44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员 Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces-FLYabroad NOC 2021

44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员 Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces-FLYabroad NOC

飞出国 NOC2021:44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员提供集体防御措施,以保护加拿大水域、陆地、领空和其他利益。他们在作战任务中进行突袭和伏击,在安全和稳定任务中进行巡逻和护送。他们还遵循加拿大陆军、加拿大皇家空军和加拿大皇家海军领导层制定的军事和战略政策。Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces provide collective defence measures to protect Canadian waters, land, air space and other interests. They conduct raids and ambushes in combat missions and conduct patrols and escorts in security and stability missions. They also follow the military and strategic policies established by the leadership of the Canadian Army, the Royal Canadian Airforce and the Royal Canadian Navy.

44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员示例职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 装甲士兵 - 加拿大军队 / Armoured soldier - Canadian Army
  • 步兵 / Infanteer
  • 步兵 / Infantry soldier
  • 士兵 - 加拿大军队 / Soldier - Canadian Army

44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员 主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC

44200 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:

  • 在紧急情况下提供援助,例如内乱、自然灾害和重大事故 / Provide assistance in emergency situations, such as civil disorder, natural disasters and major accidents
  • 操作装甲车、火炮、手持武器和其他军事作战装备和防御系统 / Operate armoured vehicles, artillery, hand-held weapons and other military combat equipment and defense systems
  • 为人道主义努力参与非战斗行动 / Engage in non-combat operations for humanitarian efforts
  • 参加演习和其他培训,为维和、战斗和自然灾害救援做准备 / Participate in drills and other training in preparation for peacekeeping, combat and natural disaster relief
  • 维护武器系统、车辆、生存装备和个人防御装备 / Maintain weapon systems, vehicles, survival gear and personal defensive equipment
  • 执行水下搜索和恢复操作 / Perform underwater search and recovery operations
  • 执行作战任务时,运用伪装隐匿、巡逻、攻击、防御、躲避等战术 / Use tactics of camouflage and concealment, patrol, attack, defense, and evasion when engaged in combat missions.

44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员就业要求 Employment requirements-FLYabroad NOC

  • 通常需要完成中学学业 / Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 提供三个月的基本军事训练 / Three months of basic military training are provided.
  • 提供军事设备和系统操作和维护方面的专业培训 / Specialized training in the operation and maintenance of military equipment and systems is provided.

44200 附加信息 Additional information

  • 随着他们在职业生涯中的进步,展示出所需能力和潜力的本单元组成员将接受高级培训 / As they progress in their careers, members of this unit group who demonstrate the required abilities and potential will be offered advanced training.

44200 排除 Exclusions

  • 加拿大武装部队的委任军官 (40042) / Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces (40042)
  • 加拿大武装部队的专业成员 (42102) / Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces (42102)
  • 加拿大武装部队行动成员 (43204) / Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces (43204)

44200 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗人员职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 一等水兵 - 加拿大皇家海军 / Able seaman - Royal Canadian Navy
  • 装甲防御炮手 / Armour defence gunner
  • 装甲士兵 - 加拿大军队 / Armoured soldier - Canadian Army
  • 炮兵 / Artillery soldier
  • 飞行员 - 加拿大皇家空军 (RCAF) / Aviator - Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
  • 步兵 / Infanteer
  • 步兵 / Infantry soldier
  • 普通海员 - 加拿大皇家海军 / Ordinary seaman - Royal Canadian Navy
  • 私人 - 加拿大军队 / Private - Canadian Army
  • 私人招募 - 加拿大军队 / Private recruit - Canadian Army
  • 士兵 - 加拿大军队 / Soldier - Canadian Army

NOC 2021 中英文对照版由飞出国整理完成,转载请注明出处。