number of applications

number of
  • Investors
The maximum number
of 1,750 applications that can
be received has
been attained*
Period finished
  • Entrepreneurs
The maximum number
of 150 applications that can
be received has
been attained*
Period finished
  • Self-employed
The maximum number
of 50 applications that can
be received has
been attained
Period finished
Permanent workers** The maximum number of
3500 applications to
be received in print version
has been attained
Period finished




June 13-20, 2016


Application intake period
will be established later

魁北克技术移民 mon project 暂时还不能注册新账号。

Mon projet Québec: your access to immigration services online

Please note that it is not possible to create a new account at the moment.