加拿大留学资金要求 Proof of your financial situation - Regular Stream

加拿大留学存款证明要求 - 飞出国2019加拿大留学常规类别

飞出国: SDS 学习直入计划, 加拿大留学签证特殊类别 Student Direct Stream 类别要求提前支付一年学费并提供10000加币的 GIS 担保资金对资金证明没有严格要求。

留学资金要求:对传统类别(Regular Stream)的留学申请,需要提供财政状态证明来保证学生可以覆盖留学加拿大期间的学费,生活费及日常杂费(包括旅行费用),每年提供4年加币左右的存款证明比较合适,例如如果留学3年,应该提供60万人民币左右的存款(每年3-4万,20万人民币左右)。

有效资金证明包括 - 飞出国:

  • 自己,配偶,父母提供的有6个月历史的银行流水或定期存款
  • 对已经在加拿大工作的提供加拿大报税证明及雇主推荐信,自雇声明或企业收入
  • 对第三方提供资助的,提供第三方的财务状况证明
  • 提供奖学金,助学金,公费基金支持等证明
  • 提供已经支付学费的证明(如果有)


Proof of your financial situation Include:

  • Your own, your spouse, or your parents’ financial documents such as bank records for the past 6 months (bank books and statements) or fixed deposits AND
  • Your own, your spouse, or your parents’ income tax documents (Notice of Assessment [NOA] if someone lives in Canada) with employment reference letters indicating earnings or evidence of self-employment or business income.

If applicable, also provide:

  • If you receive assistance from anyone else: Provide a letter from them explaining why they are funding your studies. Provide evidence of relationship to you, if applicable. Also include:
    • Your supporter’s financial documents such as bank records for the past 6 months (bank books and statements) or fixed deposits AND
    • Their income tax documents (NOA if someone lives in Canada) with employment reference letters indicating earnings or evidence of self-employed or business income.
  • If you are receiving a scholarship or any financial assistance from the school or award from a government or other funding agency, present evidence on official letterhead stating the full amount of the award, its duration and any governing conditions.
  • If you already paid some tuition fees, provide evidence of payment.

The evidence provided must minimally establish that you have sufficient funds to cover your travel, first year tuition fees and expenses while in Canada (as well as costs for your dependents, if applicable).


需要获得相关移民及出国签证申请帮助可以通过微信联系飞出国(flyabroad_hk): http://flyabroad.me/contact/
