安省硕士毕业生类别申请要求及材料 (OINP HUMAN CAPITAL - International Masters Graduate )

OINP 安省硕士毕业生类别不要求申请人获得安省当地 job offer,只需要在满足 OINP Masters Gradeuates Stream 类别要求的安省院校里全日制读书一年,近2年在安省定居1年以上,当前居住在安省,毕业没有超过2年,语言达到 CLB 7(雅思4个6),就可以申请,申请人需要满足加拿大联邦 Express Entry 定义的资金要求,同时不能是难民和公费留学后需要回国的留学毕业生。申请费 1500 加币,2017年2月该类别将重新开放申请并使用在线系统。

Number of
Family Members
Funds Required
(in Canadian dollars)
1 $12,300
2 $15,312
3 $18,825
4 $22,856
5 $25,923
6 $29,236
7 or more $32,550

OINP - Masters Graduates Stream - Who can apply?

To be eligible to apply as a Masters Graduate, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • have graduated or have met degree requirements from a Masters Degree program that is at least one academic year, completed full-time at an eligible publicly-funded university in Ontario,
  • applying within two years of the date on which their Masters Degree was granted,
  • have legal status in Canada (i.e. study permit, work permit, visitor record),
  • currently reside in Ontario,
  • intends to live and work in Ontario,
  • demonstrate high official language proficiency equivalent to Canadian Language Benchmark 7
    • Demonstrated through the following International English Language Testing (IELTS) General Test scores and Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF) scores in each language competency:
    • Listening: IELTS 6 or TEF 249-279
    • Reading: IELTS 6 or TEF 207-232
    • Writing: IELTS 6 or TEF 310-348
    • Speaking: IELTS 6 or TEF 310-348,
  • demonstrate a minimum level of savings/income to support themselves and their dependents,
  • demonstrate at least 12 cumulative months of residence in Ontario in the 24 months prior to the submission of the application, and
  • must not be intending to pursue further academic studies in Ontario.

OINP will not accept applications from International Students in their final semester of studies. Applicants must have met all the degree requirements at the time of application.

Refugee claimants with an application to remain in Canada that is pending are not eligible to apply for OINP. A refugee claimant whose claim has been rejected, abandoned or withdrawn must exit Canada prior to applying for OINP. Refugee claimants may only apply to OINP once they have left Canada.

International students subsidized through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) grants or home country scholarship with return obligations will not be eligible for Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program unless such obligations have been fulfilled.

Prospective nominees applying under the Masters Graduate stream can apply without a job offer. Applicants can send nominee applications directly to OINP.

The application fee for Masters Graduates is $1500. This fee must be included in the nominee application package.

OINP no longer accepts incomplete nominee applications, and will return them to applicants. In cases where OINP returns incomplete applications to applicants, OINP will also return the enclosed application fees.