21332 石油工程师 Petroleum engineers -FLYabroad NOC 2021

21332 石油工程师 Petroleum engineers -FLYabroad NOC

飞出国 NOC2021:21332 石油工程师对石油和天然气矿床的勘探、开发和开采进行研究;规划、设计、开发和监督油气井的钻井、完井、测试和改造项目。他们受雇于石油生产公司、咨询公司、测井或测试公司、政府以及研究和教育机构。Petroleum engineers conduct studies for the exploration, development and extraction of oil and gas deposits; and plan, design, develop and supervise projects for the drilling, completion, testing and re-working of oil and gas wells. They are employed by petroleum producing companies, consulting companies, well logging or testing companies, government, and research and educational institutions.

21332 石油工程师职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 油气钻井工程师 / Oil and gas drilling engineer
  • 油气生产工程师 / Oil and gas production engineer
  • 石油工程师 / Petroleum engineer
  • 油藏工程师 / Petroleum reservoir engineer
  • 石油完井工程师 / Petroleum well completion engineer
  • 海底工程师 / Subsea engineer

21332 石油工程师主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC

21332 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:

  • 进行开发新油气田的可行性评估研究 / Conduct feasibility assessment studies for developing new oil and gas fields
  • 指导和监控石油和天然气钻井作业 / Direct and monitor oil and gas drilling operations
  • 制定钻井计划、选择地点并指定钻井液、钻头选择、钻杆测试程序和设备 / Develop drilling programs, select sites and specify drilling fluids, bit selection, drill stem testing procedures and equipment
  • 指导和监督完井和评价、试井和测井 / Direct and monitor the completion and evaluation of wells, well testing and well surveys
  • 设计和选择人工举升机械、井和地表生产设备和系统,并指定腐蚀控制和油气处理方案 / Design and select artificial lift machinery, and well and surface production equipment and systems, and specify programs for corrosion control and oil or gas treatment
  • 制定规范并监测和监督油井改造和增产计划,以最大限度地提高石油和天然气的采收率 / Develop specifications for and monitor and supervise well modification and stimulation programs to maximize oil and gas recovery
  • 分析储层岩石和流体数据以设计最佳采收方法并预测储层性能和储量 / Analyze reservoir rock and fluid data to design optimum recovery methods and to predict reservoir performance and reserves
  • 监测和预测油气藏性能并推荐可延长油井经济寿命的采油技术 / Monitor and forecast oil and gas reservoir performance and recommend oil recovery techniques which extend the economic life of wells
  • 设计、开发和协调海底井口和生产设备的安装、维护和操作 / Design, develop and coordinate the installation, maintenance and operation of subsea well-head and production equipment.

21332 石油工程师就业要求 Employment requirements -FLYabroad NOC

  • 需要石油工程或相关工程学科的学士学位 / A bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering or in a related engineering discipline is required.
  • 可能需要相关工程学科的硕士学位或博士学位 / A master’s degree or doctorate in a related engineering discipline may be required.
  • 批准工程图纸和报告并作为专业工程师 (P.Eng.) 执业需要获得省或地区专业工程师协会的许可 / Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
  • 工程师在从认可的教育项目毕业后,经过三到四年的工程监督工作经验并通过专业实践考试后,才有资格注册 / Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.

21332 附加信息 Additional information

  • 较低级别的石油工程专业之间存在流动性 / There is mobility between petroleum engineering specializations at the less senior levels.
  • 本单元组的主管和高级职位需要经验 / Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.
  • 工程师通常在多学科环境中工作,并通过工作经验获得知识和技能,使他们能够在科学、工程、销售、营销或管理的相关领域进行实践 / Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.
  • 石油工程师可能专门从事钻探、生产、油藏分析或海底作业 / Petroleum engineers may specialize in drilling, production, reservoir analysis or subsea operations.

21332 排除 Exclusions

  • 化学工程师 (21320) / Chemical engineers (21320)
  • 承包商和监督员,石油和天然气钻井和服务(82021) / Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services (82021)
  • 工程经理 (20010) / Engineering managers (20010)
  • 地质工程师 (21331) / Geological engineers (21331)
  • 地球科学家和海洋学家 (21102) / Geoscientists and oceanographers (21102)

21332 石油工程师职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 石油总工程师 / Chief petroleum engineer
  • 钻采总工程师 / Drilling and recovery chief engineer
  • 钻采石油工程师 / Drilling and recovery petroleum engineer
  • 开发工程师——石油和天然气 / Exploitation engineer - oil and gas
  • 开采工程师-石油 / Exploitation engineer - petroleum
  • 泥浆工程师 / Mud engineer
  • 泥浆工程师-石油钻井 / Mud engineer - petroleum drilling
  • 天然气工程师 / Natural gas engineer
  • 海上钻井工程师 / Offshore drilling engineer
  • 海上钻机海底设备工程师 / Offshore drilling rig subsea equipment engineer
  • 油气钻井工程师 / Oil and gas drilling engineer
  • 油气生产工程师 / Oil and gas production engineer
  • 油井测井工程师 / Oil well logging engineer
  • 石油工程师 / Petroleum engineer
  • 石油生产工程师 / Petroleum production engineer
  • 油藏工程师 / Petroleum reservoir engineer
  • 石油完井工程师 / Petroleum well completion engineer
  • 海底工程师 / Subsea engineer
  • 测井工程师 / Well logging engineer