开创历史!加拿大OINP安省公布EE-Human Capital技能优先类别邀请人数及分数

2018年1月23日,加拿大安省公布EE-Human Capital技能优先类别邀请人数及分数。在2018年1月1日至1月19日这个区间提交的EE候选人中,有340人收到邀请,CRS分数区间为440-446分。

January 23, 2018

Express Entry – Human Capital Priorities Notification of Interest

Please be advised that the OINP has commenced issuing NOIs under the HCP stream. Following the issuance of NOIs, the OINP will post on its website a program update informing stakeholders of the methodology used to issue NOIs.

The results of yesterday’s round are as follows:

Number of invitations issued: 340
Date and time of portal search: January 19, 2018 at 3:00 EST
CRS score range: 440 to 446
Date Express Entry profile submitted: January 1, 2018 to January 19, 2018

The OINP is managing the volume of applications to the HCP stream at this time. The OINP will be issuing NOIs on a regular basis to applicants, who at minimum, have a CRS of 400 and meet all eligibility criteria.

之前安省从来没有这样公开公布过邀请人数及邀请分数,此次消息公布无疑是开创了历史先河,这比单纯告知申请人CRS 400分以上即有机会收到邀请参考价值大很多。