21322 冶金和材料工程师 Metallurgical and materials engineers -FLYabroad NOC 2021

21322 冶金和材料工程师 Metallurgical and materials engineers - FLYabroad NOC

飞出国 NOC2021:21322 冶金和材料工程师对金属和其他非金属材料的性质和特性进行研究,并规划、设计和开发机械和工艺来浓缩、提取、精炼和加工金属、合金和其他材料,如陶瓷、半导体和复合材料.他们受雇于咨询工程公司、采矿、金属加工和制造公司,以及政府、研究和教育机构。Metallurgical and materials engineers conduct studies of the properties and characteristics of metals and other non-metallic materials and plan, design and develop machinery and processes to concentrate, extract, refine and process metals, alloys and other materials such as ceramics, semiconductors and composite materials. They are employed in consulting engineering firms, mining, metal processing and manufacturing companies, and in government, research and educational institutions.

21322 冶金和材料工程师示例职业名称 - 飞出国 Example titles-FLYabroad NOC

  • 陶瓷工程师 / Ceramics engineer
  • 腐蚀工程师 / Corrosion engineer
  • 电冶金工程师 / Electrometallurgical engineer
  • 铸造工程师 / Foundry engineer
  • 湿法冶金工程师 / Hydrometallurgical engineer
  • 材料工程师 / Materials engineer
  • 冶金工程师 / Metallurgical engineer
  • 物理冶金工程师 / Physical metallurgical engineer
  • 火法冶金工程师 / Pyrometallurgical engineer
  • 焊接工程师 / Welding engineer

21322 冶金和材料工程师主要职责 Main duties-FLYabroad NOC

21322 该小组执行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:

  • 进行研究和设计,开发和指定从矿石中浓缩、提取、精炼和加工金属的工艺和机器 / Conduct studies and design, develop and specify the processes, and machinery to concentrate, extract, refine and process metals from ores
  • 对材料的特性和特性进行研究和设计,开发和指定金属、合金和金属系统、陶瓷、半导体和其他材料的成型、成型、成型和热处理工艺 / Conduct studies on the properties and characteristics of materials and design, develop and specify processes for moulding, shaping, forming and thermal treatment of metals, alloys and metallic systems, ceramics, semiconducting and other materials
  • 进行化学和物理分析研究、失效分析和其他研究,并推荐材料选择、材料设计、腐蚀控制措施、操作测试和其他程序 / Conduct chemical and physical analytical studies, failure analyses and other studies and recommend material selection, design of materials, corrosion control measures, operational testing and other procedures
  • 协调金属精炼、冶炼或铸造作业或非金属材料生产作业的生产测试和控制 / Coordinate production testing and control of metal refining, smelting or foundry operations or non-metallic materials production operations
  • 监督技术人员、技术人员和其他工程师和科学家 / Supervise technologists, technicians and other engineers and scientists.

21322 冶金和材料工程师就业要求 Employment requirements -FLYabroad NOC

  • 要求具有冶金、材料、陶瓷或化学工程或相关工程学科的学士学位 / A bachelor’s degree in metallurgical, materials, ceramic or chemical engineering or in a related engineering discipline is required.
  • 可能需要相关工程学科的硕士学位或博士学位 / A master’s degree or doctorate in a related engineering discipline may be required.
  • 批准工程图纸和报告并作为专业工程师 (P.Eng.) 执业需要获得省或地区专业工程师协会的许可 / Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
  • 工程师在从认可的教育项目毕业后,经过三到四年的工程监督工作经验并通过专业实践考试后,才有资格注册 / Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.

21322 附加信息 Additional information

  • 冶金工程师研究和开发用于从矿石中提取金属的新合金和系统;材料工程师研究和开发具有物理特性的新型非金属材料以满足特定要求 / Metallurgical engineers research and develop new alloys and systems for extracting metal from ores; materials engineers research and develop new non-metallic materials with physical characteristics to meet specific requirements.
  • 在较低级别的工程专业之间有相当大的流动性 / There is considerable mobility between engineering specializations at the less senior levels.
  • 本单元组的主管和高级职位需要经验 / Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.
  • 冶金和材料工程师与其他工程师和科学家密切合作,在某些专业领域之间可以流动 / Metallurgical and materials engineers work closely with other engineers and scientists and mobility is possible between some fields of specialization.
  • 工程师通常在多学科环境中工作,并通过工作经验获得知识和技能,使他们能够在科学、工程、销售、营销或管理的相关领域进行实践 / Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.

21322 排除 Exclusions

  • 化学工程师 (21320) / Chemical engineers (21320)
  • 化学家 (21101) / Chemists (21101)
  • 工程经理 (20010) / Engineering managers (20010)
  • 采矿工程师 (21330) / Mining engineers (21330)
  • 物理冶金学家;材料科学家(21109 物理科学的其他专业职业) / Physical metallurgist; materials scientist (in 21109 Other professional occupations in physical sciences)

21322 冶金和材料工程师职业名称 - 飞出国 All titles -FLYabroad NOC

  • 陶瓷工程师 / Ceramics engineer
  • 选煤咨询工程师 / Coal preparation consulting engineer
  • 腐蚀工程师 / Corrosion engineer
  • 电冶金工程师 / Electrometallurgical engineer
  • 采掘工程师 / Extractive engineer
  • 提炼冶金工程师 / Extractive metallurgy engineer
  • 铸造工程师 / Foundry engineer
  • 湿法冶金工程师 / Hydrometallurgical engineer
  • 材料工程师 / Materials engineer
  • 冶金工程师 / Metallurgical engineer
  • 物理冶金工程师 / Physical metallurgical engineer
  • 火法冶金工程师 / Pyrometallurgical engineer
  • 精炼和金属加工工程师 / Refining and metalworking engineer
  • 冶炼厂工程师 / Smelting plant engineer
  • 焊接工程师 / Welding engineer